
Nahobino In Marvel

The Nahobino, a fusion between the concept of power and knowledge, has been fighting demons in the Netherrealm for more than a thousand years. After finally making it out, he finds himself in a new Earth. P.S. - There's no chapter schedule, chaps may come out fast or slow, just keep this story and come back to it every now and then.

7DeadViolets · Komik
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13 Chs


Shin brought the teacup to his lips. The tea was nice and hot, alongside a sweet twinge. It warmed up the body nicely. He couldn't help but exhale softly…the fact that he was able to relax was finally sinking in. 

The Ancient One observed him with interest, her lips hidden by the teacup. His form was so unique! She could tell that there was some serious history behind it. The Nahobino ignored her gaze, preferring to enjoy the silence. He closed his yellow eyes in solidarity. 

"It's been a long time since I failed to see one's past and future. I cannot see either. As a protector of Earth and the realm of humanity, this has me very intrigued." She explained. 

"........" Shin's eyes remained closed as he savored the tea. 

"You were probably wondering, but this is Kamar-Taj. A safe haven for practitioners of magic. Located in Tibet." The Ancient One announced. 


"I wanted to ask. There is no pressure here…Who are you? What brought you here?" She finally asked. 

There was a moment of silence as the Nahobino pondered her question. How much should he reveal, or should he reveal anything at all? It took him a moment to find the balance.

"...Before the god of law that humanity knows as the one true god, there were many others." He stated. The woman sat up in her seat, ears perked to his tale of tales. 

"These gods were slaughtered one by one due to a single entity. He was known as the horned god. The ones that feared death surrendered to this entity. As a result, they were stripped of the concept of knowledge. Without this concept…these gods were reverted back into demons. Only the god of law survived this, and only he was lucky enough to still have it."

"Hmmm. So you are saying that God and Jesus Christ are one of many. It is not far-fetched, as I know of plenty of Elder gods." She responded. Shin took another sip of his tea. 

"The god of law's knowledge was compartmentalized and placed in his Garden of Eden. It was then that he created Adam and Eve. Eve ate the fruit of knowledge due to the snake's temptations, cursing humanity and their descendants with knowledge."

"Hmmm." The Ancient One nodded with understanding. She could understand what he was saying. Still, she wanted to know more. 

"If you must put a name to me…I am a Nahobino. The fusion of the knowledge concept and power concept. Power…coming from a demon who lost their knowledge." He revealed. 

At this point the Ancient One frowned. Just when she thought she understood, she was thrown a curveball. The old sorcerer tried to make sense of it. 

"Are you saying that any human can gain this level of power?" She asked. 

"...Yes. In theory." He answered while setting down his teacup. "But this was in my Earth, my universe, my realm and Netherrealm. Such a thing may not be possible here."

'If it was, Tsukuyomi would still be here.' He thought.

"I see. So in theory, you are one of a kind." She quipped with a smile.

A slight smile adorned his lips. It was not forced. This was the first time he'd smiled in years. It felt good. 

"In theory. Yes." He answered.

"In theory." She repeated. 


"Hmph." She chuckled. 

There was another moment of silence. Not the awkward kind, but the comfortable kind. Eventually, the woman stood up. 

"Well I guess I'd better tell you about myself. I am the Sorcerer Supreme, the main protector of Earth from mystical threats. I've been watching over this planet for centuries now."

"...Then you must tell me. Is the world free of demons?" Shin asked. 

This was the second time he asked, this time to a much more knowledgeable source. The Ancient One made a gesture with her hand. It wasn't a complete yes or no. 

"There are times when they slip through the cracks of their realm. It is my and my students' jobs to cull them, or send them back."

"......" Shin processed her words for a while. 

"You must be used to killing demons." She realized.

"...Yes, angels too. And fallen gods. Though I'd like to take a break. I've killed enough." He responded. 

