
Nahobino In Marvel

The Nahobino, a fusion between the concept of power and knowledge, has been fighting demons in the Netherrealm for more than a thousand years. After finally making it out, he finds himself in a new Earth. P.S. - There's no chapter schedule, chaps may come out fast or slow, just keep this story and come back to it every now and then.

7DeadViolets · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Wrench In the Plan

The Nahobino had been traveling for a few weeks now. As he came upon the crest of a cliff, he could finally see the kingdom of Absentia. It was far along the horizon…but it was massive. 

Well built structures were strewn all across the land. Now that he was in the territory of Absentia, the social structures could be seen more clearly. There were villages and paved roads. Fences and water wells. 

This was much better than the Netherrealm. Both were dangerous, but Limbo would win in terms of having the least combatants. Normal demon civilians existed here…regardless of how ugly they might be. 

'It seems my time here won't be filled with senseless slaughter.' He thought. It was a nice change. 

Shin made his way down from the cliff and followed the paved road. There were plenty of travelers that gave him weird looks but nothing more. With his hands behind his back, he strolled along. 

Occasionally, he could hear gossip from people nearby. The Nahobino would keep walking. Of course, he would strain his ears to listen. 

"Did you hear? The rabid beowulf is supposedly nearby."

"Damn. Really? I heard it attacks anything it sees. We should leave this place then."

"Don't worry about it. The capital sent soldiers to deal with it. Didn't you see them when we passed the village?"

"Which village? I don't remember." 


"Bast Village you dumbass!"

"Ow! I remember, I remember!"

Shin could hear talks about this beowulf from a myriad of people. This creature seemed to be a big deal. It didn't take long to reach the village in question. Demonic soldiers in black armor stood guard at the entrance. Red light glowed from the visors of their helms.

As the Nahobino approached the entrance, the soldiers looked him up and down. They didn't stop him. Shin nodded at them and received a nod in return. How nice.

Upon reaching the village square, he could see people selling resources to travelers. They had their own stalls and booths. Everyday people living their lives. Much different than the Netherrealm. 

Demons sat outside their homes in boredom. Weird looking children ran around the area playing tag. There were even domesticated pets. Dog-like creatures…cat-like creatures…a very interesting sight. 

The village was observed in its entirety. Shin walked around the whole place noticing the amount of soldiers. They were everywhere. At that moment, he sensed a presence deep in the woods. A strong demonic presence…and a human?


The young man dashed toward the village exit in that direction. As soon as he reached it, the soldiers crossed their weapons. The path was now blocked.

"Halt! This area is off limits for the time being. A beowulf has been sighted. Nobody is allowed through until it is subjugated."

"............." Shin turned away without a response. 

Once he was far enough, he vanished in the shadows. Undetected and unseen. The Nahobino circled around the guards and dashed into the bleak forest. There were no leaves on the trees. Only branches. 

The young man flipped over a fallen set of trees before sliding under a rock structure. His momentum carried him through, keeping his dash at high speeds. Even then, it took about an hour of travel to reach the location. The village was left far behind. 

Shin stopped on the edge of a ghost waterfall and observed. The water was fake and smoky, a phenomena of resentment and hate. Two figures were battling to the death nearby. They both stood in a lagoon of souls. 

The size disparity was obvious. A beowulf. It was a massive muscular creature that could stand on all fours or stand in bipedal fashion. It sported a long muscular tail that could decimate whatever it smacked. This creature was a bruiser. A destroyer. 

Fighting this demonic beast was a single woman of Russian descent. Luscious blonde hair that accented her crystal blue eyes…that sometimes turned black. Dressed in viking adjacent black armor and wearing a tiara that matched the hilt of her greatsword, she seemed strong in her own right. Not to mention the greatsword. It glowed white with a slight golden tint. Definitely not a normal weapon. 

The two combatants clashed over and over again. The woman ducked under the beowulf's powerful slam, responding with a slash across its shoulder. The wound shined with an eerie light. Shin could tell that the blade was sealing the beast's magic abilities. 


The beast grew berserk, smashing everything within range. The ground quaked with every slam. Illyana jumped back to avoid its rampage. Charging up the blade she sent an energy slash toward its face. The crescent slash dug into its cheek, eliciting more rage. 

Both fighters charged each other once more. Illyana slid under a powerful blow, but was caught in a smack by its tail. With a strong thud she was sent careening across the lagoon. Luckily, she landed on her feet. The beowulf was already before her. 

Dodging and weaving. Cut after cut. More and more of the beast's energy was sealed. It was a critical moment. Illyana cut off one of its arms, failing to see the tail swinging toward her neck. That would knock her unconscious if it hit. 

Shin curled his hand into a claw, stopping the tail with the almighty force. Illyana didn't notice how close she'd been to death. She proceeded to cut off its head with a full body twist. A beautiful stroke of swordsmanship. 

"Phew…" She exhaled. 

The princess sat on top of the massive corpse to catch her breath. Her blade was stabbed into the ground. It didn't take long for the woman to fall into her thoughts. Seems she had a lot on her mind. 

About 30 minutes later, Illyana was ready to leave. It was only then that she caught something out of the corner of her eye. A figure stood on the edge of the waterfall, observing her with his hands behind his back. 

Immediately, she drew her sword. Alarm bells rang in her head constantly. She hadn't noticed him at all. How long had that demon been there?!

"Demon! Who are you?! How long have you been there?" She exclaimed in anger and nervousness. 

"..............." The Nahobino observed her in silence.

Suspicious. Dangerous. His looks alone made her cautious. Long black hair that fluttered behind him, deep yellow eyes, and that blue glow on his armored body. His fingers were glowing with the same energy.

