
Naruto psycho 100

Zenryo · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Naruto psycho 100 chapter 2: Kurama rescue mission & mizuki plot

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto or

Mob psycho 100

Talking: "Mob"

Thinking: 'mob'

Progress bar: mobs progress: **%

2 week time skip:

Mob: "fight on, fight on." Mob just barely wheezed these words out as he struggled to even stay remotely close to Gai and Lee. Eventually mobs body could no longer take it and he collapsed. It's been two weeks since he started training with Gai and Lee in his spare time and this happened every time he joined them.

Gai: "congrats mob, you lasted an extra ten seconds, now that is most youthful!" Gai shouted as he and Lee continued to go on and on about youth.

Meanwhile in mobs mindscape:

Mob woke up in a completely blank space, mob looked around but only found emptiness, until he spotted two cages.

Mob looked into the first cage and found a bunch of colors swirling around and a line figure which appeared to resemble him.

For some reason mob found himself scared of this figure and walked to the other cage to see what appeared to be a giant fox with nine tails staring down at him.

Nine tailed fox: "so my host has decided to visit me."

Mob: "are you an evil spirit?"

Nine tails: "no you stupid brat."

Mob: "oh okay so then what are you?"

Nine tails: "I am the great Kyūbi, the strongest of the tailed beasts the-" mob ended up drowning out the foxes monologue to which the Kyūbi eventually noticed.

Kyūbi: "hey brat quit ignoring me!"

Mob: "sorry, so what did you want?"

Kyūbi: "hah, what do I want well I'd like for you to let me out of this stupid cage but I'm guessing that won't ha-"

The nine tails was interrupted as mob used his powers to break the cage freeing the nine tails before Minato could even stop him.

The nine tails was in complete shock however he quickly got over it.

Kyūbi: "Bahahaha foolish brat, now all I need to do is kill you and I can finally leave this."

The nine tails was stopped when suddenly a barrier appeared out of nowhere blocking him.

Mob: "why did you attack me? I didn't do anything to you."

Kyūbi: "shut it brat! I'm gonna kill you and take over your body."

Mobs progress: 75%

Mob: "I see, so you lied, you are an evil spirit."

Mob used his telekinesis to hold the Kyūbi however he quickly broke through it and swung its tails at mob breaking through his barrier and pushing him back.

Mobs progress: 80%

The nine tails blitzed him and swept him away with his claw. Kyūbi: "hah! You stupid brat, out of all of my hosts you are by far the most pathetic 85% you never use your power, your a failure in everything, you chase your pathetic brother like a dog 90% I bet those people you call friends are laughing behind your back right now 95% oh and don't get me started on that ramen girl. You've been chasing her around like a dog this entire time, an emotionless corpse of a person like you could never be cared about, oh and don't get me started on that so called mas."

Mobs progress: 100% rage

Suddenly the cage next to the Kyūbi's cage began to leak energy which flowed directly into Mob surrounding him with a blue aura. Suddenly the Kyūbi found itself being flung away as he hit the wall of his cage.

Mob: "it's a good thing your an evil spirit and it's even better that there's nobody close by. It means I don't have to hold back."

The nine tails looked at mob in shock, he didn't think mob was capable of using this much power while he's still conscious.

Kyūbi: "so what? I'll still kill you!" The Kyūbi is about to shoot a bijū bomb however mob suddenly appears in front of him and uses his telekinesis to hold his snout shut, he then proceeds to grab the nine tails by its fur and starts throwing it around like a rag doll until the fur comes off.

Mob: "you better apologize for what you just said or else you're gonna regret it."

However the moment mob gets close the Kyūbi shoots up and fires off a point blank bijū bomb at full power before jumping back.

Kyūbi: "hah! Take that you arrogant-"

The Kyūbi was interrupted as the smoke dispersed to reveal an unharmed mob who absorbed the bijū bomb, and with a fist enhanced with his powers. Mob punches the Kyūbi with all of his strength causing it to go flying out of the cage and skidding across his mindscape until he finally came to a stop.

The Kyūbi got up and said "what the hell are?"

The Kyūbi was cut off as mob appeared in front of him and touched him with two fingers "I'm terrible." The Kyūbi ended up exploding and with that mob exited his mindscape to find himself at home.

Mikoto: "hey Shige."

Mob: "mom what happened?"

Mikoto: "well it looks like you overworked yourself again while training so Gai had to drop you off."

Mob: "oh okay, sorry to worry you."

Mikoto: "oh don't worry about it, it's good to see you working so hard, I'm proud of you."

Mobs eyes lit up and Mikoto smiled at him before leaving the room.