The woman couldn't help but raise an eyebrow upon learning that he'd killed angels and 'fallen gods.' It definitely put into perspective the type of life he'd been living. 

"I understand, but I wanted to propose a deal with you."


"Let me show you." She said. 

The Ancient One put a hand on his shoulder, causing the duo to warp from their positions. The Nahobino could see the entire galaxy for a moment. As soon as he saw it, reality in front of him was ripped open. A new dimension was revealed, grey in color. 

"This place is known as Limbo." She explained. 

Shin only listened with his hands behind his back. He would hear everything before deciding. Calm and thoughtful. That is how Tsukuyomi taught him to be.

"It is a realm full of demons. There is someone I need you to find-"

"I'm not keen on entering another demon realm after just leaving one. I decline." He interrupted. It seems he wouldn't be able to follow Tsukuyomi's teachings.

"At least let me tell you what's in it for you." She pleaded. 


"I immediately felt when you arrived on Earth. Not only that, but your presence felt divine. I bet I'm not the only one who felt it. After the story you've told me, I'm even more sure now. Whether you consider yourself a god or not, other gods will interfere with you. Some may even try to kill you."


"Agree to help me, and I will make it impossible for anyone to find you with scrying, clairvoyance, and tracking abilities. You'll be like a shadow. Nobody will be able to follow your tracks…unless you want them too." She finished. 

The Nahobino thought for a moment. While he wasn't averse to meeting other gods, that didn't mean he wanted to be in their company. Gods were manipulative beings. He'd experienced it already.

"...Unfortunately, I don't wish to enter another demon realm right now. I am still recovering from a 2,000 year journey." He still declined.

"It doesn't have to be now. She isn't in mortal danger. How about you rest for the time being? Once you feel up for it, then you can go. I'll make sure that you can leave the realm as soon as you find the person. Not only that…I thought of a gift for you." She continued to ramble. It seemed she really needed his help. 

Their surroundings changed once more. The duo was now in the vaults of Kamar-Taj. The Ancient One immediately started digging in a pile of relics. Some of them were tossed aside like trash. Eventually, she came up for air. 

"Here it is." She placed an earring in his hand. 

"....?" Shin tilted his head in confusion. 

"This is a moon relic. If you wear this at night or under the moon, your capabilities will be enhanced."

"...But I'm always under the moon." He commented as if it was normal. 

"Excuse me?" She answered with a raised eyebrow. 


Suddenly, the surroundings began to change. They found themselves in a prairie filled with tall grasses and flowers. The moon shone brightly, taking up the entire night sky. 

"A domain!" She gasped before looking at him in a new light.

"......." Tsukuyomi gazed at the moon for a moment, ignoring the woman beside him. 

"With a domain under your control, you are always under the moon. This relic is just a free power up then." She realized. The corners of the Nahobino's lips rose. 

"I accept your deal." He said. 

Before they knew it, a year had gone by. The Nahobino spent his time in and around Kamar-Taj, watching the students practice magic. He experienced the culture of Tibet and savored their delicacies. Every full moon he would mourn the old Tsukuyomi.

SHIELD was unable to find a trace of him. There were no government files on him, or identification. No camera sightings. If Fury had hair, he would've pulled it out in frustration. Of course, there were plenty of supernatural problems to keep him busy.

During all this time, Shin had spent the morning and evenings in bed. Only at night did he leave and go explore. Of course, he would go around in his human form.

The bags under the young man's eyes had lessened to a considerable degree. It wasn't nearly as bad as when he first arrived. Another few years of rest and they would disappear. Of course, he knew that the Ancient One waited on him to fulfill his side of the deal. 

A glint of an earring could be seen on his left ear. It reminded him everytime he looked in the mirror. The Sorcerer Supreme performed a powerful spell to lower his presence and gave him an artifact. He should do his part.

Shin made his way into the heart of Kamar-Taj. Upon reaching her chambers, he walked in without knocking. She was expecting him, a portal already open in the room. 

