
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

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363 Chs

Chapter 165: Sasuke's Awakening! Neji's Bluntness.

The Uchiha clan was just exterminated last night, perhaps it's not suitable to have a banquet at this time?

But Whitebeard obviously doesn't care about this.

He wants to have a banquet, so he will!

Since he has adopted a daughter, then let's have a banquet with wine and meat as the theme, and announce it to everyone!

"Haha! It seems that we will be a family from now on, Izumi." A sudden voice rang out behind Uchiha Izumi.

She turned around in surprise with tears in her eyes.

Izumi found that Shisui had appeared behind her at some point.

Next to Shisui was the big sister called Uzumaki Fuushi!

These two people, Uchiha Izumi is very familiar with.

One is the Uchiha-senpai in Izumi's eyes.

The other is the benefactor who healed her.

Uchiha Izumi also saw a man with a shark face, and also saw a child with golden hair, and a child with red hair, and two children with black hair.

Oh, no...

She just noticed that one of the "black" haired little girls actually has a deep purple hair color. In the dark night, this hair color looks too much like black hair.

She even has a pair of byakugan!

Is this the Hyuga clan?

"Hello! My name is Uzumaki Naruto!"

Naruto directly gave Uchiha Izumi a thumbs up, his smile on his face was very bright and happy, "Pops has another daughter. Now... we Whitebeard pirate crew's official members, including Pops, already have nine people! The growth rate is very satisfying!"

Uchiha Izumi's eyes widened, the information revealed by Naruto's words has made her guess a lot of things.

"You guys are also..."

"Yes!" Naruto laughed, "We are also Pops' sons and daughters! This big sister is called Uzumaki Fuushi, this is Uzumaki Karin, this is Hyuga Hinata, this is Haku, this is Hoshigaki Kisame, this is Uchiha Shisui."

Naruto actively introduced the names of his family members to Uchiha Izumi.

"I know your name is Uchiha Izumi, ..."

Naruto scratched his head, "Because Shisui mentioned you to me before"

"Oh yeah!"

Naruto seemed to remember something, "You probably don't know what Pops' name is, right?"

Uchiha Izumi was about to say she knew.

But she suddenly reacted.

She only remembers that Whitebeard's nickname is Whitebeard, but her memory of Whitebeard's real name is very vague. She just vaguely remembers that she once glanced at it on a bounty order, but didn't remember it.

In her impression, Pops' name is very long.

At least five or six characters or more.

Izumi was a bit embarrassed.

"Hahaha! It's okay!" Naruto said embarrassingly, 

"When I first met Pops, I also had a hard time remembering Pops' name... But now I'm sure I can remember it clearly! Pops' name is 'Edward Newgate'!"

"He is the best Pops in the world, and even in the ninja world, without a doubt! You will never regret joining the Whitebeard pirate crew, and you will never regret becoming our family!"

Naruto's enthusiastic words gave Uchiha Izumi a sense of belonging to the Whitebeard pirate crew.

After all, Izumi is still very worried, although Whitebeard has adopted her as a daughter, but how should she get along with the new family members?

Naruto's enthusiasm made Uchiha Izumi feel that she might not need to worry about these things.

Izumi wiped the tears from her face again.

This time, it was finally wiped clean.

"Edward Newgate, is that Pops' name? I remember! Then...

She bowed ninety degrees to Naruto and the others, "Then please give me your guidance in the future!"

"Izumi, you don't have to be so formal."

Although Shisui couldn't see Izumi's actions, he could guess what Izumi was doing from her tone and words.

He smiled and said, "You are the protagonist of tonight's Whitebeard Pirate Group banquet, you need to have some confidence as the protagonist of the banquet!"


Shisui paused, and continued, "In this welcome banquet, all the surviving Uchiha clan members can also participate."

Shisui's words also contain a lot of information.

Although Whitebeard only took Uchiha Izumi as his daughter and temporarily did not take other surviving Uchiha as his children.

