
We want your vote

Ever since his talk with Dwight, Quinn had been wondering which of the two groups would approach him first. He had even started to worry a bit since the day of the King's burial was closing in, but neither one had contacted him yet. Without any new information he had also naturally abstained from visiting the Vampire knight.

'Honestly I'm surprised Bryce hasn't made a move yet?' Quinn wondered.

'It's unlikely he will try to pull something. Bryce is a lot of things, but he's also a man known for following the rules. In that regard the other leaders actually respect him. Unfortunately, that also makes him a viable candidate. A leader who follows the rules is also something the current leaders will want to see on the throne. If there was any evidence that he had something to do with some sort of actions that were outside of the scope of the rules, it would ruin his chances significantly.' Vincent explained.