
Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

Kuuro_6988 · Komik
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15 Chs


"Sasuke, your body..." Sakura looked at him, her expression filled with uncertainty and fear. The transformation he underwent made her uneasy, as his appearance took on an almost sinister and evil aura. The dark, ominous marks on his body, combined with his Sharingan blazing a bright red, sent shivers down her spine.

Trying to reassure her, Sasuke replied, his voice carrying a sense of newfound power. "There's nothing to worry about, Sakura. I feel different, but in a strong way. I'm bursting with power." He glanced down at his hands, which were now covered in those black marks, and took a few steps forward.

"I obtained this power from him," Sasuke continued, his tone sending chills down Sakura's spine. "I understand it now. I am an avenger. I must do whatever it takes to gain power, even if it means selling my soul to the devil."

Sakura's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze locked onto Sasuke. However, she wasn't the only one observing him. Dosu's single eye widened in shock, sweat trickling down his face.

"So, it was you," Sasuke uttered, his gaze fixed on Zaku.

As Sasuke spoke, Shikamaru urgently shouted at Ino, warning her, "Get out of there, Ino, or you'll be dragged into this!"

Ino, who was currently occupying Kin's mind, swiftly released her jutsu and returned to her own body.

Sasuke took another step forward, and the curse mark gradually spread across the rest of his face. He emanated an overwhelming aura of power, causing Dosu to instinctively take a step back.

Dosu shouted, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and trepidation, "His chakra... It's immense!"

Refusing to succumb to fear, Zaku formed a hand sign, determined to fight back.

"Zaku, no!" Dosu desperately called out, attempting to reach him before he unleashed his jutsu. However, his efforts were in vain. Zaku completed the hand sign and unleashed a devastating attack known as the "Supersonic Air Slice." With a fierce roar, a hurricane-like gust of wind hurtled towards Sasuke, intent on slicing him into countless pieces.

"Hah! I've blown him to pieces!" Zaku exclaimed triumphantly, his breath heavy as he caught his breath after the attack.

"Who did you blow to pieces?" A voice emerged from behind Zaku, freezing him in his tracks. Before he could react, Sasuke swiftly raised his hand and delivered a powerful backhand, sending Zaku flying through the air. Though he managed to regain his composure and struggled to his feet, Sasuke had already prepared his next attack. With a swift motion, he unleashed the "Dragon Phoenix Breath Technique," releasing several blasts of scorching fire from his mouth.

"You're getting overconfident!" Zaku shouted defiantly. "I can just blow these flames out!" He raised his hands and unleashed his wind jutsu to extinguish the fiery onslaught. However, his eyes widened in a mix of shock and fear as he witnessed shuriken concealed within the now extinguished flames hurtling towards him.

Zaku desperately raised his hands in an attempt to protect his vital points from the incoming shuriken. The sharp blades found their mark, slicing into his arms, and he grunted in pain. Before he could lower his hands, Sasuke appeared beside him in a blur of speed.

"Zaku, beneath you!" Dosu's warning came too late.

Frozen with shock, Zaku watched as Sasuke seized his arm, forcefully driving him to the ground. Sasuke pressed his foot onto Zaku's back, immobilising him further while gripping his other arm tightly.

A wicked smile contorted Sasuke's face, an expression of pure insanity. His Sharingan blazed wide open as he stared down at Zaku, who now lay at his mercy. "You take such pride in your arms. I hope you've said your goodbyes to them," Sasuke uttered in a dark, sinister tone, his grin widening.

With a swift motion, Sasuke exerted pressure on Zaku's back while simultaneously pulling back on his arms, causing an audible snap. A clean break of Zaku's arms echoed through the air, and he roared in excruciating pain, tears streaming down his face.

In a burst of speed, Sasuke reappeared behind Kin, swiftly knocking her out. His smile widened further as he revelled in his newfound strength. A sinister chuckle escaped his lips as he locked eyes with Dosu. "I hope you're more of a challenge," Sasuke taunted, his voice dripping with dark anticipation.

Sakura watched in horror, her heart sinking as she witnessed the darkness consuming Sasuke. "That can't be Sasuke," she thought, her tears flowing uncontrollably. "He's not like that." Summoning all her courage, she got up and sprinted towards him, screaming, "Stop it!" Her voice was weak, pitiful, but it caught Sasuke's attention. Surprised, his grin slowly subsided as Sakura wrapped her arms around him from behind. He turned his head to face her as she spoke again through her tears. "Please," she stuttered, her voice trembling. "Please, stop."