The silence went on for a long time…before Shin slightly moved his hand. Immediately, Illyana sent an energy slash towards him. The Nahobino raised his left hand and stopped the projectile in its tracks. He observed the white crescent brimming with golden energy beneath. The woman's eyes grew wide at his casual display of power. 

"I see. Your potential is quite high." He muttered. His gentle voice was scarier than an evil one.


Tsukuyomi stepped off the edge and dropped down into the lagoon. He locked eyes with her once more. Placing a hand behind his back, the other straightened out beside him. 


His photon saber ignited from his fingers at full force. It was unstable, static dancing around the blade. He slowly approached. The saber left a molten trail in the ground. Illyana took a deep breath before shooting energy blasts from her hand. 

The Nahobino slightly tilted his body, effortlessly avoiding the blasts. He grew closer and closer…until he was right in her face. His sword hand cleaved toward her. 

"Bind!" She screamed. 

White chains burst out of the ground in record time. Before it could bind him, he twirled away and cut them apart. Once more he focused on her. Illyana grew calm. There was no place for emotions to cloud her judgement. She knew this man was dangerous. She had to concentrate. 

"Hydra." She exclaimed. 

Suddenly, a magic summoning circle appeared on the ground. Tsukuyomi could understand her intent just by her words. Before the creature could manifest, he accelerated in speed and cut the circle. 


The circle shattered like glass. A failed demon summoning. He vanished from his spot and appeared behind her. The princess spun swiftly, catching his blade with hers. Her arms shook from the force of his blow. Tsukuyomi pressed harder against her blade, forcing her into a crouch.

"What do you want?!" She screamed again. 

"...Focus." He ignored her question. 

"Back off!" 

Illyana exploded with energy, cratering the ground and giving her space to leap away. It was futile. The Nahobino raised his left hand. Almighty element caught her in midair, pulling her back towards him. 

"Come back." He said. 

Realizing that she couldn't escape his intangible grasp, she charged up for a massive attack. Illyana would just bring the fight to him. Incredible power enveloped her large greatsword, the golden energy breaking past the white surface layer. Once she was point blank with him, she cleaved. 

"AAAAAHHHH!" She roared.

A powerful beam of energy cut into the ground. A long rift was opened in the gravel that went on for at least 200 yards. Unfortunately, Shin had already circled behind her. Taking advantage of her recovery, he swept her feet and stepped on her stomach. His blade was pointed an inch from her throat.

Illyana lay on her back while slightly winded. She looked in the calm yellow eyes of the enemy and scowled. There was another moment of silence between them. Finally, Shin's lips rose into a tiny smile. His photon saber deactivated and he held out his hand. 

"My name is Shin. My enemies know me as Tsukuyomi. I'm here to take you away from this dimension, Illyana. To bring you back to Earth."

"............" She remained silent as she took in his words. Ignoring his hand, she rose to her feet. "Don't lie to me, demon."

"I am no demon…sort of, and my words contain no falsehoods." He responded. Illyana frowned. 

"You would really bring me to Earth?"


"I won't go." She answered firmly. Shin immediately frowned. This was not what he expected. 

"You won't? Why?"

"I cannot."


The princess went and grabbed the head of the beowulf, ignoring the question. The greatsword vanished as if it was never there. She began heading back to the village. Shin could only follow. 

"Do you not have family waiting for you on Earth?" He asked. The woman sighed. 

"I do."

"Then why not see them?"

"I can't."


"You wouldn't understand."

"I can't understand unless you tell me, Illyana."

"Do NOT speak to me as if you know me." She lashed out at him.

There was a long period of silence as they both traveled back to the village. It would take longer than an hour since they weren't moving quickly. The princess of demons glared at him. 

"Stop following me." She demanded. The Nahobino shook his head. 

"I will remain by your side until you leave with me."


"I made a deal."

"Of course." There was venom in her tone. 

"Does my motivation offend you? Either way, leaving this place would be good for you. You should be around humans. Not demons." He stated. Illyana gave him a mocking glance.

"Demons like you?"

"...I am not a demon."

"You sure look like one." She quipped. 

"I would prove it to you, but not in a realm of demons." He answered. 

There was no chance he would deactivate his Nahobino form in such a treacherous place. That was a suicidal action. Especially with his experience. 

"...What is your relation to the king known as Belasco?" Shin asked. 



"Wouldn't you like to know." She responded with disdain. 

The two were nearing the village. It could be seen on the horizon, and things seemed to be peaceful. The princess looked at her new follower. 

"King Belasco is a powerful demon sorcerer. He is the one who took me from my home at Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. It was a home for mutants." She finally revealed with a sigh. Shin's eyes narrowed. 

"Then I will slay the fiend and take you home to live your life in freedom."

"Pffft. You…" Illyana giggled at his serious demeanor. He meant business.

"...........?" Shin tilted his head in confusion. 

"It is not that simple. If you truly plan on following me, then you will soon understand why I cannot leave."

"...Very well then."

"Also, um…it would be weird if I returned with you by my side. The soldiers will be suspicious and notify Belasco."

"Then I shall remain unseen." He answered. 

The Nahobino's presence disappeared and his form vanished in the darkness. Illyana nodded before entering the village. The soldiers immediately greeted her with praise upon noticing the beowulf head.

"Your highness, you've found and slain the beowulf?!"

"Soldiers! Assemble! We march back to the capital." She exclaimed. Her voice reached the entire village. 

The platoon of soldiers grouped up in orderly fashion. A demon variant of a horse was brought for the princess, and the group began their march. It would take some time to reach the capital.

Happy 4th of July guys! Let me know if you guys are doing anything today.

PS. Picture of Illyana in her paragraph comment.

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