
My Wolfman

Zenande is a human who was adopted at a very young age but is neglected and treated indifferent by her adoptive family. She later founds out that her adoptive family had an agenda in adopting her and that they’re hiding a big secret that could destroy her whole world. Zukile is one of the strongest alphas to ever exist but because of power struggles he hides his abilities. Their chance encounter starts their journey and they discover that their unity has given them extraordinary abilities which results in them having a lot of enemies. And they also discover that through a Prophecy they will have to save the whole of humanity using their extraordinary abilities.

Khanyi_Nongogo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

“I’m dating the real you”

He had a car. Of course he did. It was old and one of those huge ones. He had to help me up to my seat. He lifted me up like it was nothing by the waist. I sat there red on the face as he went round the front to his side. He entered his side with ease. After helping me with my seatbelt, we were off. I couldn't believe that I was his girlfriend and that he was my boyfriend. I felt like I was dreaming. I needed someone to pinch me. He cranked up the music. It was one of those 80's songs. I smiled a small smile. Who would've thought that a guy like him was an old soul. At least we had something in common.

Me: "Z-Zukile?"

Zukile: "Yeah?"

Me: "H-how old are you?"

Zukile: "24."

Me: "2-24?" I asked shocked. He nodded. "T-then how were you..." He smiled.

Zukile: "How was I in your class today?" I nodded. "I was there for you precious one, of course." Oh. I blushed and looked away. Butterflies flattered around my stomach.

Me: "W-what year are you doing?"

Zukile: "I'm doing my PHD in Architecture." Oh. Not only was he handsome, he also had brains too. So unfair. He chuckled. I looked at him.

Me: "Can you read minds?" He just laughed. Couldn't decide which one I liked more. His laugh or his smile. Zenande you're a goner for this man. I know. I sighed and looked forward. He took my hand in his.

Zukile: "Don't worry. You're not alone. This man is also a goner for you precious one." My boyfriend was sweet and he was also a mind reader. How the last part was possible, I didn't know. Go figure.

We were now parked near my parents' house. I asked Zukile not to park in front of the house. For some reason I didn't want my family to know about him yet. Zukile was looking towards the house with a frown on his face. I tried looking at the house I've been living in for more than 10 years with fresh eyes. It looked beautiful on the outside but when in reality it was cold on the inside.

Zukile: "You live with your parents and siblings." I nodded.

Me: "Um...I'm adopted." I said in small voice while fiddling with the straps of my backpack. I couldn't look at him in the eyes as I told him this tad bit of information about myself. Without saying anything, he got out the car and came round to my side. He opened the door, unbuckled the seatbelt for me and helped me down his truck. He once again lifted me up like I weighed nothing. I couldn't help my body's reaction to having his hands on me. His hands lingered on my waist after he set me down on my feet. To avoid his eyes, I chose to look at his chest instead. He lifted my chin with his finger so as to look at him.

Zukile: "You being adopted is nothing to be embarrassed about precious one. You hear?" I nodded as emotion clogged my throat. "Do they mistreat you?"

Me: "N-no...n-not really." His eyes flashed. "I-I don't think they love me." I admitted as tears gathered in my eyes. Zukile growled as his eyes glowed in deep amber. "Do you know that your eyes sometimes change in color?" He closed his eyes, and then when he opened them they were back to normal. "Amazing." I said in awe and disbelief. "You know that shouldn't be possible." I told him. He bent and got into my face and like the last time he did that, I sucked in an audible breath.

Zukile: "If I wasn't forcing myself to take things slow with you precious one since I know you need slow to get used to things between us, I would say fuck your family and move you into my house."

Me: "You have a house?" He smiled.

Zukile: "That's all you got from all that I said?" I bit my lip. He puffed out a laugh and stood up straighter. "Yes I have a house and it's always opened for you." Oh. That was a nice thing to say. A very nice thing, actually.

Me: "You're nice." He chuckled.

Zukile: "I think you're the only one who would say that about me precious one."

Me: "Y-You're not nice to other people?"

Zukile: "Depends who you asking."

Me: "Who-."

Zukile: "No more questions." He said tapping me lightly on the nose. I closed my mouth. "Can I have your phone precious one." I took it out of backpack and put it on his outstretched hand. He fiddled with it and gave it back to me. "I programmed my number in there. Text or call me anytime, okay?" I gave a tentative nod. "I mean it."

Me: "Okay." He gave me a look that said he didn't trust me and I couldn't help but giggle.

