
Naruto: A Different Reality

In a Naruto universe veiled by the ominous specter of an alternate past, the legendary rival of Hokage Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha makes a fateful decision. Instead of using izanagi to hide in the shadows, Uchiha Madara uses it a new lifeline against his battle with Hashirama Senju. Desperate to stop the Madara's madness, Hashirama seals his once-friend within the depths of a Shinigami seal but due to black zetsu's interruption something unimaginable happens. Black Zetsu, the cunning manipulator, who now has the bodies of two of the greatest shinobi of all time with all their secrets, orchestrates a plan that threatens to unravel the very fabric of reality. Even the combined might of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha may not be enough to thwart this impending catastrophe. The world stands on the precipice of ruin, its fate hanging by a fragile thread. Amidst this chaos emerges our protagonist, a figure from another realm, transmigrated into this desperate Naruto world. Possessing knowledge of the original Naruto World, they are tasked with a daunting mission—to rewrite destiny itself. As alliances shift like shadows and ancient evils stir, Ryouma Uchiha embarks on an odyssey through the heart of darkness. With the weight of a doomed world on their shoulders, they must navigate treacherous waters, forge unexpected alliances, and confront the deepest shadows of the shinobi world. Join Uchiha Ryouma on an epic journey where the boundaries between worlds blur and the line between friend and foe fades. Will they be the beacon of hope this fractured world needs, or will darkness claim all in its grasp? Prepare for an adventure where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the echoes of a new legend begin to resound.

DRAGONs_layer · Komik
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21 Chs

Chakra Awakening

Chakra is energy that is the combination of physical and spiritual energy that is present in every cell of the body. It is produced by the body's cells.

Hence chakra is present inside every living creature, but not every one can utilise it. Only some creatures can unlock the ability to utilise chakra and manipulate it by will.

This phenomena is called Chakra Awakening, it can be naturally, as often seen animals or done by external means as seen in humans.

In humans, however only those people have the liberty to awaken chakra who are willing to work as ninjas for their respective villages, hence the ability to manipulate chakra also separates ninjas from civilians.

In konoha, this awakening is usually done in academy, however some clans do it before they send their children to academy to give them a advantage.

With that being the case here, Ryouma and Obito along with Ryouma's mother, Minami and Obito's grandmother were their way Uchiha clan's patriarch house. Obito was sharing his experiences about a ramen shop while Ryouma was absent-mindedly nodding.

Ryouma's POV:

'Uchiha's clan head for now is Uchiha Tatsuma and his child was Uchiha Mikoto. I remember that during nine tails attack, Fugaku was the head and he was head for atleast 5 years because Itachi was 5 years older than Sasuke who was born at that time.

So somewhere in next six years, Fugaku would become patriach. By that time, even if I didn't skip years, I would have graduated.

Good thing, I guess. There wasn't much I remember about Fugaku from canon. Attempt to rebel aside I didn't like how he treated Itachi and Sasuke. Pressure from elders and dissatisfaction from the treatment from village is no reason to treat his own children like that. If he can treat his children like that there is no reason to believe he would not try to do much worse to others.

I am hiding my abilities for now, but I will not do so in future. He may attempt to use me as a pawn but I refuse to be reduced to a mere pawn. Graduation might bring me some freedom but I still have to listen to him if I don't want to cut ties with Uchiha. Tch I will have to do something about it.'

"Hey are you listening, Ryouma?"

Obito almost shouted at my ear as I winced and showed my dissatisfaction on my face.

Obito looked aside for some time but quickly forgot that and continued.

"We totally have to visit that ramen shop after this, wht was the name again... Ichy-something but I will tell you ramen in that place was super delicious."

'Hmm, ramen shop. Is he talking about Ichiraku Ramen. Oh fantastic, I have been searching that guy for ages, even though I don't really go out of Uchiha compound. Should I say it. I should say it, yes.

(*Mental throat clearing noises)

It's about damn time, I have been waiting, Teuchi.'

However on the surface, my face remained unchanged as I answered back.

"Hmm, I guess we should go. I haven't had ramen in ages."


As we reached the patriarch's house, we saw one little girl standing in front of the gate, she was just about our age from her appearance. She had her head down as her shoulder length hair covered her face from the side.

She didn't react to our arrival.