Mob smiled to himself as he fell back into his bed.

Mobs progress: 0%

Chibi Kyūbi: "hey brat how's it going."

Mobs progress: 35%

Mob sat there for a few seconds contemplating what he was seeing before grabbing the Kyūbi's tails and using them to fling him around. Kyūbi: "Hey You Stupid Brat Quit Flinging Me Around!!" Mob stopped flinging him around and said. "Sorry, I wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming." Kyūbi: "when you think that you're supposed to pinch your cheek not slam me around."

Mob: "so who are you?" Kyūbi: "are you serious? I am the man mighty Kyūbi the strongest of the tai-"

Mob: "oh so your that evil spirit from yesterday, guess you didn't completely disappear." Mob held out his hand ready to erase him.

Kyūbi: "wait brat! Hold on! Don't erase me, I'm not an evil spirit!" Mob: "huh? You aren't?"

Kyūbi: "of course I'm not!" Mob: "well then what are you?" Kyūbi: "I am the mighty Kyūbi! The strongest of the tailed beasts." Mob: "what are those?" Kyūbi: "are you kidding me? How could you not know? Don't they teach you this shit in class?" Mob: "I may have slept through that class." Mob scratched his chin as he nervously sweated.

Kyūbi: "ugh, well basically a tailed beast is a giant manifestation of chakra which has taken on a form as well as a personality."

Mob: "oh so basically your an evil spirit that's made out of chakra." Kyūbi: "exa-wait no! I'm nothing like those pathetic creatures!"

And so, after a long discussion about the differences between the tailed beasts and an evil spirit mob finally decided to consult Reigen on what he should do."

Author's note: when mob destroyed the Kyūbi a small piece of what remained was able to make it outside of mobs body, however there is so little chakra left that only psychics and people with sensory abilities can see or hear him."

Mob and the Kyūbi arrive at the spirits and such consultation office to see Reigen performing a graphic exorcism where he edits photos with cog software making them look perfectly natural.

Reigen: "oh no! I accidentally erased the clients eyebrows."

Kyūbi: "that's your master." Mob: "yes that's master Reigen a powerful psychic."

Kyūbi: 'I don't sense anything from this guy at all, he's a total fake that stupid brats totally getting used by him. I could tell him buy... no why should I. I might find a use for this guy.'

Reigen: "oh hey mob. So what are you doing here?"

Mob: "oh well I have this evil spirit attached to me since this morning, what should I do with it?"

Kyūbi: "you stupid fucking brat."

Reigen looks around trying to spot the Kyūbi but is of course unable to.

Reigen: "must be too weak for me to see it."

Kyūbi: "huh?!"

Reigen: "to put it into perspective it'd be like a ladybug on you shoulder, do whatever you want with it."

Mob: "lucky you, now don't cause any problems with me or at my school or I'll exorcise you."

The Kyūbi was unresponsive but on the inside.

'You son of a bitch! Ladybug huh? I'll show you a ladybug after sending you to a hospital.'

Two weeks later at the spirits and such consultation office:

Reigen: "alright mob, looks like we've got a job and a big one at that."

Mob; "we do huh?"

Reigen: "yep and guess whose the client?"

Mob: "who is it?"

Reigen: "drum roll please "mob plays drums" our client is... the third hokage himself Hiruzen Sarutobi."

Mob looked at Reigen in confusion. "Why would the hokage ask us to help with an exorcism?"

Reigen: "well this technically isn't an exorcism."

Mob: "well what is it then?"

Reigen: "come on I'll explain it to you on the way."

A few minutes later:

Reigen: "we are to help a girl named yakumo Kurama." Reigen handed mob a picture which he took.

Yakumo had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Her hair was straight on one side and braided on the other, she had a hair clip with two circular designs, she wore a kimono like shirt with a long right sleeve and a shirt left sleeve held close by a pink sash with red mesh armour underneath it all with a light blue skirt and a brown headband.

Reigen: "anyways, she's a member of the Kurama clan, they were once a well known and powerful clan, they were known specifically for there prowess in genjutsu and held quite a bit of power in the leaf, unfortunately in recent years the clan has had a downfall due to a lack of talent in their members, they haven't managed to raise a single jonin level Shinobi in years. However Yakumo Kurama the only child of the head of the Kurama clan had an incredible talent for genjutsu and soon became the hope for the entire clan. However she had an incredibly frail body, even so she still tried to become a shinobi, however she was too young, to bear the burdens of so much expectations and the worry of failing to meet those expectations was simply too much for a girl her age to handle: fear, regret, insecurities; these feelings have weighed heavily on her and have caused her to develop a second personality which has been nicknamed the id. The third hokage is worried that if this keeps up then this id may come out and wreak havoc on the village; so he has asked us to handle the situation. So are you up for it mob?"