As Sakura held onto him, the curse marks on Sasuke's body began to recede, gradually fading away, leaving only the permanent one on his neck.

"The marks of the curse are fading. We are saved, for now," Dosu thought, his hands still shaking from the intensity of the situation. He gathered his teammates and pulled out a scroll, placing it on the ground before Sasuke. "Take this as a token of my admiration and gratitude for sparing our lives," Dosu said, his voice filled with a mixture of respect and relief. He then swiftly took his teammates and left, retreating from the scene.

The atmosphere gradually calmed down after the intense encounter. It was as if the leaf genin had momentarily forgotten they were in the dangerous Forest of Death. Yet, compared to what had just unfolded, the forest felt almost peaceful.

Upon Sakura's request, Ino took charge of looking after Lee, while Shikamaru and Choji focused their attention on the sleeping Naruto.

Naruto appeared peaceful on the surface, his unconscious form giving off a sense of serenity. However, deep within his body, tremendous changes were taking place. The intense battle with Orochimaru had exerted a great strain on his physical form. Naruto's desire to become stronger had reached its peak during the fight, and with the assistance of the Nine-Tails chakra, his rage and hatred had soared to new heights.

While he slumbered, Naruto's body underwent remarkable transformations. His chakra grew more potent, his mind sharpened for battle, his eyes enhanced their capabilities, his control over chakra improved, and his physique underwent a significant change. The softness that had once characterised his face and body was replaced by a leaner, more muscular Naruto.

However, nobody could truly notice these changes, as Naruto was still clad in his signature orange jacket, a familiar sight that had become deeply ingrained in everyone's minds.

Shikamaru let out a sigh and jokingly suggested, "So, should we kick him until he wakes up?" However, as he spoke, Naruto's eyes opened, and it took a moment for them to focus. From Naruto's perspective, everything seemed sharper, more vivid. As he sat up, a sense of lightness overwhelmed him. His chakra flowed through his body more effortlessly, and his mind felt clearer than ever.

In this state, his power was nearing the level he had achieved with the Nine-Tails chakra.

Shikamaru, noticing Naruto's silence, questioned Choji with confusion. "What's wrong with him?" This sudden interaction broke Naruto out of his stupor. However, instead of erupting in anger, something quite unlike him happened. Perhaps due to his clearer mind, Naruto quickly launched himself backward, drawing a kunai in self-defence. He found himself surrounded by a team that wasn't his own.

Sakura, surprised by Naruto's reaction, called out, "What are you doing, Naruto? They're our allies. They helped us."

Cautiously, Naruto lowered his kunai. "Sorry, guys, but what's going on?"

"They saved us?" Naruto's thoughts raced as he processed the situation. Before he could respond, another leaf ninja jumped down from a nearby tree. His instinctive reaction was to reach for another kunai, but as he realised it was a fellow comrade, he eased his grip. There was too much happening, and he couldn't find the energy to ask questions.

"We'll take him from here," the newcomer declared, helping Lee to his feet. Naruto's eyes widened with genuine surprise.

"Bushy brows? You're here too," he exclaimed, his astonishment evident in his voice.

"Don't talk to Lee like that!" Sakura screamed, charging at Naruto with her fist clenched.

However, everything seemed to move in slow motion for Naruto. He had always struggled to react to Sakura's punches without causing her harm, but now, something was different. As Sakura unleashed a wide swing, putting all her strength behind it, Naruto simply caught her fist and gently pushed her back, ensuring no harm would come to her.

Sakura stared at him in utter shock. "Naruto..."

Naruto met Sakura's gaze with a smile on his face. "Sorry, Sakura. I didn't mean to upset you, but I just woke up, and I'd rather not be punched."

Disbelief painted Sakura's expression. She couldn't recall Naruto ever possessing this kind of strength, except for when he fought against Orochimaru, but she had attributed that to a life-or-death situation.

"Right," she managed to utter, her voice laced with a sigh.

Just as TenTen was about to lead Lee away, Sakura swiftly turned around and faced her. "Thank you, Lee. Thanks to you, my skills have been elevated to a whole new level."

Lee humbly lowered his head. "It was not me. It was Sasuke." Determination burned in his eyes as he raised his head. "Before we meet again, I will have become stronger. I swear it."