But Obito, who was definately more confident than canon Obito (I don't know how that's even possible but here is the result) and too much excited for the prospect of Chakra Awakening, immediately walked up to the girl and asked.

"Are you also here to have your chakra awakened?"

The girl was obviously a bit startled by his enthusiasm and looked up to see us as she took a small step back.

"No, I actually don't want to be a ninja."

Now it was our time to be started, a Uchiha not wanting to be a ninja was something you don't see, even rarely. Mother had a look of empathy on her face and I understood why.

Not becoming a ninja is not a choice Uchiha clan's kids have.

Obito was speechless too for a moment but recovered and asked back.

"Eh, but why, ninjas are so cool."

The girl looked a bit peeved at that but looked away and said.

"My parents were ninjas and they are dead now."

Obito was going to say something but the door opened and the current matriarch, Uchiha Emiko came out.

Looking at us, she smiled a bit and said.

"Did I make you wait for long. Sorry about that. Anyway come inside, Tatsuma is waiting."

All of us bowed to greet her and mother said.

"Don't worry about that and sorry for intruding."

We entered the house and were lead to backyard of the house, where clan head was waiting with few clan elders.

Before entering however, matriarch stopped the girl and lead her somewhere else.

As we entered, the focus of everyone shifted to us, Obito looked a bit uncomfortable under their stares.

In front of them we all bowed as the clan head nodded and acknowledged our greetings.

"Step forward, Uchiha Ryouma and Uchiha Obito." We did as he said as mother and grandmother retreated to sides.

"Today you stand before me to have your chakra awakened but before that you have to prove me that you are worthy of holding such power. Tell me why should I provide this power to you, what do you intend to do with this power?"

These words were a bit unexpected for me, being a ninja was a necessity in Uchiha clan. 'So what are they planning by saying such things? Do they want us think that they are doing a favour to us by saying that? Or is this a way to determine our motivations like if I said I want prosperity of Uchiha clan, I future they might make me do things for them in the name of welfare of clan. Should I give a more neutral answer if that's the case.'

But Obito was already answering.

"I will become hokage." That reply had left the audience a bit stunned as I shook my head.

'Never change, Obito, never change.'

My answer was. "I want to become a ninja to serve and protect my village."

Our answer brought slight frowns in more than one elder present there but they didn't voice out their thoughts.

Clan head's expression didn't change as he continued.

"That is a respectable motivation. I hope both of you could strive and work hard to achieve your dreams."

He stood up and walked up to us and placed his hand on our heads.

"I will now awaken your chakra, it might sting a bit but bear with me."

As he said that he began pushing his chakra through our chakra network and began prodding our chakra points.

Weird tingling spread throughout my body as his chakra moved and opened my chakra points.

After some time, he removed his hand from our heads and moved back. His chakra receded from our bodies. Immediately from the core of our bodies, chakra began to flow. Unlike clan head's chakra when it flowed, warmth and power began to surge through our bodies.

Chakra which have been stored in our bodies for three years for now, had finally became free. The uncontrollable and unrestrained chakra flowed through our body and flowed out of it, creating a shockwave with us as a center.

Shockwave that my body produced was just about same as Obito's but mine had made the air noticeably warmer as due to sudden temperature change, refraction could be seen around me.

Patriarch and elders looked impressed..?

'Why do they look impressed, and it's not only with me. That shockwave must have to do something with it. I will just ask mom.'

"Both of you have very good potential to become strong in future. Keep working hard and never lose focus from your goal, alright?"

Patriarch said with a slight smile.

" "Yes, Tatsuma-sama" "

Bowing out heads both of us said that. Then we were dismissed. Mom and Obito's grandmother joined us as we left from the front door.

"Mom, does that shockwave imply something?" I asked.

"Yes, it implies the innate amount chakra your body currently have. People born in Uchiha clan have high chakra reserves and both of you have high reserves even amongst them."

"And what that have to do with potential he talked about."

Mother looked a bit uncomfortable at that question and chose not to answer it.

"You will understand later. For now how about we visit the ramen shop, Obito mentioned about."

"Yes let's go there, you will love it, believe me." Obito promptly forgot about what we were discussing and began leading the way.

'I guess I will find about that later, for now let's see how the legendary ramen tastes.'