Mob: "yeah, at least I think so?" (Says mob who listened to about half of that.)

Mob and Reigen headed over to the room Yakumo was in where they were met with her trainer Kurenai Yuhi: Kurenai was a slender woman with dark brown hair and crimson coloured eyes.

Kurenai: "you must be the two that lord third called in."

Reigen: "yep that us, Reigen Yamanaka is the name, the greatest psychic of the century, here's by card." Reigen handed over his business card to a confused Kurenai after making a weird hand gesture.

Kurenai: "oh uh, thank you?"

Reigen: "so where's the girl?"

Kurenai: "oh right in here."

Kurenai lead the two inside where Yakumo was sleeping.

Reigen: "so mob, you feel anything?"

Mob: "yeah I do, but it's not an evil spirit."

Reigen: "must be the id. So, can you exorcise it?"

Mob: "not from out here."

Reigen: "what do you mean?"

Mob: "well this thing isn't an evil spirit, it's a part of her mind so I can't just force it out, so the only way to get rid of it is to destroy it from the inside."

Kyūbi: "are you crazy? How is a living person supposed to enter someone else's body?"

Mob: "by leaving theirs."

Kyūbi: "hm? I suppose that could work."

Mob: "well, wish me luck."

Reigen: "yep, we'll stop by Ichiraku's when you're done."

Mob smiled as he used astral projection to leave his body.

Reigen: "woah! Even I can see him!"

Kurenai: "what is this?"

Mob floated over to Kurama and entered her body using astral projection.

Mobs progress: 40%

Inside Kurama's mindscape:

Mob: "hello!"

???: "I'll kill them all. They'll all burn to nothing, those who pressured us, those who hurt us. I'll make them all pay."

Mob: "hello?"

Id: "who are you?"

Mob: "I'm here to ask you to leave this girls body."

Id: "GET OUT!!!"

Mob: " I-I'm sorry b-but I can't do that."

Id: "then die."

Id grabbed our a kunai and attempted to stab mob only for a barrier to stop her.

Id: "what is this?"

Mob outstretched his hand and blew the id apart.

Mob: "well I guess that's done."

Mob was about to leave when suddenly he felt a fist in his gut launching him backwards.

Mobs progress: 45%

Mob looked up to see the id.

'Reigen: "Yakumo Lurama the only child of the head of the clan had an incredible talent for gengutsu."'

Mob: 'genjutsu huh?'

Mobs progress: 50%

Mob and the id began to battle it out inside of Yakumo's mindscape with mob constantly destroying it only to reveal it to be another genjutsu.

Mobs progress: 60%

After another three minutes of this the id made one final leap after mob let his guards down.

Panicking, mob used telekinesis to fling the kunai away only for the id to grab his face and trap him in a genjutsu.

The id smiled maniacally as it played the images which traumatised mob, images of Sasuke lying in front of him bloodied and unconscious muttering "brother, why?"

Mob began to tear up as an emotion began to swirl within him.

Mobs progress: 90%

After this other bodies began to join Sasuke, mobs adopted parents, Ayame, her father, Reigen etcetera all while a voice repeated in his head "you really think you can change? This is what will always happen."

Mobs progress: 100% rejection

Mobs energy exploded along with his emotions completely destroying the id along with the mindscape they were in forcing mob out of Yakumos body and back into his own.

Outside of the mindscape:

Mob woke up not remembering the events that just took place.

Mob: "ugh, what happened?"

Reigen: "hey mob, did it work?"

Mob looked over to Yakumo and saw no signs of the id.

Mob: "well I'm not sensing that presence anymore so I guess it must have."

Reigen: "well that's good, come on mob, let's go out for some ramen."

Mob: "okay."

And so after receiving payment for the job, mob and Reigen headed out to Ichiraku's and afterwards they headed home.

Mobs progress: 20%

Two weeks later:

Tomorrow is the day of the genin exams. Mob has been training for this day for years in the hopes of passing the exams to become a genin and impress Ayame and if that didn't work he'd become a chunin and if that didn't work he'd become a jonin, and if that didn't work he'd join the anbu and if that didn't work then he'd become the fucking hokage.

Mob was sitting next to Sasuke at the academy as he did so everyday however today he was even more nervous than he usually was, the reason for this was due to the fact that the test was tomorrow and despite this mob still hasn't been able to perform any of the academy level jutsu all the girls surrounding them to stare at Sasuke didn't help either.

Sasuke: "hey brother, are you alright?"