From above, a leaf genin with pupiless eyes observed Sasuke Uchiha intently. "Sasuke Uchiha, both by birth and by his own abilities, he is a formidable foe," the genin mused, recognizing Sasuke's power and potential.

After parting ways with the other Leaf genin, Team 7 pressed on through the dense forest, their mission clear: find the opposing scroll. It had already been four days since the start of the test, and they were growing increasingly anxious as they had yet to locate the corresponding scroll. Despite Naruto's kekkei genkai not yielding significant strength improvements, his mind had sharpened, and his instincts had heightened. He felt calmer, more in tune with his ninja nature.

Sakura's voice broke the silence, tinged with anxiety. "It's been 80% of the test time, and we still haven't found the other scroll."

Sasuke looked up at Sakura and nodded in agreement. "This is our last chance. Let's prepare to move out."

Both Naruto and Sakura nodded in unison. Over the past few days, Naruto had grown accustomed to Sasuke taking the lead. His kekkei genkai allowed him to accept this fact, and he found contentment in focusing on his personal growth. For the time being, he didn't need to be the leader. Learning that skill could come later, perhaps once he became a chunin.

Naruto had been tempted to open the scroll on the third day but dismissed the idea, knowing that neither Sakura nor Sasuke would approve. He was also well aware that such an action could result in disqualification for the team.

Minutes later, Team 7 stood prepared to embark on their mission. Sasuke took the lead, addressing his teammates as they set off. "We should head toward the centre of the forest. That way, we can intercept those who possess one or both scrolls and ambush them. This strategy will allow us to obtain the scroll we need and swiftly conclude the exam."

Naruto nodded, mustering a small laugh. "Well, it's time to teach some people a lesson." However, beneath his laughter, the pressure weighed heavily on him. Failing this exam meant delaying his journey toward becoming a chunin indefinitely.

Sasuke quickly intervened as Naruto began to rush ahead. "Hold on, Naruto. Get back into formation. We won't be the only ones who have figured this out." Naruto's eyes widened as he grasped the significance of Sasuke's words. "Yeah, you're right. I understand. Sorry about that. People will try to ambush us while we attempt to ambush them." The gravity of the situation settled upon Naruto, and he realigned himself with the team, prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

As the towering structure of the tower came into view, Team 7's senses heightened, alerting them to a presence nearby. Without hesitation, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura swiftly reacted, launching a barrage of kunai and shuriken towards the source. The projectiles found their mark, hitting a massive centipede that had been lurking in the shadows. However, before the centipede could retaliate, it scurried away, prompting Sasuke to notice something peculiar.

With his senses heightened and on edge, Sasuke swiftly activated his Sharingan, allowing him to perceive the subtle anomalies in their surroundings. Realising that they had been ensnared in a genjutsu, Sasuke took immediate action. He formed a hand sign and called out, "Release!"

In an instant, the world around them shifted and transformed, revealing that the once gigantic centipede was actually just a miniature version. It had all been an illusion, a deceptive genjutsu. Naruto and Sakura's eyes widened in astonishment, impressed by Sasuke's keen perception and quick thinking.

"You're amazing, Sasuke," Sakura exclaimed, her admiration evident in her voice.

Meanwhile, Naruto's thoughts raced as he absorbed the situation. "I'm not strong enough," he realised inwardly. "I spend too much time complaining and shouting when I should be focusing on training myself mentally. No ninja is as loud as me, but that doesn't make me strong. I haven't even taken a life before. I need to become stronger, respected in this village. I will become Hokage and protect everyone."

As Naruto surveyed their surroundings, he suddenly noticed the presence of numerous Mist ninja, clad in black garments and donning gas masks. The odds seemed stacked against them, with multiple clones joining the fray.

Sasuke remained composed, extracting several kunai from his pouch. "There are a lot of them, not to mention the clones," he remarked, preparing himself for the imminent battle.

Naruto responded with a determined smile. "Well, let's put our training to the test and secure another scroll," he declared, his resolve unyielding.

A Mist ninja, their face concealed by a blindfold, emerged from the shadows. "You're all trapped like rats," the ninja taunted, their voice tinged with amusement.

Before anyone could react, Naruto sprang into action with incredible speed, brandishing a kunai in his hand. His movements blurred as he lunged towards the Mist ninja, his intent to kill palpable.

