
Naruto: I will kill the traitor Uchiha Itachi

[Konoha + Kill Itachi + Ninja Scientist] Traveling through Uchiha, his son Uchiha Itachi. It is better to strike first and kill a traitor to add to the fun. "Itachi, daddy loves you!" When Uchiha Fugaku was wearing the Iron Man suit, his left eye was radiating Amaterasu, and his right hand was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet and he snapped his fingers. The world of Naruto has been turned upside down. This is a translation

Sleepingdog7917 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 32 Kill the person first and kill the heart first

"Difficulties? Yes, there are difficulties. If he doesn't do this, how can he get the position of Hokage again?

  By the way, he also killed his wife, which is a double happiness! I heard that Hokage-sama has been living a particularly carefree life in these years. Where!"

  Uchiha Fugaku continued to taunt.

  Just talking about escaping, Ji Cao.

  "Sarutobi Hiruzen-sama is not this kind of person!"

  Itachi felt that his mind was in a mess.

  He didn't know who to trust.

  "Not like that kind of person? Then tell me, what kind of person is he?

  Why has he ignored Namikaze Minato's orphans all these years and banned others from contacting Uzumaki Naruto?

  You don't know Uzumaki Naruto He is the son of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, right? He, Sarutobi Hiruzen, is not a human at all!"

  Uchiha Fugaku said righteously.


  Uchiha Itachi hesitated, he was shocked by Uchiha Fugaku's momentum.

  He knew Uzumaki Naruto's identity.

  For a long time, his and Shisui's mission was to monitor and investigate everyone who approached Uzumaki Naruto.

"That's to protect Naruto, who is the manpower pillar of the Nine-Tails. This is to prevent ninjas from other villages with ulterior motives from harming Naruto."

  Uchiha Itachi said bravely.

  "On the one hand, he hides the identity of the Nine-Tailed Human Power Pillar, and on the other hand, he openly promotes that he is the reincarnation of the demon fox? You don't know the little tricks of Sarutobi Hiruzen, right?"


  "The so-called protection also includes letting Naru People are disgusted when they don't have enough to eat?"

  Uchiha Itachi was speechless by Uchiha Fugaku and didn't know how to defend himself.


  Seeing Uchiha Itachi speechless, Uchiha Fugaku raised his head and laughed wildly:

  "You idiot, do you know? You are an idiot!

  You have been betraying the family these years, but the guy you are loyal to is He is basically a villain who seeks personal gain in the name of justice.

  Apart from shouting slogans and eliminating dissidents, what has he done?

  You don't know how much the assets of the Sarutobi family have increased over the years, right?

  There is also... the black market My bounty is 100 million. You don't know who initiated this bounty?

  With Sarutobi Hiruzen's income, it would take him hundreds of years to collect 100 million? Where do you think all this money comes from?

You don't know who benefited from the death of Namikaze Minato, right? For his own selfish interests, he killed the Hokage of Konoha or his own disciple.

  Namikaze Minato must have been desperate before he died, right? The most trusted person betrayed!

  Such a person, you say he is a good person who does everything for Konoha?

  Do you have any misunderstanding about the saying that everything is for Konoha?

  Konoha belongs to the Sarutobi Hiruzen family? He deserves it too ?"


  Uchiha Itachi was speechless.

  His eyes were panicked and he felt guilty.

  Thinking about it carefully, what Uchiha Fugaku said really makes sense.

  "Also...remember Yamato? Do you know why he has the ability to use wood escape?

  Many years ago, Orochimaru conducted an inhumane experiment in Konoha. The subjects of the experiment were dozens of newly born babies.

  The experiment The content was to fuse Hashirama cells obtained from Senju Hashirama's corpse with these babies. The experiment failed, and only Yamato survived."

"Of course I know this, this is what the rebel ninja Orochimaru did, and What does it have to do with Hokage-sama?"

Uchiha Itachi quickly interrupted Fugaku.

  "What if I tell you that all of this was secretly ordered by Hiruzen Sarutobi? Without Hiruzen Sarutobi's support, where would Orochimaru get so many babies and Hashirama cells?"