Mob: "huh? Oh yeah I'm fine."

The brothers have this conversation as the girls in the background were still arguing over Sasuke.


After class was over mob began to walk outside dejectedly along with the Kyūbi as everyone ignored him and crowded around Sasuke preventing him from going after mob.

Mobs progress: 30%

As mob was walking out of school he was stopped.

Mizuki: "hey mob."

Mob: "huh?"

A few minutes later on the rooftop:

Mizuki: "I've noticed how nervous you've been in class lately, well, more than usual anyway. I'm guessing it's got something to do with tomorrow's exam.

Mob looks down at his feet. Mizuki: "so are you gonna tell me what's up?"

Mob: "isn't it obvious? Tomorrow's graduation is my last chance to become a genin and yet I still can't even use a single jutsu, plus my grades aren't great and my taijutsu isn't anything to write home about."

Mizuki: "well I wouldn't worry too much, after all there's always next year."

Mob: "No! I need to graduate this year."

Mizuki: "well then I guess I have no choice but to tell you. To be frank if you go into tomorrow's test as you are now, you'll fail, however there's a secret way to pass the exam. In the hokage's office there's a scroll known as the scroll of forbidden jutsu and if anyone were to master a jutsu from that scroll then they would automatically pass the graduation exam."

Mob: "I don't know."

Mizuki: "if you do it you'll be super popular."

Mob: "okay where is it?"

30 minutes later

Mob had just finished breaking into the hokage's office using his powers to break in and remain hidden.

Mob walked through the hokage's office and into the storage room and after grabbing the scroll of forbidden jutsu he prepared to take off when suddenly.

Hiruzen: "ahem."

Mob began to sweat bullets as he slowly turned his head to see the third hokage looking down on him sternly.

Reacting on instinct to Hiruzen's bloodlust mob reached out and immediately knocked Hiruzen out using telekinesis thankfully catching the old man off guard.

Another 30 minutes later:

Mob arrived at he and Mizuki's meeting spot and immediately began training in different jutsus from the scroll.

After about ten minutes Iruka suddenly appeared.

Iruka: "I found you."

Mob once again that night nervously turned his head but this time to face Iruka.

Mob: "uh, hi Iruka sensei."

Mob looked down at his feet his heart basically torn to pieces.

Iruk: 'what's up with him?'

Mob: "Iruka sensei, I couldn't master any of the jutsu in time, but please if you can just wait a little longer I'm sure I can master at least one."

Iruka: 'huh? What's he talking about? Has he been training? Well that would explain why he looks like such a mess.'

Iruka: "what are you talking about mob?"

Mob: "Mizuki sensei told me. He said that if I mastered a jutsu from this scroll you would let me pass the graduation test tomorrow."

Iruka: 'Mizuki?'

Suddenly several kunai were sent flying in their direction.

Iruka quickly pushed mob out of the way before having a couple of kunai embedded into his shoulder.

Mizuki: "I see you found our little hideaway Iruka."

Iruka: "so that's how it is."

Mizuki: "Mob! Give me the scroll now."

Mob: "huh? What's going on?"

Iruka: "mob! Don't let Mizuki get the scroll. It contains forbid jutsu that can put this village in great danger, Mizuki used you to get the scroll for himself, for his own power."

Mob as usual was confused with the Kyūbi basically face palming saying "I told you so."

Mizuki: "mob, Iruka's just trying to scare you because he doesn't want you to have the scroll."

Mob: "huh?"

Iruka: "stop lying Mizuki. Don't let him trick you mob."

Mizuki: "hahahahaha, oh I'll tell you whose really lying."

Iruka: "No Mizuki!"

Mizuki: "they've been lying to you your whole life. Since the decree twelve years ago."

Mob: "decree?"

Mizuki: "everyone besides you knows. Iruka's trying to hide it from you even now he'd do anything to shut me up."

Mob: "what are you talking about?" Mob tilts his head in confusion.

Mobs progress: 40%

Mizuki: "the decree is that nobody can tell you that the nine tailed fox is inside you! The fox spirit that killed Iruka's parents and destroyed the village has taken over your body, you are the nine tailed fox!"

Iruka: "stop it!"

Mizuki: "they've been sneaking around and hiding things from you your whole life. Didn't you think it was strange how they treated you how they completely ignored you existence no matter what you did, as if you were invisible as if you didn't even exist."

Mobs progress: 42%

Mob: "huh? Is he talking about you?"

Mob turned to the Kyūbi in question whose eye was twitching in annoyance at the boys ignorance.

Kyūbi: "I'll explain it to you later."

The truth was that mob simply figured that people ignored him because he wasn't very noticeable.

