
A loss or a win?

The others stepped towards the large crater caused by One Horn's foot. There were many craters in the Shelter, but this one, in particular, was larger than the others showing how much strength had been used in the attack.

They hoped to give Sach the respect he deserved by proper burial, especially since he sacrificed himself and was the Supreme Commander. It was something that others around the world would like to see.

Unlike the others who had been absorbed by the Dullahan, there should have been something left, but when they reached the crater, they were stumped by the scene in front of them.

None of them could recognise Sach. A red splat on the floor with the organs and bones completely flattened was in the centre, and there was nothing left of him. Witnessing this made them all realise the reality of what they had been through.

Samantha was still on her knees sobbing. She still couldn't believe that Sach would sacrifice his life for her.