
Naruto: Mekka Junrei

He crosses to the world of Naruto on the year 38 since the foundation of Konoha Starting as a war orphan, relying on familiarity with future trends and sophisticated calculations, step by step becomes the strongest in the Ninja world. Im only the translator NO RELATIONSHIPS Finished Novel

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68 Chs

Chakra Training

Ever since he transmigrated to the Shinobi World, Mekka Junrei has made a lot of assumptions about the mystery of Chakra. during his years on the Academy, he also continuously verified his hypotheses through practice.

From the perspective of the original Anime, Chakra can not only be used on the Five Elements Ninjutsu, but also Sealing Jutsu and various Forbidden Jutsu can be used with Chakra.

S rank's Ninjutsu, such as [Impure World Reincarnation] and [Flying Thunder God Jutsu], have clearly exceeded the concept of an ordinary Ninjutsu and have almost touched the field of a 'God'.

If Chakra is really a kind of special energy produced by the combination of human spiritual energy and physical energy, as stated in the textbook, then for Chakra to achieve this rank of Ninjutsu, is a violation of common sense.

So Junrei believes Madara's claim that the Divine Tree is the root of all Chakra, and all of the ninjas in the Shinobi World's are derived from the Divine Tree.

It wasn't until Otsutsuki Kaguya stole the Divine Tree fruit that Chakra started appear on humans.

To put it simply, Chakra originally did not belong to humans, but after the Divine Tree disappeared, Chakra hid within the human's body and naturally within the universe. Ninja can extract Chakra hidden in within their bodies and use it by some special methods.

However, this statement seems a bit unreal. Although Junrei has seen the original Anime, he has not studied it thoroughly. However, this time now that he has personally transmigrated to Naruto World, Junrei must thoroughly study the properties of Chakra.

Although these are only speculations by Mekka Junrei, they cannot be revealed. After all, Mekka Junrei is now just an 8 years old little ninja. Insight beyond peers can also be understood as a gap between a genius and an ordinary person, but if he know too many mysteries, he may be suspected and put under surveillance.

Shaking his head, Junrei slowly said: "I don't understand much only what I learned in the Academy. But when using Chakra, I always feel that it also exists in nature, which is a kind of faint feeling, but I can't really explain how. "

"Chakra in nature?" Ueno slightly frowned, this was somewhat difficult to understand.

"How is that possible?" Shinohara cried out in surprise, saying, "Isn't Chakra just a combination of spiritual energy and physical energy, how can Chakra also exist in nature? Junrei, can you really feel it?"

Feel a fart!

The reason why Mekka Junrei said this is let Ueno know and pass this idea to the Third Hokage's ears.

When did Jiraiya started working on Senjutsu? Mekka Junrei didn't know. But since Jiraiya signed a summoning contract with the Toad Clan of Mount Myōboku, maybe he knew about the existence of Senjutsu.

As long as this is heard by either Jiraiya or Orochimaru, as long as they are interested in Senjutsu, they may come to Junrei.

"i can't really explain, it's just a feeling." Junrei lightly said with a smile: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, Ueno Teacher, start our class today!"

"That's good!" Uenomu nodded and said solemnly: "Chakra is an important energy for Ninjutsu, so refined control of Chakra is very important for a ninja. If one a Jutsu is used, it costs 30% of Chakra, but if If it is not controlled well, it can consume 40% of Chakra or even more. So how to accurately control Chakra is a required course for ninja. "

"How do we train Chakra?" Hoshinohara curiously asked.

Uenomu said: "Your Chakra Reserves were not enough before this, so it was not suitable for this kind of training, but after this last mission, I think you are qualified. Today's training mission is-Tree Climbing!"

It really is Tree Climbing!

When his Chakra was first refined, Junrei wanted to use this method to exercise Chakra Control, but at that time his Chakra Reserves were very small and it simply couldn't support his body, so he gave up.

Later, Mekka Junrei found that he was very strong on Chakra Control, so he did not use Tree Climbing training.

"Tree Climbing?" Shinohara heard this complaining, "Can this be considered training?"

"Of course it's not ordinary Tree Climbing, but..." At the same time, Ueno has climbed up a large tree with 2 feet and stood high above him. With his body stable. This way you can precisely exercise Chakra Control, you two, try it! "

Junrei learns Ueno's purpose, Tree Climbing, and controls Chakra to gather on the soles of the feet to form an attraction force.

At first is was a bit difficult, but with a little adaptation, Junrei has the trick.

It is not enough just to control the moderate Chakra to let the soles of the feet suck on the tree trunk. The most important thing is to maintain a constant output of this Chakra. Once there is to few Chakra used, people will come from the fall off tree. When you get more, you will leave a mark on the tree.

"I can stand! Nooo!" After falling down several times in a row, Shinohara looked at Junrei who can already hang upside down on the tree, with a smile growing up his mouth, thinking that it was unbelievable at all.

"Yo! Shinohara, it looks like you've been surpassed by the younger generation!" Ueno Meme helped Junrei pull hatred without fear.

"Dammit!" Shinohara clenched his teeth, and then run up again to the tree, but before rushing a few steps, he "popped" and fell off the tree.

Mekka Junrei said strangely: "Shinohara, didn't you learn Medical-Ninjutsu? Learning Medical-Ninjutsu requires precise Chakra Control, you ..."

Without waiting for Junrei to finish, Ueno responded him: "If he had such a strong Chakra Control, his mother would have taken him away as a medical-nin, why would he risk himself on mortal danger to execute a mission. "

"So that's it!" Mekka Junrei secretly thought.

"Well, I'll take Junrei for the next training. You have to work hard, don't be lazy!" Ueno waved at Shinohara and then took Junrei away.

"Dammit, just you two wait for me!" Shinohara looked at Junrei's back, shouting resentfully.

Ueno took Mekka Junrei to a small river and said casually: "You can adapt to the training of Tree Climbing so quickly. It seems that something like Water Walking should be a challenge." Then Ueno headed directly to the water and gave a demonstration to Junrei.

"This training should gather Chakra on the soles of the feet, forming a repulsive force, and keep it from falling into the water. However, the difficulty is to continuously adjust Chakra with the fluctuation of the water flow. Although this training is similar to Tree Climbing, the difficulty is several times harder. "Mekka Junrei analyzes.

"Very keen analisis, Tree Climbing exercises Chakra's maintenance, Water Surface Walking exercises Chakra's adjustment, try it!" Ueno said.


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