
Naruto : Awaken Haki At The Start

A boy got transmigrated in the world of Naruto and one day awakens One Piece System. Come join in his journey of becoming the strongest shinobi. "I awaken Conqueror's Haki At the Start." This is a translation that i am doing. I am not the creator of this story.

Charlie083 · Komik
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11 Chs

Ch7 Armament: Hardening

After talking about the steps of Chakra extraction, the ninja teacher announced that he would practice ninja combat this afternoon.

The so-called ninja practice is the time for students to have combat training.

Everyone can choose an opponent with similar strength as their combat partners for training, so that they can increase their actual combat experience through training and become a qualified ninja.

Everyone was very excited about the ninja combat practice and looked forward to the arrival of the combat class in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Ryujin felt malice in the dark. When he was in class in the morning, he felt a very strong gaze looking at him.

It was a student who was about two years older than himself, with a proud face, a hairstyle similar to that of a hedgehog, and the conspicuous red "Uchiha fan" logo on the clothes!

Its identity is naturally easy to guess, a member of the Uchiha family.

Now this time period is some time before the Second Ninja World War, and the mechanism of the ninja school is not as perfect as the later generations.

Most of the students in the upper and lower grades take classes in one classroom and practice together.

And because war can break out at any time, current ninjas can apply for graduation in advance, and then take a new step, such as joining Anbu!

Anbu Special Ops is directly under the Hokage, and the students of the ninja school are proud to join Anbu.

The strong figures in the future generation such as Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Itachi, Yamato, will be some famous names in the Anbu.

There is also a type of class, where some Jönin will select ninja school graduates to teach and take on various tasks to hone their skills.

In the original manga, Namikaze Minato should be the second type, worshiping Jiraiya as a teacher, honing in the second ninja world war, and then shining brightly in the third ninja world war, leaving the name of "Yellow Flash"!

"Ryujin-kun, are you alright?" Kushina, who was sitting beside him, asked involuntarily.

Even if she didn't come to Konoha Village for a long time, she could realize that Ryujin was in trouble, and it was because of herself?

At first glance, Uchiha Yusuke looks like a senior, and his strength should not be weak. Ryujin will probably suffer!

"Don't worry!" Ryujin said calmly.

Although he has been cautious since he came to this world, he will not back down when faced with challenges.

Since you dare to have evil intentions, you must pay a certain price for your actions!

And now since he has the Conqueror's Haki, even if it is the Uchiha clan, his malice will be crushed!

At the beginning of the actual combat class in the afternoon, the ninja teacher came to the classroom. After saying a few words, he took all the students out of the classroom and came to the ground.

Then, the ninja teacher started to read a long-arranged list in his hand, and the students came forward one by one to start the combat test.

The shuriken and kunai that everyone used were unexploited items. Although it was more difficult to cause fatal injuries, it was still impossible to completely avoid bloodshed.

"Teacher, I want to challenge Ryujin -kun!"

Just like when the battle class was going on, Uchiha Yusuke stepped out of the crowd with a proud face.

Hearing this, the ninja teacher frowned and said, "You are a year older than Ryujin and entered the ninja school a year earlier. Do you really want to challenge your underclassman?"

At this moment, the students in the entire class couldn't help but look over!

Although Uchiha Yusuke is not as talented as Namikaze Minato, he is very popular.

But it's not much worse, and with Sharingan, the cheat- like dojutsu, his overall strength has reached the level of Genin.

Ryujin has only been in Konoha Academy for three months, so how could he be Uchiha Yusuke's opponent?

Obviously he was trying to bully Ryujin, for a while, there was a lot of discussion.

Many students have different expressions, some laughing, some watching the fun, some pity, and some expressionless...

This era is cold-blooded, and so are the people of this era!

Although they are only children, but with their identities as ninjas, they are destined not to be regarded as ordinary children.

"Isn't this bullying?" Kushina ran to the front and shouted.

"Ryujin, it's okay if you don't agree, you just hide behind the woman, you don't deserve to be a ninja!" Uchiha Yusuke mocked.


The ninja teacher shouted, his eyes fixed on Ryujin, and he said:

"Ryujin, this is a free practical class, as a teacher I will respect your choice!"

Ryujin stepped forward with a calm expression and said. "Thank you, teacher, but I'll take the challenge."

"Have you made up your mind?" The ninja teacher looked strangely at Ryujin again, but found that the child was very calm from beginning to end.

Although the courage is commendable, once the decision is made, although there will be no death, at least it he will be severely injured!

Uchiha Yusuke is clearly coming with malice!

"Yeah." Ryujin nodded.

"Ryujin!" Kushina said worriedly, with faint tears in her eyes.

But Uchiha Yusuke showed a smug smile!

The students automatically stepped back, leaving an open space for the two to duel.

The ninja teacher said with a blank face: "Remember, this is just an actual combat experience."


The moment the words fell, Uchiha Yusuke flipped his hands, and directly took out two stacks of shuriken, and threw them at Ryujin suddenly.


In an instant, the eight shuriken seemed to turn into black afterimages, four of which locked Ryujin's body, and the other four blocked Ryujin's escape route!

With Sharingan's assistance, just by throwing this shuriken, the Uchiha family can be said to be the powerful clan in the entire Konoha Village.

Facing the flying eight shurikens. Ryujin clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with light, turned slightly sideways, bent his arms, and hammered his fists in the direction where the eight shurikens flew.

"Is he crazy?!"

"He actually used his fist to stop the shuriken?!" Seeing this scene, all the students suddenly widened their eyes.

Even Namikaze Minato has a strange look on his face!

Faced with this kind of attack, it's best to get away with the Body Flicker Technique, or get away with the Body Replacement Technique.


Ryujin turned a blind eye to the expressions of these people. Since there is no way to hide his strength, why hide!

It's just a punch!

"Too naive!" Uchiha Yusuke didn't expect Ryujin to be so brainless.


With a silent recitation, Ryujin's body was small, and when the shuriken was about to attack, he punched out!

Armament Haki wraps the surface of the punch, and suddenly the strength and defense of the whole body skyrocket!


There was a sound of metal clashing. Ryujin directly used Armament Haki, and the shuriken were directly blown away by the hardened punch.

When Armament Haki is at advanced level, even a mountain can be leveled, what is a mere shuriken!

Those eight shuriken were directly smashed and fell to the ground powerless, and some were even broken, bent, and cracked!

But Ryujin wasn't hurt in the slightest!


{Two Chapters Today}

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