"If it weren't for Hiruzen Sarutobi, What ability does Orochimaru have to escape from Konoha without anyone noticing when the ANBU mobilized collectively?" "

  If it wasn't Sarutobi Hiruzen, why have the ANBU never issued a killing mission against Orochimaru in these years?" "

  What if? If it weren't for Sarutobi Hiruzen, how could the Senju clan be almost wiped out in just a few decades?"

  "Is this all you have for Konoha?"

  "Stupid, waste!"


  In Uchiha Fugaku's righteous words Under questioning, Uchiha Itachi could not argue.

There is really no way to wash it.

  At this moment, Uchiha Itachi was filled with panic.


  Uchiha Itachi shook his head, with a confused look in his eyes.

  "Sarutobi Hiruzen-sama is not this kind of person, he is not!"

  Covering his head tightly and covering his ears with both hands, Uchiha Itachi kept shaking his head.

  "Don't deceive yourself. These things were all done by Hiruzen Sarutobi. You already know that he is just a villain, but you don't want to admit it."

  Seeing Uchiha Itachi's performance, Uchiha Fugaku felt very happy. A cruel smile appeared on his face.

  The bastard who betrayed the family did not deserve sympathy. This was the punishment for Uchiha Itachi.

  In order to achieve this goal, he didn't mind pouring some more dirty water on Sarutobi Hiruzen's body.

  "Do you know about the missing corpses of the three Hokages that happened some time ago? Let me tell you clearly that the so-called mysterious organization does not exist at all.

The three missing corpses are now all in the hands of Orochimaru, and these three corpses The one who handed it over to Orochimaru was Sarutobi Hiruzen.

  Until now, Sarutobi Hiruzen has kept in touch with Orochimaru. You should know that many people disappear in Konoha every year, right?

  Those missing people are sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen It went into the hands of Orochimaru and became his experimental material. Sarutobi Hiruzen never had Konoha in his heart, he only had himself. Why did

  Sarutobi Hiruzen target the Uchiha family? The Uchiha family is a threat to Konoha. ?

  Stop being ridiculous. The biggest threat to Konoha is Hiruzen Sarutobi. He killed the Uchiha family for one reason only.

The Uchiha family who is in charge of the security of Konoha Ninja Village is the only one who treats his small actions in private. The aware family, we have been silently guarding Konoha all these years.

  Without the protection of the Uchiha family, Konoha would have long been in the possession of Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Uchiha Fugaku spoke aggressively, There was no hint that he was lying.

  These things just mentioned really have nothing to do with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

  But it doesn't matter, this guy is dirty anyway, and I don't mind splashing some dirty water on him.

  Uchiha Itachi had no chance to go to Orochimaru to verify this matter.

  As long as he felt regretful, Uchiha Fugaku was happy.

  These words made Uchiha Itachi completely collapsed.

  His mind recalled the scenes he had experienced in the past.

  He finally began to doubt his own judgment.

  Could it be that...

  everything he did was wrong?

  Is Sarutobi Hiruzen nothing more than a hypocrite?

  He felt depressed in his chest and panicked in his heart.

  "This is all false! I will not believe that Master Sarutobi Hiruzen did these things!"

  Uchiha Itachi roared.

  There was no way he would accept this answer.


  Uchiha Fugaku didn't comment, just looked at Itachi quietly.

  He knew that this guy just had a tough mouth or didn't dare to face reality.

  In fact, Uchiha Itachi was convinced of his words.

  I just don't want to admit it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Itachi!

  The Sarutobi Hiruzen you have been loyal to all these years is just a hypocrite who does not care about the interests of Konoha and talks sweetly. Everything you do is just to satisfy his selfish interests.

  But for so many years, the two of you have But this person does not see the hypocrisy of Sarutobi Hiruzen at all, but is grateful to him, and even betrays the clan and family that raised him for him. Do you think you are stupid?"

  "Shut up... shut up... stop talking!"

  Uchiha Itachi couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the ground holding his head.

  Looking at Uchiha Itachi who couldn't bear it and collapsed to the ground, Fugaku knew that his goal had been achieved.

  Does Uchiha Itachi want to die now?

  Kill the person first, this is the eternal truth.