
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Komik
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44 Chs

Chapter 35: Forbidden Jutsu: His Father's Gift

I continued training until 8:00 p.m. and dispelled all 100 clones. The Dojo, which had felt crowded to the point of suffocation before, now seemed too empty.


I went to my page and smiled a bit.

Thanks to my clones, my attributes had increased significantly. However, what made me happiest was seeing that my connection with the Asauchi had increased from 10% to 31%. The speed at which I was able to strengthen this bond was a very pleasant surprise.

I wondered: when the Asauchi became a named Zanpakutō, would my attributes increase? It would be strange if they didn't... Of course, it might be a bit presumptuous of me to expect as significant an increase as I had when I bonded with the Asauchi. However, I don't think it's illogical to think that this would really boost my attributes...

For now, I set aside these thoughts. It didn't make sense to dwell on it for too long. I got up, removing the over 1,000kg of hidden weights and leaving only 100kg, then I left the Dojo.

Outside, I rubbed my hands together. The night was quite cold. Feeling my body cool down, I used the Lightning Style to generate heat, circulating electricity through my body. Besides warming me up, this was good exercise to improve my control over this style.

Upon arriving home, I dispelled the jutsu and entered. "I'm back," I announced, going to change my slippers.

"Welcome back," my mother replied from the kitchen, I believe.

I heard fast footsteps and soon saw Kumo, who smiled when she saw me. "Welcome back, Big Brother."

"I'm back," I replied, finishing changing my slippers. Approaching her, I rubbed her head and asked, "Did you meditate today?"

"Yes, for a few hours in the morning and a little in the afternoon in my room," she replied with a wide smile.

"Good girl," I smiled back with my eyes half-closed.

"Hehe~," she laughed with her eyes closed in a crescent shape, looking very cute.

Smelling a delicious scent of stewed meat in the air, I commented, "That smells delicious."

"On the other hand, Big Brother, not to be too forward, but..." Kumo smiled mischievously. "You're smelling of sweat~!" She pinched her nose with her fingers immediately after.

"Haha." I chuckled awkwardly and continued, "Okay, then tell Mom that I went up to take a shower, I'll be down soon."

"Yey~" She replied cheerfully.


Later, during dinner, as we were all finishing eating, my father turned to me and said, "Aizen, come with me to my office later."

My eyes lit up a bit upon hearing this. I thought, 'Has my father already obtained the jutsu I requested from him?' It wasn't necessary to ask right now, so, even though I was a bit anxious, I replied in a neutral tone, "Okay."

Curious, Kumo asked, "Dad, what do you want to talk to Big Brother about alone?"

"About something he asked me for before," my father replied concisely.

"Ohh..." Upon hearing this, Kumo completely lost interest and began to collect her plate from the table, taking it to the kitchen sink.

"I'm done," I announced, then I picked up my plate and took it to the sink.

After finishing washing and drying, I went upstairs, waiting for my father in his office.

Minutes later, he arrived.

"Have you found it?" he asked.

I nodded.

On my father's desk, there were five scrolls of secret jutsu:


1- Body Replacement Illusion: The user creates a perfect illusion of themselves replacing an object or person, completely confusing the opponent and allowing for an effective counterattack.

2- Path of the Arboreal Technique: The user can temporarily create chakra-floating platforms around trees, allowing them to walk in any direction, including sideways and upwards, without relying solely on the trunks.

3- Elemental Chakra Infusion: The user releases their chakra so precisely that they can infuse it with a specific element, making their physical attacks more powerful and elemental.

4- Subtle Invisibility Mantle: The user can adjust the intensity of the mantle, becoming partially invisible or completely transparent, allowing them to go unnoticed even in high surveillance situations.

5- Appearance Transformation: The user can not only change their shape to imitate another person or object, but also temporarily alter physical characteristics, such as size, color, texture, etc., allowing for a more convincing and versatile transformation.


Even with the simplified information of each jutsu, I was quite surprised. It was touching, because I knew that obtaining these five jutsu must not have been easy.

"Father, it doesn't need to be so advanced..." I said with a sigh.

My father replied with a touch of indifference, "Don't worry, even though it was a bit difficult, who do you think I am? After all, I am still the leader of the Kurama Clan, and even the Hokage needs to show me some respect, understand?"

Although I knew that, if it were a few years earlier, what he said would be true, our clan was currently in decline. So, how could his words be true?

Of course, I wouldn't expose him. Taking a deep breath, I said, "I know, thank you, father."

"That's better." My father smiled slightly.

It seemed like all he wanted was my gratitude...

"You really don't need to worry," my father said with a touch of shame, "Did you forget how much money you made from the sales of your book?"

"Did you buy these jutsu from the Hokage?" I asked.

"More or less," my father replied, "It's more accurate to say that it was borrowed for a month and then I have to return the original scroll to the Hokage. Also, you can't teach these jutsu to people from outside the village."

"I wouldn't do that," I replied.

"I know," my father replied. Then he added, "Okay, enough of that, take these scrolls and study them well. I know you can learn them even though you only have a month."

The unwavering confidence my father placed in me moved me once again. Smiling slightly, I placed my fist against my chest as I said, "Yes, I will!"


The next morning, Sunday, January 14th, I woke up at 4 a.m.

My time was short. Although I was confident that I could learn all five jutsu, since I could use clones to speed up my learning process, I still wanted to master as much of these jutsu as possible before graduation.

After preparing my own breakfast and eating, I went to the Dojo.

The task of learning the jutsu was assigned to five clones, two of lightning and three of wind. For the next few hours, they should at least memorize the five jutsu. Then, I could use more clones to learn how to use them, but not all of them could be trained in the Dojo...


Please, don't forget to drop at least 1 Power Stone, it motivates me a lot!

Chapter 44 is already released on Pa treon!

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