"Her name is Illyana Rasputin, soon to be known as Magik in the future. She is a mutant who was kidnapped and taken to Limbo. Locate her and return here. I have need of her."

With a flash of white light, Shin donned his Nahobino form. He'd never heard of the term mutant and it showed on his face. The Ancient One gave a wry smile. 

"Nevermind the wording. She has the ability to travel between Limbo and Earth, however she cannot control it. This is why she's stuck there."

The Nahobino regarded her words silently as he approached the portal. Right before he entered, the Sorcerer Supreme passed him a glowing disk. It would open a portal for his return. 

"Siiiigh." The young man wasn't happy to go. The old woman smiled apologetically. 

"The time flow is different there. Years to seconds. I expect your return to be extremely swift. Happy hunting."

He stepped through the portal and it closed. 

Limbo. This realm was grey. Everything about it. The dirt, the structures, the grass. There were no stars. Tsukuyomi could immediately notice something different about this realm. Something intangible was pressing against his psyche, trying to convert him into a mindless violent demon. 

If everyone dealt with this problem, then life here would be ruthless. Shin knew that if he stayed in this realm for years…he would become much colder. The Netherrealm didn't have an effect like this. 

Picking a direction with the most demonic presences, the Nahobino started his journey. His form was like a ghost. Appearing nearby ruined buildings and vanishing just as fast. With his presence erased due to the Ancient One's spell, none would be able to notice him through any other means but their eyes. 

Time moved slowly as Shin sped through the barren land. He ran at incredible speeds, arms trailing behind for pure aerodynamics. It didn't take long for him to encounter his first pair of demons. They were disgusting. 

One was a collection of body parts smashed together, forming a lump of flesh. The other was an overgrown toddler sporting a razor sharp mouth. It covered the entire face. They seemed to be having a conversation. The Nahobino quietly landed on a rock above them. 

"King Belasco is finally doing it!" The giant toddler exclaimed. 

"I know. Oooooooh! I can't wait! I'm gonna push everyone outta the way when we cross over." The mass of flesh responded. 

"First kill is mine."

"No, it's mine."

"You can't even move fast enough to get the first kill. You're literally a glob of flesh."

"Hey! This flesh of mine can move just fine."

"Yeah whatever. When do you think the king will open the portal to the human realm?"

"I'm not sure. It doesn't sound like it will be that long, though. I can't wait to taste human flesh!"

"...This king wants to invade the human realm?" The Nahobino's gentle voice came from above.

Both demons jumped in surprise at the voice. When they looked toward the source, they only saw yellow eyes and pulsing blue. It left them on edge. 

"Who the hell are you?" The toddler exclaimed. 

"To you…I am Tsukuyomi. I'm looking for Illyana Rasputin. Do you know where I can find her?" 

"Whaddya want with the princess?" The mass of flesh squealed. 

'Princess? It seems that there is social structure in this realm.' Shin thought.

"Which way is the princess?" He asked. The giant toddler's razor sharp mouth frowned. 

"Obviously she's in Absentia, idiot. That way." It pointed east.

"...Thank you for your assistance." Tsukuyomi spoke before dropping down. 

As he began to walk away, the two demons gave each other a look. It was a savage grin. That yellow eyed figure was much smaller than them. They couldn't help but wonder what he tasted like. 

The Nahobino had yet to take three steps before they charged him. Two swipes were aimed at his torso. Unfortunately for the demons they only hit air. 

"Huh? Where'd he go?"

Searing hot lines appeared on their bodies. They couldn't help but scream in pain. As their bodies shook and wriggled, their parts slid to the ground in pieces. Their voices grew quiet as they died. Molten hot flesh sizzled where it was cut. 

Tsukuyomi, who was now behind them, deactivated his photon saber. It retracted back into his hand without a sound. There was only the pitter patter of footsteps as the Nahobino continued his journey.