
Naruto: I will kill the traitor Uchiha Itachi

[Konoha + Kill Itachi + Ninja Scientist] Traveling through Uchiha, his son Uchiha Itachi. It is better to strike first and kill a traitor to add to the fun. "Itachi, daddy loves you!" When Uchiha Fugaku was wearing the Iron Man suit, his left eye was radiating Amaterasu, and his right hand was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet and he snapped his fingers. The world of Naruto has been turned upside down. This is a translation

Sleepingdog7917 · Komik
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34 Chs

Chapter 33 Uchiha Itachi, death

After a long time, Uchiha Itachi stumbled up and walked out of the valley.

  He has no intention of completing the task now.

  There is only one thing on his mind right now.

  Find Hiruzen Sarutobi and ask him clearly.

  Is what Uchiha Fugaku said true?

  "Where to go?"

  Uchiha Fugaku stopped him.

  "That's it for today. If I know you are lying to me, I will never let you go!"

  Uchiha Itachi looked at Fugaku with a serious expression.

  He completely forgot that he was attacking the opponent just now.

  Fugaku laughed dumbly:

  "You are not going to leave like this at this time, are you?"

  "What? Are you planning to kill me?"

  Itachi Uchiha snorted coldly.

  He asked Fugaku,

  "Don't forget, I am your son, and even tiger poison will not eat its seeds!"

  Uchiha Fugaku laughed dumbly,

  is this sentence the reason why you are so confident?

  There was no psychological barrier when he wanted to kill his father. In the world of "Naruto", he even wiped out the entire Uchiha family.

But at this time, I remembered the father-son relationship between the two people.

  Although it is a bit impolite to ask this.

  But, is Itachi Uchiha really the flesh and blood of his original self?

  Why is his brain circuit so surprising?

  It shouldn't be!

  "I have told you long ago that betraying the family will lead to death.

  Uchiha Shisui is like this, how can you be an exception?"

  While speaking, Uchiha Fugaku once again equipped the Mark-2.

  The chakra reactor on his chest emits fiery red light, and the silver-white outer shell shines.

  The eyes of the steel helmet bloomed with red light, and the steel suit completely covered his arms, legs and torso, and his whole body exuded a metallic luster.

  At this time, Fugaku looked like Iron Man wearing steel armor.

  No matter what, Uchiha Itachi must die today.

  He said it.

  If it was before Uchiha Itachi killed the Uchiha family members, Fugaku might be able to be lenient.

  The worst case scenario would be to remove the other person's Sharingan and lock him up in the family for the rest of his life.

After all, there is indeed a blood relationship between the two of them.

  Although there is no real father-son relationship, the connection between the two cannot be severed.

  But after Uchiha Itachi killed several clan members as a tribute to Sarutobi Hiruzen, the situation was different.

  Seeing that Uchiha Fugaku had no intention of holding back, Uchiha Itachi was immediately frightened.

  Only then did he realize that Uchiha Fugaku was really not joking with him.

  "Father, don't kill me... I know I was wrong..."

  Uchiha Itachi looked panicked and his body was shaky.

  Fugaku was a little soft-hearted just now, but at this time he felt a strong murderous intention.

  not good!

  "Go to hell! Amaterasu!"

  Uchiha Itachi saw the opportunity without hesitation and activated the Amaterasu Eye Technique in the other eye.

  Amaterasu's pupil technique can be regarded as the standard of Uchiha Fugaku's lineage.

  He, Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Sasuke all awakened the pupil technique of Amaterasu.

  But this does not mean that this pupil technique is weak.

Amaterasu is the name of the supreme goddess in ninja legend, who is in charge of fire and sunlight.

  Naturally, the pupil technique named after her cannot be an ordinary ability.

  In fact, Amaterasu is known as the most advanced pupil technique of the fire escape system and the strongest physical attack. Amaterasu's flames are said to be able to burn everything.