To his surprise, instead of blood, a strange ink-like substance spurted from the ninja upon impact. Naruto continued his assault, but none of his attacks seemed to inflict lasting harm. Suddenly, a kunai hurtled towards Sasuke, leaving him momentarily frozen in place.

Reacting instinctively, Naruto positioned himself between Sasuke and the incoming projectile, blocking it with his own kunai, just barely making it in time.

"Are you okay, Sasuke?" Naruto asked, his attention shifting to his panting teammate.

Sasuke, his face contorted in pain, gripped his neck tightly. "Naruto, I'm still injured from the fight with Orochimaru, but those were all illusions. The attacks were disguised so we could never find him."

Naruto turned to Sasuke, nodding in understanding. "Alright, Sasuke. Tell me what to do. I don't really get all this genjutsu stuff." He looked forward, annoyance evident in his expression. Once they were out of this situation, he knew he would prioritise learning about genjutsu. He needed to become stronger.

Sasuke's eyes widened slightly, and Sakura's eyes widened even more. Naruto wasn't his usual loud-mouthed, self-absorbed self. Something was different. He appeared faster and stronger than before, leaving even Sasuke's Sharingan unable to fully track his movements. However, there was no time to dwell on this. Sasuke welcomed Naruto's willingness to take the leader role for now.

"Naruto, I need you to keep attacking. Use your shadow clones to protect Sakura and me. We'll try to recover as best we can, and I'll come up with a plan," Sasuke instructed, deactivating his Sharingan.

Naruto pulled out another kunai and summoned fifty shadow clones. "Illusions or not, this will be the perfect opportunity to practise. I'm counting on you, Sasuke."

For the next four hours, Naruto relentlessly battled against the illusions, pushing himself to his limits. He attempted to locate the enemy among the illusions, but his efforts proved futile. Meanwhile, Sasuke took the time to rest, allowing his energy to replenish. When the time was right, he activated his Sharingan, calling out to Naruto.

"Okay, Naruto. They must be running low on chakra by now. Keep it up," Sasuke encouraged, joining Naruto in the fight.

Together, Naruto and Sasuke tirelessly hacked away at the illusions, determined to break through. However, in a sudden twist, the illusions dissipated, revealing three Mist genin standing before them. None of them resembled the illusions they had been battling against.

"One was the ninja that we first fought," Sasuke thought, recognizing the familiar face among the Mist genin.

Naruto was visibly exhausted, his stamina wearing thin, but his determination remained unwavering. He refused to give up. He knew he needed to become stronger, better. This was what being a ninja was all about, pushing through even in the face of exhaustion and fatigue. A few more hours would be nothing.

"I remember you. You're the one who injured my shoulder," the Mist ninja taunted Sasuke, his voice filled with a sinister cackle. "It's time for some payback."

Sasuke wore a confident smile, his sharingan still active. "You've exhausted all your chakra, Naruto. Let me handle the rest." To his surprise, Naruto actually nodded in agreement. Sasuke was starting to appreciate this new side of Naruto. The fact that Naruto had willingly accepted Sasuke as the leader of Team 7 amazed him. Sakura, too, was taken aback by Naruto's changed demeanour, but she welcomed this development.

After hours of rest, Sasuke had replenished his chakra reserves. He no longer needed to rely on the curse mark. With his sharingan blazing, Sasuke initiated his assault on the Mist ninja. However, he directed his attack not at the enemies directly in front of him but instead leaped high into the air. From this vantage point, he cast a large fireball jutsu, unleashing a devastating wave of flames that engulfed the ground beneath him. A deep crater formed, and within it, the Mist ninja lay burned and injured, unable to move. Sasuke smirked, his thoughts racing. 'Three opponents incapacitated with a single attack. I am getting stronger, but I still need more training. Can I truly control the power I exhibited against those Sound ninja?' Sasuke decided it was best to postpone exploring that possibility for now. He would continue to experiment with his newfound abilities discreetly.

Using his ninja wire, Sasuke skillfully bound the immobilised Mist ninja to the ground. He then strode towards them, snatching the scroll from their grasp. "Let's head to the building," he declared, his voice resolute.

Unbeknownst to the team, a man wearing glasses and a Leaf headband observed the scene from a distant tree. He muttered to himself, "I'll report this to Lord Orochimaru."