But his words have already shown that the Whitebeard Pirate Group has decided to protect those Uchiha clansmen.

So they were also invited to the banquet.

Let them also participate in this banquet!


The temporary residence of the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group began to become lively, and the original sadness and depression were swept away by the banquet forcibly hosted by Whitebeard.

Because there are many people participating in the banquet today, when added up, there are a total of eighty or ninety people.

The wine and meat that the Whitebeard Pirate Group bought in Konohagakure these days.

All have been moved out by Kisame.

There must be several tons of meat!

There must also be several tons of wine!

Clusters of bonfires are burning at the temporary residence of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Looking down from the sky, it looks like a little star fire.

The surviving Uchiha clan members who were pulled into the banquet didn't expect that at the moment when they were most sad and helpless... the Whitebeard Pirate Group pulled them into the banquet.

One by one, the adult Uchiha clansmen were drinking heavily to numb their inner sadness.

Drink to commemorate the dead relatives.

Also drink to welcome a new life.

Underage people who can't drink are holding cups of juice, many of them who are very young actually don't understand all this.

Many of them don't even know why their parents are gone?

Why did they Uchiha moved to a new place?

No one answered the doubts in their hearts.

After all, some truths are too cruel for them.

But the enthusiastic atmosphere of the banquet still made their confused and helpless little faces finally show a few smiles of relief.

Even the youngest child, with a pacifier in his mouth, curiously looked at the roast meat in front of him that was sizzling with oil from the flames.

At this time... Sasuke was squatting next to a tent.

This is his temporary residence where he was settled.

As the son of the clan leader of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke is a very special one, because his elder brother is Uchiha Itachi.

Even though many people know that Sasuke is also the innocent one, and even the very tragic one of the Uchiha clan.

But the anger towards Uchiha Itachi is always inevitable.

Although the clansmen held back and didn't say much.

But they also didn't take the initiative to communicate with Sasuke.

It's like there's a line between him and them, this line may disappear over time, but obviously not tonight.

Sasuke sat alone.

It is precisely because of this loneliness that the tent behind him was allocated to him alone, he can live in it alone.

No one lives with him.

No one sits next to him.

No one sat next to him.



A small hand was placed on his left shoulder, and Sasuke suddenly felt someone come to his side.

The other person also had a cumin smell of barbecue on him. When he opened his mouth to speak, the cumin smell became even stronger, "Guess who I found? It's my best friend..... Uchiha Sasuke!"

"Hehehe!" Naruto put one hand on Sasuke's shoulder and the other hand grabbed a bunch of skewers. He handed the skewers to Sasuke, "This is what I personally grilled for you! Welcome to join the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Naruto treated the Uchiha clan as a vassal of the pirate crew.

Of course, the actual situation is indeed so.

This is not a disgrace for the Uchiha clan today.

Now that there is a powerful force that dares to protect the Uchiha clan, it is already the greatest luck for the Uchiha clan.

After all...

Not everyone dares to provoke Uchiha Itachi, who almost single-handedly exterminated the entire Uchiha clan.

For many ninja clans in Konohagakure village...

Uchiha has become a synonym for "misfortune" and "bad luck".

Who made their experience too miserable.

The "extermination" night!

"...I'm not hungry." Sasuke stared at the skewers in front of him, his throat moved up and down, but he was a bit embarrassed.

The son of the head of the prestigious Uchiha clan has fallen to this point.

Sasuke still has a huge gap in his heart.

He turned his head away, forcing himself not to look at these skewers.

"Oh? Really?"

Unfortunately, Sasuke couldn't hide all his thoughts, because his emotions were all written on his face.

Naruto laughed, "If you don't eat, then I'll eat it!"

Naruto deliberately ate a skewer.

And he also ate with a smack.




"Gurgle...." Sasuke's stomach couldn't resist the temptation of food. He tried very hard not to stare at the handful of skewers, but his eyes didn't listen to him.

