
Naruto form start refuse the marriage of Mito Uzumaki[FanFiction ]

travelling to different Anime world doing task getting stronger and creating your own world it's going to be a long journey the start is wrong but hope the ending is right. [ if you have any suggestions you can write me I will soon add link to discord. this is going to be my third novel the previous to got dropped because of depression previous 2 got dropped but this one is fan fiction as longest my health doesn't go too bed I should able to complete this novel for my current situation just walking is quite painful. my English is not something I have learnt in school so it's not perfect so I hope someone can help me playing is always good even if somebody didn't I should table to complete this normal that is my only wish ]

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13 Chs

chapter 11

Three relentless nights had passed since Wu-Tang and his team had set their intricate plan in motion. The weight of their objective hung heavily in the air—to disrupt the Night Country's camp and shatter their crucial supply lines. As the moon ascended, casting an ethereal glow upon the battlefield, they navigated the treacherous terrain, every step cloaked in the utmost secrecy, keenly aware that one wrong move could cost them everything.

The Konoha ninjas moved as whispers in the night, With each passing moment, the tension wound tighter around their hearts. They knew the success of their mission is on drawing out the Night Country's notorious special ninja team—an elite force adorned with formidable skills and the finest modern equipment.

Finally, the long-awaited news reached Wu-Tang's ears, carried by a clandestine informant. The Night Country's special team, had ventured forth from the camp to investigate the disturbance. It was the signal they had been waiting for—the opportune moment to strike. Wu-Tang's commanding gesture sets his team in motion, their hearts pounding in synchrony, a palpable symphony of anticipation and determination.

Guided by Nakano, a figure shrouded in darkness, the Night Country's special team stealthily closed in on the prearranged ambush location—a hidden glade veiled by nature's embrace. As they arrive, the distinct silhouette of the cat ninjas materializes, a haunting sight in the moonlit darkness. Clad in midnight-black garb, their half-face masks unveil a glint of steely resolve in their eyes, an ominous premonition of the fierce battle to come. Their attire is a signature mark that distinguishes them from Konoha's revered ANBU, setting them apart as an enigma, a force to be reckoned with.

This encounter marks the first time Wu-Tang had beheld the Night Country's special team up close. His keen gaze absorbs every minute detail—the weaponry that gleams with a menacing aura, the state-of-the-art gear that adorns their agile forms. Each observation ignites a fervent fire within his spirit, a relentless determination to ensure the swift elimination of their adversaries.

Wu-Tang's team, hidden within the very fabric of darkness, lingers on the precipice of anticipation. They understand the gravity of this moment, the delicate balance that holds their plan together. A symphony of heartbeats thundering in their ears as they await the imminent signal—the call to unleash their calculated fury. Wu-Tang, the orchestrator of this intricate ballet of shadows, has assembled multiple team's, acutely aware of Their objective, a singular beacon of clarity, remains steadfast—to neutralize the Night Country's special team and prevent their return to the camp, bolstering the enemy ranks.

As the tension spirals Wu-Tang initiates communication with both Cloud Village and Konoha, transmitting the green light that will set in motion their simultaneous assaults upon the Night Country's main camp. It is a masterstroke, a calculated maneuver to divert the gaze of the enemy and unleash chaos within their once-unbreakable ranks.

In the span of mere heartbeats, the video feed confirms the commencement of the assaults from both villages. The sight unfurls before their eyes—a cataclysm of unleashed fury as the

Night Country's main camp succumbs to the relentless bombardment. The earth trembles beneath the thunderous assault, an echoing chorus of destruction that reverberates through the night. The Night Country's forces, caught off guard, their formation shattered, scramble to regain their footing. Amidst the chaos, Nakano, the commander of the special team, finds herself severed from her lifeline—unable to issue orders or rally her forces.

Wu-Tang, a discerning tactician, has deduced that the Night Country's shadow ninjas, once revered for their uncanny intelligence and unrivaled skill, now stand as mere puppets, bereft of the guiding hand of their leader. They wander aimlessly, vulnerable to the impending storm of their adversaries. This realization ignites a fervent fire within Wu-Tang's soul, solidifying his resolve to vanquish the Night Country's forces once and for all.

The command hangs in the air like a whispered curse,Wu-Tang's team erupts from their hidden sanctuaries, unleashed upon the battlefield with unyielding ferocity. A symphony of gunshots pierces the night, the dissonant echoes harmonizing with the pulse of chaos that engulfs the battlefield. The cat ninjas, their bodies coiled with agility and honed skill, dance through the storm of bullets with ethereal grace. Their movements are a haunting sonnet, a mesmerizing ballet that defies mortal limitations. In the clash of blades and the crackling of chakra, the enemy ninjas reel, casualties mounting beneath the relentless assault.

Yet, amidst the frenzied skirmish, a solitary figure emerges—a cat yokai who unleashes their full array of supernatural abilities upon the bewildered adversaries. Their very essence seems to merge with the shadows, transforming into a living nightmare that stalks the battlefield.

As the situation grows increasingly dire, Nakano, activates a special communication channel, reaching out to Tarō, the enigmatic figure who holds the key to their salvation. In response, Tarō's commanding voice echoes in her ear, issuing orders with unwavering certainty. The battlefield quivers with anticipation as Nakano weaves intricate hand signs, her chakra coalescing into a titanic water sphere, pulsating with raw power. Confusion ripples through the ranks of the Konoha ninjas as they struggle to comprehend Nakano's intentions.

And then, as if plucked from the depths of another realm, two figures materialize within the heart of the colossal water sphere. Tamiko and Takako, their forms shimmering with an otherworldly glow, emerge as water spirits, blessed with the innate ability to traverse vast bodies of water. Their presence defies conventional space ninjutsu, enabling them to transcend distance and materialize in any location where a substantial water source lies. Drawing Tarō from the depths of the water, they present him to the battlefield.

As Tarō emerges, his gaze cold and piercing, he surveys the chaotic tableau that unfolds before him. His eyes narrow upon the feeble guns brandished by the enemy ninjas, and a hint of disdain curls upon his lips. To him, guns are the playthings of bandits, ill-suited to pose any true threat to a ninja. He scoffs at the notion that such weapons hold any power.

With a fluid motion, Tarō, the enigmatic leader of the Night Country's shadow ninjas, vanishes from his original position, becoming one with the shadows that embrace him. In the blink of an eye, he materializes silently behind Wu-Tang, a specter of death draped in

black. With a single, masterful stroke, his katana cleaves through the air, severing Wu-Tang's head from his body in a swift, merciless arc. There is no epic battle or grandiose confrontation—only a power that ensures Tarō's swift and decisive victory. The remaining ninjas, their spirits shattered by the sight of Tarō's

only one chapter left I am currently using chat GPT but I have to say really annoying and I still haven't found how do I rwrite future stories since mc is not in hidden leaf village what should I write

Silver_mixcreators' thoughts