

Apollo transmigrated as a boy about to graduate from the university of gods. To graduate from the University of the Gods, the student has to open access to a random world. While most students gain access to worlds of swords and magic, or worlds of cultivation of immortals, Apollo gained access to the world of Naruto. The power of the Gods grows based on the faith they receive from the believers in their worlds. While some Gods create natural disasters for humans to pray in fear, Apollo had a different idea. In order to gain faith in the ninja world, Apollo will take advantage of the Uzumaki Clan being about to be destroyed and give hope to these abandoned people through something called the Internet. Ninjas across the world will be shocked to discover that over the internet they can converse regardless of distance, can learn ninjustsus that only large villages know, and even can glimpse the long-awaited peace. Based on the Internet, Apollo will connect multiple universes that he knew as movies and anime in his previous life, gather countless believers, and create the story of the greatest god in history. -------- Discord server: https://discord.gg/ky35Kv7GHr Author Note: This is my original fanfiction, this is NOT a Chinese translation. Schedule: 1 Daily Chapter (or more)

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34 Chs

08 - Aoki Satoru

On a secluded street in the capital of the Land of Hot Water, a young boy sat on the ground panting as he hid a frightened woman behind his back and stared at the two men passed out across the street.

This boy is called Aoki Satoru.

Satoru is only 13 years old and just a small Genin from Yugakure, in the peaceful little land of Hot Water.

Ever since he was a small child, Satoru has always felt very proud of living in the Land of Hot Water, as both the Daimyo and the leader of Yugakure boasted to the people that the land they lived in was the most peaceful and peaceful place. ninja world safe.

Even when he became a ninja, most missions were to catch people who owed money, or to protect people from small groups of weak bandits.

For Satoru, these bandits would always live outside cities, and inside cities would always be his safe place.

But today that whole idea of ​​him has been shattered.

After an escort mission that took a few days, Satoru was given time off from the village and decided to bring his mother for a tour of the nation's capital.

His mother was very excited and the two had a great time during the morning. But in the afternoon, after the two left a restaurant, two drunk men came out of an alley and came towards Satoru's mother.

The men didn't even say anything and while ignoring him, they tried to take Satoru's mother's arm and lead her to the dark alley they had just come out of.

Satoru froze for a second, before taking a Kunai from his pocket and stabbing both men in the chest.

Even though Satoru is only 13 years old, from refining Chakra since he graduated from ninja school 2 years ago, his body has already been greatly enhanced compared to an ordinary person.

Taking advantage of the greater agility he had due to his size, Satoru acted so fast that the two men who were under the influence of alcohol didn't even understand what happened before they fell to the ground with painful expressions.


Satoru's mother's legs became weak and she fell to the ground.

Satoru looked at his mother's frightened expression and felt that his knees were also getting weak.

He had already killed people before in other missions, it didn't affect him anymore, but thinking about the possibility of these men taking his mother and he couldn't deal with it made Satoru's heart almost stop.

'The Daimyo always said that our country is the safest place in the world, but those kind of people live in the capital… if I wasn't a ninja my mother would have…' Satoru couldn't even finish that thought.

His worldview was completely shattering now.

Gradually he was regretting it.

Regretting not having trained more, not having tried harder, and not dedicating so much.

Some students who studied with him and had graduated with him were already training to become Chunin, while he still lived a calm and peaceful life without worrying about increasing his own strength.

But thinking about these two men, what if instead of two ordinary people they were two Genin, Satoru knew that he couldn't do anything to stop these people, and could only watch this atrocity happen to his mother.

'What can I do? My instructor doesn't teach me any jutsu, these things can only be exchanged for merit points in the village, but I can hardly get enough points to become stronger faster in my current situation…' Satoru grew desperate.

Yugakure never encouraged ninja to focus on becoming extremely strong, for fear of being invaded by other ninja villages due to their threat. So the amount of resources for ordinary ninjas is very low, only some geniuses get more powerful techniques from the village.

Satoru was just an ordinary ninja, his group's instructor was just an ordinary Chunin who stopped being a Genin after several years of ninja career.

At this point he couldn't think of what he could do to become stronger.

Suddenly, Satoru saw a golden light coming from the sky. The light was so strong that he had to put one of his hands in front of his eyes to try to protect his eyes, but different from what he imagined, even though the light was very strong, this light conveyed a very comfortable feeling for him.

The light descended little by little, until a shiny object landed on Satoru's hand.

With confusion, Satoru couldn't immediately understand what that object was, as the light was still getting weaker little by little, but considering the strangeness of this object, Satoru was quick to hide this thing in his pocket as he grabbed his mother and left. from there.

Since they didn't live in the Capital, the two were staying at a hotel. Satoru calmed his mother down for a while before she went to take a bath in the hotel's hot spring to try to rest her head and calm down about what happened today.

If it was an ordinary moment, Satoru would also go to a hot spring to rest, but his curiosity was stronger.

Taking the glowing object out of his pocket, Satoru realized that the glow was no longer as strong as it was earlier, to the point that he could already see what this object was.

A ring!

Not just an ordinary ring, but a very beautiful and luxurious golden ring. Satoru couldn't even imagine how long he would need to work to be able to buy such a ring with his salary, but he didn't pay much attention to the ring for a long time.

Seeing that a stone was still glowing in the ring, and not feeling any hint of chakra from that ring, Satoru couldn't resist his curiosity and put the ring on his finger.

To his surprise, an extremely exquisite golden screen appeared floating in front of his eyes!