Sasuke grabbed the handful of skewers and stuffed a skewer into his mouth. He immediately stuffed all the grilled meat on the skewer into his mouth and chewed hard.

It was as if he was eating not a skewer of meat, but Uchiha Itachi.

There were more than thirty skewers in a big handful.

Sasuke ate them all like a whirlwind.

All gone.

"Huh..." The slight feeling of fullness made Sasuke breathe a sigh of relief and also swept away a lot of gloom in his heart.

"It's pretty good." Sasuke didn't know why he said this, Naruto.

"Thank you"

"That's for sure, my grilling skills have been practiced for more than a year! Besides... we're best friends, what's there to thank? If you're hungry and I have the ability to feed you, then I'll share with you, isn't that a matter of course?"

Naruto's words were reasonable and logically consistent.

"You're not a waste of a person who's been hit and can't get up. You're Uchiha Sasuke who always has the motivation and determination to surpass me!" Naruto's smile was very infectious, "So you are right now are very worthy of my sincere treatment!"

Compared with the surviving Uchiha clan members who didn't discriminate against him but also chose not to communicate with him...

It's simply a world of difference.

Sasuke doesn't really blame those clan members. Because it is indeed Uchiha Itachi who killed their family members, and Uchiha Itachi is indeed his elder brother, this relationship can't be cut off.

But Sasuke didn't expect that he had fallen to this point.

Naruto could still treat him with such sincerity.

It's impossible not to be moved.

"Naruto....." Sasuke took a deep breath, he turned his head to look at Naruto next to him: "I know you really want me to come out of the shadow of last night... but as long as that man is alive for a day, I will never come out of the shadow. Because I, who am shrouded in the shadow, can always maintain my hatred for him."

"Him? Your brother?" Naruto said the taboo word in front of him.

Before, when Uchiha Izumi said the word 'brother' in front of Sasuke, Sasuke's reaction was very big.

Now, Sasuke doesn't know why he didn't react.

Is it because he is too familiar with Naruto?

Does that make Naruto special?

"Yes!" However, Sasuke didn't think too much about this.

He nodded, then lowered his head and quietly looked at the bonfire in front of him, and answered: "Only by killing him, can I come out of the shadow; and only by killing him, can I draw a clear line with him and get the recognition of other clansmen."

"So what are you going to do?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke said seriously: "I need to become stronger, at all costs, to become stronger than I am now, to become stronger than that man! And then, kill him!"

"Become stronger?" Naruto suddenly realized.

"Sasuke." Naruto said: "Do you have the courage to put your life on the line? Even in the process of becoming stronger... you may not have time to kill that man, and you have already put yourself in a deadly situation because you want to become stronger."

Naruto's words are a bit convoluted, but Sasuke thought for a few seconds and figured out what his words meant.

"If I die before I kill him, then even if my soul going to the underworld will never succumb to death."

Sasuke clenched his fist: "Even if I die, my soul will crawl out of the underworld and drag that person down to die with me!"

"I want him to see with his own eyes the father, mother, and all the clansmen he killed!"

Become stronger, revenge, and strengthen the Uchiha clan.

This is the goal in young Sasuke's heart.

"Hahaha! Then you will train with me tomorrow!"

Naruto enthusiastically invited: "I will make a special training plan for you! You have to be careful! This special training is very likely to cost you your life!"

"Special training..." Sasuke knew that Naruto became so powerful so quickly because he went through Whitebeard's brutal special training.

Sasuke also knew how exaggerated the intensity of this special training was.

Because he once imitated Naruto, as a result, he persisted for less than half an hour, and his muscles were sore all over, and he lay at home for several days after returning home.

Sasuke is actually a bit scared.


The hatred for Uchiha Itachi in his heart overcame this fear. Since he is not afraid of risking his life, what is he afraid of brutal special training?

As time passed, the banquet of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, from eight o'clock in the evening, lasted until two o'clock in the morning.

