
Jealous Vorden

There was a different reason as to why both Logan and Vorden didn't want to attend the training, other than the one they had given. Although what Logan had said was the truth about not needing to learn combat skills, the same couldn't be said for Vorden.

As Logan entered the lab located in the castle, there was someone behind him who had entered the room as well. It was Vorden. He didn't go to check up on Layla like he told the others and instead had followed Logan. The room was large, but just like all the others, it was mostly empty. As if everything of importance had been taken out.

Still, there were plenty of test tubes flasks and a load of other stuff that looked like measuring equipment that Logan had never seen before. Each new object he could see, he would place his hand on it, gathering further information. They were mostly measuring tools, but more advanced than the ones one would have on earth.