Mizuki: "that's why you will never be accepted by anyone in this village. Even your beloved sensei hates you!"

Iruka began to think back on the hokage's words.

Hiruzen: "Iruka, for the first seven years of mobs life, he never had a mother or father to care for him, he was shut out of anything without being given a reason as to why, eventually mob began to assume that he was the problem, that he was simply undeserving of peoples kindness, he's had to bottle up all of these feelings all of this time in his attempt not to hurt people, his rage, sadness, loneliness hell he can't even express his happiness due to his fear of his powers taking over, because of this he's completely shut himself away from others, it may not show but he's always thinking of how others see him, he's hurting inside and can't even show it."

Mizuki: "now die brat!"

Mizuki throws a giant shuriken at mob and just as mob is about to stop it with telekinesis, Iruka suddenly dives in front of mob taking the shutiken in his back, both mob and Mizuki's face is full of shock but mobs face is also filled with other emotions, rage, fear, despair, sadness slowly but surely these feelings were beginning to overwhelm mob as they threatened to break free from the cage in mobs mind.

Mobs progress: 80%

Mob: "I-Iruka sensei? Why?"

Iruka: "listen mob, twelve years ago when the nine tails attacked, my parents were killed by the nine tails, and after that nobody seemed to even care, they didn't have time for me, they just simply forgot I was there so I did crazy things, I became the class clown, since my grades weren't good enough to get their attention and then I had to pay for it, but you're different mob, even though people ignore you and treat you as a background character, even though people call you names and leave you out you work hard to try and improve even when it looks as though you're getting nowhere, when I first met you you had the same look as I did, you bottled up all of those feelings and locked them inside of a cage, you made no efforts to socialise or improve, I always thought you were empty, I honestly didn't think much of you, but you proved me wrong, I've seen you everyday as you run so long so hard that you pass out, you work hard to improve yourself even when it seems that you're making no progress, even when some of the kids tell you to give up you keep pushing forwards trying your hardest to catch up, Mob, mob you aren't the nine tails and you aren't some invisible background character to be forgotten, you're Shigeo Uzumaki Uchiha of the hidden leaf!"

Mobs eyes sparkled as he heard Iruka praise him, he was the only person apart from Reigen who acknowledged him.

Mizuki: "hahahahaha don't make me laugh, Iruka always hated you, he was orphaned because the nine tailed fox killed his parents, and now that beast is inside of you, he'd say anything to get that scroll from you."

However Mizuki wasn't aware of something, th at mob wasn't listening to a single word he said anymore, mob completely drowned Mizuki's words out as the only thing he could think of was what Iruka had said.

Mizuki: "now die!!"

Mizuki swooped in as Iruka prepared to defend both himself and mob, however before Mizuki could close the distance mob suddenly appeared between him and Iruka with a bright sparkly aura surrounding him with shiny red eyes and floating spikes hair.

Mobs progress: 100% courage

Suddenly Mizuki was stopped midair.

Mizuki & Iruka: "Nani?"

Mob: "stand back Iruka sensei. I'll handle this."

Mob: 'I don't want to do this, I still don't like using my powers on other people, but this is different, Iruka sensei said he believed in me, not in my psychic powers but in me, so I won't let Mizuki hurt him.'

Mizuki: "I see, I heard rumours that you could use some of the demons power, I heard that the last time you used it was in an incident a few years ago shortly before you were adopted by the Uchiha clan."

Kyūbi: 'this idiot has no idea what he's in for, this is the form that Shigeo only takes when he's pissed now he'll, wait hold on.'

The Kyūbi took a closer look at mob and saw the difference between this form and the one he used on him.

Kyūbi: 'he really has changed huh?'

For a second the Kyūbi actually smiled, however he quickly went back to his usual scowl before mob could notice.

Mizuki: "you wanna go? Show me what you can do nine tails."

Mizuki threw several Kunai and shuriken at mob who simply knocked them away using telekinesis.

Mizuki: "hah not bad but if that's all-"

Mizuki was cut off as mob raised his hand and forced Mizuki to fly into the ground forming a crater around an unconscious Mizuki.

Mob: "are you alright Iruka sensei?"

Iruka: "yeah I'm alright."

Iruka: 'is this really mob? Could this be the power of the nine tails, no it couldn't be it doesn't feel anything like it but then what could it be, whenever I talked to lord third about mob he'd often bring up some sort of power, I assumed he meant the nine tails chakra but could he have meant this?'

Iruka: "hey mob, what was that?"

Mob: "oh yeah I never told you."

Mob looked Iruka in the eyes and said. "I'm a psychic."