  Itachi Uchiha had been showing weakness all this time, and he was just waiting for this moment.

  The Mangekyou Sharingan shone red, and as the blood flowed, Uchiha Itachi felt a strong change in his right eye.

  A huge black fireball shot out from his right eye, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and hit Uchiha Fugaku hard.


  Uchiha Itachi felt very excited, he finally did it.

  He believed that his move could definitely turn Fugaku into a scumbag.

  He had great confidence in Amaterasu's power.

  He knew he only had one chance to attack.

In order to achieve the goal of killing with one blow, he used all his mental power to activate Amaterasu this time.

  He fell to the ground and laughed.


  he finally survived.

  "Father...you can't blame me, you were the one who wanted to kill me first...I just want to live."

  Uchiha Itachi muttered to himself, with a crazy expression on his face.

  He knew he had committed patricide, but he had no choice.

  Because he spent too much mental energy, his body was crumbling.

  But at this moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

  "Impossible...how is it possible!"

  "You blocked the flames of Amaterasu!!"

  "How is this possible!!"

  Uchiha Itachi shouted hysterically, with a look of horror on his face.

  In front of him, Uchiha Fugaku was still standing.

  He stretched out his right hand, and the remaining flames of the Amaterasu Flame became smaller and smaller in his palm, and finally disappeared completely.

Uchiha Fugaku actually blocked Amaterasu, who was trying his best with one hand?

  How can this be?

  Uchiha Itachi stared at Fugaku in disbelief.

  This is the Flame of Amaterasu, the legendary flame that can burn everything.

  He must be dreaming,

  he must be!

  Uchiha Itachi shook his head wildly, feeling like he was going crazy.

  "Your Amaterasu is not authentic and cannot kill anyone.

  Of course, it is good for keeping warm. My whole body feels warm."

  Uchiha Fugaku replied lightly.

  In addition to using some metal consumables, the production materials of Ninjutsu Armor Mark-2 also incorporate Uchiha Fugaku's own chakra.

  Including part of the chakra from Fugaku Uchiha's left eye.

  The Mangekyō Sharingan in Uchiha Fugaku's left eye also possesses the pupil technique of Amaterasu.

  And the Amaterasu he controlled was more powerful than Itachi Uchiha's.

  Uchiha Itachi's use of Amaterasu against him was simply a trick.

Every drop of the Amaterasu Flame used by Uchiha Itachi just now was completely absorbed by Uchiha Fugaku's Ninjutsu Armor Mark-2.

  These Amaterasu flames will be re-converted into chakra and used to strengthen the Mark-2.

  "No...no...Father, you can't kill me! I...I am your son!"

  Uchiha Itachi really panicked.

  He collapsed on the ground and desperately begged Fugaku for mercy.

  His face was pale and he looked quite frightened.

  But Fugaku remained unmoved.

  He snapped his fingers.

  The micro robots that had been hidden around Uchiha Itachi immediately flew to Uchiha Itachi's neck.

  Several steel needles as thick as ox hair penetrated Uchiha Itachi's skin, and at the same time injected venom into Uchiha Itachi's body.

  In just a few seconds, the venom spread throughout Uchiha Itachi's body, paralyzing him and soon losing his life.

  Looking at Uchiha Itachi's body, Fugaku sighed.

  Mikoto will definitely be very sad after knowing about Uchiha Itachi's death.

  After all, Uchiha Itachi was the flesh and blood that fell from her body.

  But rules are rules.

  Uchiha Itachi committed a serious crime, and he must pay the price.

The only good thing is that the venom injected into Uchiha Itachi's body is an inorganic mineral poison that he extracted from a large amount of ore. The concentration is very high and it kills quickly.

  Itachi Uchiha did not suffer much torture before his death.

  However, he still had to prepare a suitable excuse for Uchiha Itachi's death to make it easier for Uchiha Mikoto and the others to accept it.

  Perhaps the story of a prodigal son will be useful.