
We Share the Same Last Name(3)


When I woke up, I found myself lying in the hospital with a thick cast on my right leg and my head wrapped in gauze. Harvey was leaning against the hospital bed to rest with a frown.

I subconsciously moved, grimaced in pain in the next second, and hissed.

Harvey's eyelids twitched. When he opened his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot. "Evelyn."

He took a deep breath, crouched down in front of the bed, and carefully stretched out his hand to hold my back. "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"I feel uncomfortable everywhere." I couldn't help but feel wronged.

His voice was trembling. "I'm sorry."

It was the first time I saw self-blame on Harvey's face.

Seeing him like that made me feel uncomfortable. While I was at a loss, the ward door was pushed open.

It was my mother.

I looked at her eagerly. The pain intensified when I saw her.