
My Wolfman

Zenande is a human who was adopted at a very young age but is neglected and treated indifferent by her adoptive family. She later founds out that her adoptive family had an agenda in adopting her and that they’re hiding a big secret that could destroy her whole world. Zukile is one of the strongest alphas to ever exist but because of power struggles he hides his abilities. Their chance encounter starts their journey and they discover that their unity has given them extraordinary abilities which results in them having a lot of enemies. And they also discover that through a Prophecy they will have to save the whole of humanity using their extraordinary abilities.

Khanyi_Nongogo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Meet the parents

Zukile: "Thank fuck Goddess blessed me with you as a mate because nobody else would do. Only you precious one. Only you." He growled against my lips. I was still drunk from the earth shuttering kiss he just gave me, which was my very first kiss, so I couldn't stop and think to question all that he said. And even if I wanted to I couldn't because right after his powerful declaration, he kissed me again.

It was now time for us to call it a night and I was in a bundle of nerves and excitement as we went up to his bedroom. Were we really going to sleep on the same bed? After the kissing that we did earlier on, it was like my body wasn't my body anymore. It was like a switch had been turned on and my body was in constant want and need. The handsome man had to on many occasions throughout the day leave the house because he said if he didn't he would end up taking me. Apparently I was in heat and it was calling to him. Whatever that meant. At first I had been mortified because I mean, what the hell? But now the only thing on my mind was climbing Zukile. I know I know but that's what's body wanted me to do.

Zukile: "I think I should go and sleep downstairs."

Me: "Why?" Zenande what are you saying right now?

Zukile: "Because baby if we get on that bed, I will fuck you and not just once, all night." I blushed as my body screamed for him to do so. "The bathroom is through there. There should be fresh towels and everything you need. The sheets on the bed should be fine too. If you get cold there's an extra blanket in that closet there. If you need anything just shout. Goodnight precious one." And then he hightailed out the room like the wolves were after him.

Voices coming from downstairs woke me up. I sat up as I rubbed my eyes. I took my glasses from the nightstand and put them on. "Mom I told you to give her time before you come to see her." I heard Zukile say. Mom? "I know son I'm sorry but I couldn't wait anymore. I mean it's been a week since you told us about her and we haven't seen her. Are you keeping our daughter in law away from us." Daughter in law? Was she talking about me? "Mom you know that's not it. I wanted her to get used to being with me first before I bring her to you guys. I don't want to overwhelm her. She knows nothing of our ways yet." Zukile explained. "Well tough, I'm done waiting. I want to meet her son." I heard Zukile sigh. "Dad please help me out here." "Sorry son, I tried to convince her otherwise but you know how your mother gets. And try to understand son, she's been waiting for you to find your mate since you were born so you really can't blame her." Zukile sighed again. "I know. It's just that..." "What son? Did something happen? Where is she? Is she okay?" The woman asked in urgency. "She's fine Mom. Nothing happened. She's just sleeping...well not anymore. You guys woke her up." How did he...? "Oh really? Then that's good. Go go get her so we can say our hellos." The woman said excitedly. Zukile sighed again and after a short while I heard steps climbing up the stairs.

When Zukile entered the bedroom I was already on my feet. He smiled.

Zukile: "Good morning baby. Did we wake you up?"

Me: "W-W-Who?" I pointed towards the door. He exhaled and held me by my shoulders.

Zukile: "I don't want you to panic okay but my parents are here and they would like to meet you." You know I was hoping that whatever I heard had been wrong when I eavesdropped but I guess I hadn't. His parents were really here! My eyes bugged out as I started to shake like literally. "No listen precious one, there's nothing to be scared of. They're nice and good people and they really want to meet you-."

Me: "I-I-I c-can't Zukile. P-Please d-don't make me. P-Please."

Zukile: "Baby." He pulled me into his arms hugging me. "They will love you. I promise." I shook my head against his chest. He sighed kissing the top of my head. "Can't you try? At least try for me...please?" I closed my eyes.

Me: "Z-Zukile-."

Zukile: "Please my precious one."

Me: "W-What if they hate me?"

Zukile: "That will never happen. Trust me." He pulled back and held my face. "You do trust me right?" I nodded. He smiled. "Then it's sorted."

Me: "You and your sorteds." He chuckled. "B-But I-I need to freshen up first before..." He nodded.

Zukile: "Okay baby. Take your time and come down when you're finished." I nodded. He gave me a kiss and left. I half groaned and half cried as I disappeared into the bathroom. What to do? What to do?

I don't think I can do this. I said to myself . I was standing at the top of the stairs. I was freaking out. I just couldn't bring myself to go down there. I can't do this. I really can't.

<i>Yes you can.</i>




No, I can't. </i>




They will love you.</i>




I highly doubt it. </i>




Come down precious one or I will come get you. </i>




Ha! Good luck with that. You're not real. You're in my head remember? </i>




Should I prove to you how real I am? Here I come.</i>

I heard steps coming up the stairs. There's no way. This had to be a coincidence. My mouth was agape as I watched Zukile climb up the stairs.

Me: "W-What are you?" He just smiled.

Zukile: "Come they're waiting." He took my hand and pulled me down the stairs with him.

Me: "Z-Zukile-."

Zukile: "Mom Dad, meet my girlfriend Zenande." It was too late to do anything because Zukile's parents were right there smiling at me. The mother was beautiful and the father was handsome. No surprise there. I mean Zukile came from them so of course his parents had to be perfect. I was taken aback by how young they looked and also by how huge Zukile's father was. In size and in stature. I can't explain it but there was this energy coming from him that made me want to shrink back. I would've if not for his kind eyes. Zukile looked a lot like his father.

Zukile's mom: "Oh son she's so adorable." She said clasping her hands in front of her face. She looked like she wanted to cry.

Zukile: "Mom don't start crying or you'll scare her."

Zukile's mom: "Oh shut up." She said wiping the corners of her eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy right now, you have no idea." She said to me. "I'm not usually this emotional." Zukile snorted next to me. "You keep quiet."

Zukile: "I didn't say anything." She gave him a look. Zukile chuckled.

Zukile's mom: "So I'm Tamilia, you can call me Tami. And this is my husband Zuko."

Me: "Hi." I greeted with a small wave. Yeah I know, lame. But surprisingly, Zuko's parents didn't think so, especially his mother. Her smile got bigger as tears gathered in her eyes.

Tami: "You're so sweet." I was? "Can I hug you?"

Zukile: "Mom-."

Tami: "Please?" I just nodded because what else could I say? And she was nice so yeah. She came forward and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you for finally coming to my son." She said softly. She pulled back and brushed my hair in a motherly way that made my throat get tight. "I can already see it, we're going to be best friends you and I." She announced.