
Naruto: Reborn as Mizuki

This is the story of when a man gets reincarnated as a B list Naruto Villain who can't do shit and is armed with nothing but his knowledge of the future. Try it why not

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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Hell Training

Four Weeks Ago

Every morning, Mizuki woke early, consuming a breakfast laced with a mild toxin to build resistance, then headed to the academy. After classes, he hurried to a secluded training ground in the forest to meet Old Man Kosuke.

The routine was grueling: basic exercises followed by intense sparring sessions. Mizuki struggled against Kosuke's short sword, forced to employ all his tricks and ninjutsu techniques, often ending up defeated but learning valuable lessons in combat.

Back to the Present

In class, Mizuki reflected on the past month's training with Old Man Kosuke, now continuing alone as Kosuke was called away on missions. His efforts had paid off: reduced chakra consumption, improved combat skills, and newfound proficiency in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and kenjutsu. Kosuke had even taught him two new techniques: Earth Style: Underground Move Jutsu (Rank C) and Leaf Ninja Art: Yanagi (Yin Release, Kenjutsu).

"I've learned the most under pressure," Mizuki thought, adjusting the toxin dosage in his breakfast to further enhance his resistance.

The bell rang, and Mizuki used Body Flicker to dash to the cafeteria, grabbing food and finding a seat. To his surprise, Obito and Rin joined him, recently recovered from the flu.

"Hey Obito, long time no see," Mizuki greeted.

"Where have you been all this time?" Obito asked.

"Training," Mizuki replied casually, noting Rin's presence.

"She's my childhood friend," Obito blushed.

"Nice to meet you, Rin," Mizuki said warmly.

After a quick lunch, Mizuki invited Obito to train with him. They met after class and headed to Mizuki's forest training ground.

"What do you want to work on first?" Mizuki asked.

"Fireball Jutsu," Obito suggested, demonstrating the hand seals.

For hours, they practiced tirelessly, moving on to taijutsu and basic physical conditioning until both were exhausted.

Seven Days Later

Days blurred into a routine of rigorous training—ninjutsu, taijutsu, and sparring—each pushing themselves to new limits. Mizuki marveled at Obito's rapid improvement, suspecting his Uchiha lineage played a role, while Mizuki's growth, though steady, felt slower due to familiarity with the training.

Decision to Advance

Lost in thought during class, Mizuki realized he needed a new challenge. Approaching his teacher, Mizuki learned he could move up to an advanced class by passing a written test and demonstrating his skills.

He passed the test effortlessly, showcasing his techniques like Substitution and Body Flicker Jutsu, earning his place in the advanced class.