
Naruto: Mekka Junrei

He crosses to the world of Naruto on the year 38 since the foundation of Konoha Starting as a war orphan, relying on familiarity with future trends and sophisticated calculations, step by step becomes the strongest in the Ninja world. Im only the translator NO RELATIONSHIPS Finished Novel

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68 Chs


Time passed day after day, and the days till the battle against Sunagakure was also getting closer little by little.

For a period of time, each ninja on the frontline was nervous, and the battle with Hidden Sand Village meaned that a large number of ninjas would end up dead, and no one could guarantee that they would survive such a war.

Just 2 days ago, there were even several ninjas defecting the Konoha camp, but they were soon deal with by Anbu's ninjas.

The life on the Medic Team was very easy. With Tsunade's strong Medical-Ninjutsu as support, the casualties in the Medic Team camp was reduced by a lot. So he was free to spend most of his time, except when he was needed for the treatment of serious injuries.

The weak Junrei will not waste any time that can be used for training, and so once he was free, he would find a quiet place to train by himself.

With the battle against the Hidden Sand Village coming up, Medical-nin shall also participate, although as a support force, they only need to follow the army. But if the battle is deeply onesided, or if they were broken through by Sand Ninjas, Medical-nin must also fight the enemy.

At this time, even if a little strength can be gained, it was possible to change his destiny.

Earth Chakra Transformation was not yet mastered. It will take a long time to really complete this training. At this time, Junrei, whose strength has grown steadily, was not in a hurry. He's still doing basic training every day. Junrei's foundation is solid.

Although the Shadow Clone can transfer the training experience back to the main body, Junrei's current Chakra Reserves were simply not enough to support the use of [Shadow Clone] for training. And here in the frontline, there may be accidents at any time. Junrei must ensure that after training, he still has a part of physical strength and Chakra.

"Huh?" a slight weird feeling spread through his body.

During training, he suddenly felt anxiety in his heart, stopped all movements, and watched all around.

Hiss! Hiss!

A purple snake crawled out of the grass, came in front of Junrei, showing a scroll, and then slammed it into the ground, releasing smoke and with that, the snake disappeared.

Since Tsunade has arrived at the frontline, in order to avoid making Tsunade aware of the relationship between him and Orochimaru, they never met. This time, Orochimaru asked his Summoning Jutsu to pass the message, there must be something important that he needs Junrei to do.

Although he was a little upset, he still picked up the scroll, unlocked the seal, and checked the mission explained by Orochimaru.

The scroll doesn't explain what the mission is, just says to let Junrei go somewhere, and Orochimaru will meet him there.

The agreed location is some distance from the campsite, but with a ninja's speed, half an hour was enough.

When Junrei arrived at the agreed place, he discovered that Orochimaru was already there waiting for him.

"Lord Orochimaru, here is it?" Junrei asked in confusion, but was still very alert.

"This is my laboratory!" Orochimaru's hoarse voice filled with complacency, and introduced it to him: "Junrei, are you interested in visiting?"

"I'm looking forward to it, Lord Orochimaru! Even if it is only a trivial part of your knowledge, as far as I'm concerned is a valuable asset." Junrei said sincerely, with a touch of excitement in his heart.

Orochimaru's laboratory must have very valuable information. If he can take a look, it will definitely be a great help for him.

Junrei is currently studying the nature change of Earth Attribute Chakra. If this training was successful, Junrei would start to train Earth-Style Ninjutsu. But with Junrei's current understanding of Ninjutsu, developing a Jutsu on its own is almost impossible.

Orochimaru is undoubtedly a genius in terms of research. If he can get his instructions, it will definitely help Junrei develop Ninjutsu on its own.

Orochimaru's research data is undoubtedly very valuable. He doesn't know how much Orochimaru intends to let him see.

"Let's go in together!" Orochimaru made a hand seal to Junrei.

As Orochimaru lifted his Genjutsu, a dark and faint cave appeared in front of him. After entering, there was first a dark tunnel. There was a lot of water in the long tunnel, and this standing water was also a kind of sewage. A peculiar pungent odor was around, but Junrei, excited in his heart, has completely ignored these.

"This is a temporary laboratory I set up. The battle with Sunagakure is about to end, and the experimental materials here will also be transferred. There are several very important experimental materials that need your Medical expertise to help them hang on to their lives. Orochimaru introduced while walking.

From Orochimaru's words, he understood that the purpose of getting called this time was to help Orochimaru's experimental materials in terms of treatment.

This also means that Orochimaru has now started his human experiments, and he estimated that many people have must have already died in his experiment.

He was just wondering what Ninjutsu was being developed by Orochimaru now?

"Is Lord Orochimaru studying a Forbidden Jutsu?" Mekka Junrei asked.

"Oh? Are you interested in Forbidden Jutsu too?" Orochimaru said playfully.

"Yes! For a commoner ninja like me, Forbidden Jutsu will undoubtedly allow me to catch up with those clan ninjas with Kekkei Genkai's and Secret Jutsus. Especially now that we are still in war, a Forbidden Jutsu can let me survive on the battlefield!" Junrei said bluntly.

Now that Orochimaru understood his pursuit of strength, Junrei simply opened up to discuss conditions with Orochimaru. Deliberate concealment may also make Orochimaru more vigilant. Rather than telling him his pursuit, it's better to let him understand his purpose.

Walking to an iron gate, Orochimaru connected 20 seals, pressed his hand on the iron gate, and then a burst of smoke flashed, the iron gate slowly opened a gap, and he gently pushed the iron gate. The laboratory for human experiments was about to be revealed to Junrei.

In addition to some basic facilities and equipment in the laboratory, there are some fixed racks on the left and right sides, and there is a dead person on each shelf. Looks at their distorted expressions, apparently they are dying. They must have suffered great pain.

And the bodies of those who died were not rotten at all, apparently they had been treated by Orochimaru in a special way.

There was a chill in Junrei's heart, and the fear of having to play with such a casual person in the future started to overtake him.

However, this road was chosen by himself, he has no way to go back now.

There was nothing on the test bench in the middle of the laboratory, it was clean and tidy, and it seemed that Orochimaru was ready to withdraw.

Walking to a prison, he saw the three people being held in the prison. Their eyes were numb and there was no light on them, even if they saw him and Orochimaru, there was no fluctuation, not even fear.

And these three people were already dying, and it seems they will die at any time.

"They should be the goal of this treatment!" Mekka Junrei thought.

"Those three, don't let them die!" Orochimaru's hoarse voice sounded, without any slight attention to life in his tone, and just sounded regretted that the experimental materials were about to be lost.

"Understood!" Junrei answered, then opened the prison's iron door and walked in to treat them.

Seeing these three people, he only sighed silently.

Heal their injuries, although they can hang on to their lives and save them from death. But that would be even more unfortunate for them, because they still have to live to accept the devastation of Orochimaru.

About an hour later, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Orochimaru, "It's alright!"

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