
Naruto: Reborn As An Inuzuka... Kinda?

Alex used to be your regular, run of the mill guy. He spent most of his time in highschool and on his club, playing football (or soccer). One day he had to go search for a loose ball on the street, and just when he was about to catch it, Truck-sama sent him on the path of reincarnation. Now in the world of Naruto, owning the body of a young Inuzuka, Alex is no longer himself. His new identity is that of Ryota Inuzuka, an orphan of the Inuzuka clan. What will he do to survive this dangerous world, while still trying to enjoy his new life? ----------- This story IS NOT a Harem, so don't even mention it.

WooingTheStars · Komik
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52 Chs

Meeting Isobu

An entire month had gone by with me training in the Sage Arts, the only time I rested being the times I was sleeping and the weekly day I took to inform Yamato and Anko of my progress. I had to admit that I missed being at Konoha greatly, but I understood how important the training was. Luckily I didn't lack social interaction, or I would've classified this as torture rather than training.

Even though I still hadn't completely mastered entering and leaving Sage Mode at will, I coul still do it with ease if totally focused. My usage of Nature Transformation had come a long way, being capable of creating a lot more water and controlling it with a lot more finesse. I could also feel it a lot better, meaning that I should be able to break Isobu's current wall through a weak point. What I had mastered without doubt was the fighting style I was taught.

After merging it with the new techniques, I re-named my Preying Beast Style into the Raging Wolf Style. It was quite a simple concept, but it was also very strong. I covered my hand and feet with water spheres and shaped them into what I remembered as Beowulf from DMC 3. The thing about this technique was that I could shoot water projectiles in every hit and I wouldn't run out of water, since I could absorb more from the atmosphere while in Sage Mode. It was perfect to deal with cannon fodder, but not ideal for big targets.


[Name: Ryota Inuzuka Age: 13 Level: 55

STR: 559/560

AGI: 560/560

CHA: ?/560

<Taijutsu: Raging Wolf Style (NEW)>

<Sage Arts: Arekuruu Nagareru Tsume [1] - Odayakana Taihō [2] - Uzushio [3]> (NEW)]

Once again, my numeric growth wasn't that huge. Still, I was sure that now I could fight Orochimaru in a one on one and at least be on equal terms with him. All thank to the Sage Mode. While in it, my stats grew by around a 15%, which was a value of 84 taking my level's limit as the base number. I was pretty confident in dishing out as much power as Naruto with four tail released, and that was with my regular jutsus. If I were to use something like Uzushio, I was sure I could destroy a village. Of course, I would be so tired afterwards that even a kid might be able to kill me, but the Jutsu was there anyways.

Having recapped everything that I had achieved during the month long training, I was finally ready to face Isobu.

"Guremaru! We're leaving! Say goodbye to everyone!"


Appearing in a puff of smoke, I found Anko and Yamato resting in the camp. Our mission thankfully lead us to a lake, which meant that they could bathe regularly. As such, they didn't look like they were having a hard time. Besides, the days Guremaru and I came to give a report he dedicated himself to hunting for them, so they didn't have to really worry about food at all.

"Kiddo, you really done?"

Without answering Anko's question, I simply closed my eyes and focused on Nature. The similar feeling of being a part of everything came and, when I opened my eyes, I could see shock written on their faces. It was the first time I showed my Sage Mode to them.

"Remarkable. Being able to use Sage Mode at such a young age. I am sure Jiraiya-sama would be throwing a fit if he saw this"

Just imagining the Pervy Sage throwing a fit was disturbing enough, so I silently disregarded Yamato's comment while vocally thanking him for the praise.

"Ok, let's not waste more time than we already have!"

Without waiting for an answer on their part, I dived into the lake. My swimming speed was increased by leaps and bounds since now I could move with the undercurrents instead if through them. A neat trick that came with being able to feel Nature around you. Quickly, I arrived at the entrance to the cave. It was exactly the same way it had been before, blocked by the strongest current I had ever seen. Alas, this time I could feel it clearly. Every twist and turn of the water was visible to me and, as such, where to push through it.

Once Yamato arrived at the place, I got closer to the entrance and, covering my hand in Nature Energy, halted the flow of water. It was extremely hard to fight over control with Isobu, so I signaled Yamato to hurry and go through. I was feeling like a certain pair of demigods carrying the weight of heaven. It was understandable, though. Each Bijuu, bar Kurama, had gotten their control over an element from Nature herself as a gift when the Rikudou Sennin created them.

Once inside the cave, I was met with a sight to behold. The cave Isobu had locked himself into was humongous, though that wasn't the shocking part. It was it's beauty. Shining crystals of all colours covered the walls and ceiling of the cavern, giving it a surreal, almost ethereal look. Since the water was very clear, the reflection of those crystals gave way to a show of lights that might've caused a seizure in someone else, but I was entranced by it. Unluckily, I wasn't here to sightsee.

Looking at Yamato who was now examining the cave, I saw him signaling me towards an entrance big enough for Godzilla to go through. Moving towards it, I realized that it wasn our of the water. The entrance gave way to a long passage at the end of which we found another chamber and, inside it, Isobu himself, staring at me with his green eyes. I, none the wiser, had the brightest idea of my entire life.

"Hey, how you doing there?"

I received no answer besides a weird look from Yamato and the same stare from Isobu, but then I realized something that I should've noticed earlier.

'Why can't I feel any hostility?'


Arekuruu Nagareru Tsume [1]: Raging Flowing Claws. It's a stronger version of the regular Nagareru Tsume with more speed, more rotation, more water swords and it adds the particularity that the swords rotater in the opposite direction Ryota does.

Odayakana Taihō [2]: It is more a trap setting than an actual combat technique. It is a very compressed ball of water that explodes after a certain time. How compressed? Let's say it can erase a two story house from the face of earth and leave no evidence that it ever existed.

Uzushio [3]: Maelstrom. This is the most destructive technique Ryota can use currently and it consists on a fucking Maelstrom. It is big enough to destroy Konoha and if it swallows someone, bar those like Itachi or Orochimaru or shippuden Sasuke or Sage Naruto or blablabla, they might as well be dead. Say it swallows Deidara and Sasori, they dead. Gaara, Onoki, A would survive, though in a worse state. This technique drains Ryota of EVERYTHING he has, meaning that he won't be operable for at least a week.