
Chapter one :Current Affairs

"Things are never quiet as scary when you have got a best friend. "

-Bill Watterson


Today is very important day for Tanisha. She is going to join her dream job as a assistant professor in an central university in India. Its the first job of her. As a member of lower middle class family in India it's a great opportunity. She completed her education form BHU.

Tanisha pov

Rain..... it's raining. I used to love rain but not now I hate it. It's 2030, I'm now 26 years old. Exactly ten years ago the world went pendamic cause of COVID 19,then I was only 16.Me and my elder sister enjoyed those day for our parents that was not a good sign. We belong to a lower middle class family then but not now after my Didi got her job as AC in Assam. you must have been thinking where Assam is? Assam is a state of India I mean northeast India. And I belong to a bengoli family who's mother land is India and heaven is Assam.

My lazy ass doesn't want to leave the bed. I mean why not bed doesn't judge me. Okay... anyways I have to get ready for my work. it's a central university so I have to dress up as upper class. Form childhood my was to became rich. I know I'm a money minded person but who don't like money.

Look I made at time. Yesss. First time in my life I made it because of my mother's continued nagging. okay Tanisha, you have be strong and extrovert around them start the conversation first. Okay you can do it baby. Goo.

8:30 pm 16/6/2030

It was a hectic day man. Right now I'm waiting for my father to pick me up from this dark bus stop and there he comes with his love I mean his 20years old bike. This bike also has a big history. Maybe next time.

9:15 pm 16/6/2030

"How is your first day, jann? "my maa asked after I and papa reached home.

It's was not truly good nor truly bad, maa. "I said to her in a lazy voice. I hate to being lazy but what to do. it's me only me.

"ahh my soona, time can make you love this job, okay. Now tell me what you want? " "Tea,I want tea, maa, please, please." "Ah this girl, okay but you have to eat dinner after that ,is that clear? " "Yes "I smile to her.

Currently we are living in Dispor, Guwahati,which is capital of the state Assam. I miss my home town and and my dear friends. They too got married last year .One is in Delhi and another one is in Puney. I miss them very much. Today was a great day for me. I wish everyday will be like these.

14/9/2031 ,South Mumbai

"You are the one who marry me that not I" She cried and said to him

"Because of you she ran away from marriage alter and without any chose I have to marry. I fucking hate you. Get out from my room. You will never be my real wife. You are here for only my pleasure and give me an heir. that's it. You're a toy to me to play. Now get out. "He said in his drunken and angry voice.

Who is he? Why Tanisha got married to this man, a true monster to her? why she is living with him after getting humiliated by him?