
Important Note for Readers

First of all thank you for giving my book a read. It's my first book I have written in a platform. This chapter will tell something basic about the book, characters and about the time and space.

1. Don't take this book too serious because this is my pure imagination. This book is set up 10 years apart from the pendamic. So you will get many references about pendamic and COVID 19. This books universe is parallel to our universe.

2. It's a female lead book, so, you will get her opinion about the other characters, the society and the world.

3. This story will be an one sided love for the main leads. The story justify both lives in a better way.

4. The ideological think of the main leads are different. They fought for their ego and pride.

5. There will be a class difference between the characters.

6. The main female lead will be sometimes rude, cunning and arrogant but she is humble and kind form her heart. Same goes to the main male lead.

7. You can judge and criticize my characters and their ideology but don't insult and bully them because you don't have any right to bully anyone just they are not strong as you are.

8. I'm warning you first it will be a mature book. Maybe 18+ .Read it with your own risk. If you are not mature enough then don't read it or ask permission form your parents.

9. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

10. Form this story I just want to spread love in this world. My motto is first you have to love yourself than you can love others.

Again I would like to thank you for giving me your time. Happy reading .

Thank you

Tisa ♥