Zukile: "Okay my precious one, you better go in before it gets cold. I don't want you catching a cold." I nodded in agreement even though I wasn't ready to part from him. I wanted to stay with him forever. "Go on before I make your wish come true and kidnap you."

Me: "Bye." I said waving.

Zukile: "Later baby." Gosh! My insides went mush. I walked towards the house with an aching heart. Before I could reach the front door I stopped and turned, he was still standing on the same spot I left him with those eyes of his on me. "Go in." He mouthed. I gave him a final wave and went in.

<i>Precious one</i>

<i>Oh just in time. I have news to tell you.</i>

<i>Tell me.</i>

<i>I'm dating the real you!</i>

The voice chuckled.

<i>Oh really now?</i>


<i>Are you happy?</i>

<i>Very. Even though it still feels like I'm dreaming. I like him so much. </i>

I felt the caress on my cheek again.

<i>You don't know how much that pleases me precious one. </i>

<i>Okay, I need to go to sleep now. He told me he'll take me to school tomorrow. I can't wait to see him. I miss him. How is that possible to ache this much for a person?</i>

<i>I'm sure wherever he is, he aches just as much if not a lot more.</i>

<i>Hope so. </i>

Another caress on the cheek.

<i>Okay, goodnight.</i>

<i>Goodnight precious one. See you in your dreams. </i>

And as he said, I did see him in my dreams.

It was the next day. I was getting ready for school. I was a bundle of nerves really. The handsome man was going be here in about 30 minutes. I don't know how many times I changed my outfit trying to find the perfect one. I was one of those girls now. And the worst part is, it was only today that I realized that my wardrobe was crappy. I had nothing good to wear. I stood in front of the mirror. I wonder what he saw in me. I was plain Jane but the chubby kind. I went down to the kitchen to have breakfast. Luckily for me, it was Friday, which meant I was all alone in the house. My family disappeared to god knows where every weekend. At first when it happened, I was hurt of course. But as the years went by, I got used to it. Actually, I was glad for it. I'd rather be alone than be with people who ignored my presence and only talked to me when it suited them.

I made myself lunch and made a quick toast with butter to nibble on as I waited for Zukile. Exactly at 7:30 my phone pinged. It was him saying he's outside. I took a calming breath, which didn't help in calming me at all, grabbed my stuff and got out. He was waiting for me in front of his truck with his hands in his jean pockets. Darn my boyfriend was a hottie. He had on a black denim jacket over a green hoodie sweater and these cool black shredded jeans. I licked my lips nervously as my body got aroused. I heard him growl and I swear I felt the growl all the way down to my private parts. The look on his face right now! It was like he wanted to devour me on spot.

Zukile: "I can smell your want precious one." His voice!

Me: "M-My w-want?"

Zukile: "Yes your want. It's driving me crazy." He sounded angry.

Me: "I-I'm s-sorry." He shook his head as he gritted his teeth. He looked to be struggling for control.

Zukile: "Don't be. I like that you want me baby but I would ask that you tone it down a bit since I know you're not ready to be bent over and claimed for all to see." What? All of a sudden I was having trouble breathing. Yeesh. "Come, let's go." He helped me to get on my side and he went round to his, then we were off.

I don't know if it was me but today we were getting a lot of looks from the other students as the handsome man walked me to my first class. I kept my eyes downcast. Were they wondering what a handsome man like him was doing with a nerdy chubby loser like me? Zukile took my hand in his. I looked up at him in surprise and was struck but how confident and manly he looked. His head was held high. He didn't appear embarrassed to be seen with me.

Zukile: "Remember you're having lunch with me precious one." He reminded me as we stopped outside one of the lecture rooms. I nodded. "Enjoy your classes. I'll come find you, okay?"

Me: "Okay." He gave me an affection pat on the head.

Zukile: "Go in."

Me: "Okay, bye." I gave him a small wave. He smiled.

Zukile: "Later baby." I went in.

I just sat down when I was soon surrounded by three girls. "Are you and Shooter dating?" One of them asked.

Me: "S-Shooter?" The girl rolled her eyes.

Her: "Yes Shooter. That's what people call him because of his position in the basketball team." Zukile plays basketball? "So are you guys dating or what? Because rumor has it that he doesn't date and has rejected tons of girls trying to get on his dick." 6 curious and impatient eyes were on me waiting for me to answer. But I was still trying to digest all this information I received about Zukile. "So?" Before I could say anything, another girl cut in. "Come on let's go. We'll be late for our class. I'm sure they're not dating because if they were she would've said something already." They nodded amongst each other and left.