The long-lasting banquet made many Uchiha let go of some sadness.

It also made them accept the protection of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

It also made them recognize the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

It is worth mentioning that... although Whitebeard only took Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Shisui.

But many Uchiha clansmen, when they call Whitebeard, they don't call Whitebeard-sama, nor do they call Whitebeard captain.

They actually also called him "Pops".

Fortunately, Whitebeard is old enough.

It would be quite strange if some not-so-young members of the Uchiha clan called Whitebeard "Pops"


Hyuga clan residence.

"Hiashi-sama, Elder Hyuga Taisou and his two Chunin guards have been missing for two days."

A member of the Hyuga clan reported the situation to Hyuga Hiashi.

After all, Hyuga Taisou is also a big figure in the Hyuga clan, his sudden disappearance is definitely a big deal.

Upon learning of this situation.

Hyuga Hiashi frowned, "Elder Taisou is missing? Before he disappeared... did he leave any letters? Have you checked his house?"

"Hiashi-sama, we have already checked inside, and we did not find any letters or clues."

A member of the Hyuga clan replied, "There are no signs of fighting in the house, only some traces of the aftermath when the Uchiha clan was exterminated."

"But if it's said that the elder was affected by the aftermath, it shouldn't be, because his body was not found. Hyuga Taisou seems to have evaporated in the ninja world!"

At this point, the Hyuga clan member couldn't help but swallow.

A former Jonin, two young Chunin.

Just disappeared silently.....

Isn't that too strange?

"..." After hearing this, Hyuga Hiashi was silent for a long time before asking, "Before Hyuga Taisou disappeared, did he meet with anyone?"

"This, I don't know yet.

"Go check it out, if you find out who he met with, let that person come to see me."

"Yes, Hiashi-sama!"

It's not difficult to check this out, after all, the Hyuga clan, which values bloodline orthodoxy, is not as "flourishing" as the Uchiha clan. The entire Hyuga clan residence, all in all, has only about a hundred people.

Soon, someone found out that Hyuga Taisou had met with "Hyuga Neji" before he disappeared.

This news also reached Hyuga Hiashi.

So Hiashi wanted to see Neji.

Late at night.

Neji came.

"Since Hinata left the Hyuga clan, this is our first meeting, isn't it?" In a vacant room in the mansion, there were only Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Neji.

There was a candlestick next to each of them.

And they were kneeling and facing each other.

Only a little over a meter apart.

Although Konohagakure has had electric lights for a long time, they rarely use electric lights for lighting, they basically use candles, with a focus on tradition.

The candlelight flickered in the room, originally it was the gap in the window, a bit of wind blew in.

Such dimness and brightness can also bring a sense of tension.

It's hard not to suspect that it's deliberate.

"Yes." Neji nodded.

Before Hinata left the Hyuga clan, Neji's task was to protect Hinata and practice with her.

After Hinata left, he no longer needed to do these two tasks.

If one day Hyuga Hanabi grows up, he might have to shift his task target to Hyuga Hanabi.

"Neji... Have you heard about the disappearance of the elder? I heard that you have met the elder several times. Can you tell me what you know?"

Hyuga Hiashi stared into Hyuga Neji's eyes.

In fact, he just wanted to know some clues from Neji.

But unexpectedly, Neji's answer was shocking: "Elder Hyuga Taisou? I know what happened to him. He's dead, and the two guards around him are also dead. Although it's not me who killed them personally, I was involved in it, and there's not much difference from me killing them."

Nara Shikaku's "warning" was not heeded by a single kid.

Sasuke chose to forget it selectively, and so did Neji.

Neji's gaze met Hyuga Hiashi's.

Even though he was just an eight-year-old child, he was looking at an adult, and this adult was the head of the family, he didn't show any fear at all!

And the words that came out of Neji's mouth...

Made Hyuga Hiashi stunned for a moment.

His eyes widened a bit.




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