
Naruto form start refuse the marriage of Mito Uzumaki[FanFiction ]

travelling to different Anime world doing task getting stronger and creating your own world it's going to be a long journey the start is wrong but hope the ending is right. [ if you have any suggestions you can write me I will soon add link to discord. this is going to be my third novel the previous to got dropped because of depression previous 2 got dropped but this one is fan fiction as longest my health doesn't go too bed I should able to complete this novel for my current situation just walking is quite painful. my English is not something I have learnt in school so it's not perfect so I hope someone can help me playing is always good even if somebody didn't I should table to complete this normal that is my only wish ]

Silver_mix · Komik
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13 Chs

chapter 12

The battlefield was engulfed in a thick haze, remnants of the ferocious clashes and billowing dust that had consumed the land. The clash of steel reverberated through the air, with each collision of blades igniting showers of sparks that cast an ethereal glow upon the chaos and desperation that permeated the fight.

Tarō's gaze locked onto Danzo, their eyes meeting amidst the swirling turmoil. Danzo emanated a menacing aura, intensifying Tarō's determination to bring him down. With a surge of adrenaline, Tarō unleashed a relentless onslaught of swift strikes, his every move aimed at dismantling Danzo's defenses and bringing an end to the battle.

The clash escalated, with tension thickening the air with each passing moment. Both combatants pushed themselves to the limit, their resolve unyielding. The battlefield transformed into an arena of unbridled determination, with the stakes rising higher with every clash of weapons.

In a sudden twist, Danzo's eyes ignited with an eerie crimson glow, a manifestation of his sinister power. Chakra surged through his veins, shrouding his body in an ethereal smoke. The ground quivered beneath their feet as the smoke expanded, its tendrils reaching out hungrily and obscuring the battlefield in a dense fog.

Then, from the heart of the smoke, a deafening explosion erupted, sending shockwaves rippling through the air and shaking the very foundations of the battlefield. Destruction and chaos ensued, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

As the smoke slowly dispersed, revealing the heart-wrenching aftermath, Tarō surveyed the scene, his heart heavy with sorrow and a tinge of relief. His eyes fell upon his fallen comrades. Their injuries, while heavy, would be healed in due time.

The battle had reached its climactic crescendo, brought about by Danzo's explosive technique that had eradicated all the shadow ninjas. Tarō's mind shifted gears, now focusing on the next steps in the wake of this devastating attack. He pondered the best course of action, as he was determined not to lose anyone else.

Returning to the Night Country, Tarō stood at the heart of his village, a surge of determination coursing through him. He summoned a swirl of ethereal mist, dancing at his command. Raising his arms, imbued with the essence of dark fog, it began to seep from his palms, enveloping the entire land.

The fog transformed into a formidable barrier, cutting off all connections from the outside world. The Night Country became secluded, hidden from prying eyes and shielded from potential threats. It was a temporary retreat, a necessary measure to protect their people and strategize his next move.

Danzo, unaware of the details of the battle that had unfolded, grew frustrated by the impenetrable barrier. He could not sense the Night Country's strength nor comprehend what just happened.