
My vampire boyfriend(BL)

Not everyone gets a second chance in life but he got a second chance to make make it up for the love of his life,Nate was an orphan, he was lucky to be admitted at one of the best school in the country.There he meets a strange young man nicknamed as savage who made him feel inexplainable emotions,he felt longing and love for him,but they had just met so why did he feel that way?,he kept on approaching him but he seemed to hate him more than anything else for some reasons he felt hurt when he pushed him away but that wasn't all he kept on having weird dreams,he saw himself holding a man in his arms,the man was badly injured and kept on vomiting blood,he couldn't clearly see the man in his dream but everytime he woke up there were tears in his eyes and he felt inexplainable heartache and sadness.Who was that man in his dreams?,why did he keep on dreaming about him?. In school he made alot of friends,the School was perfect but the rules were strict,but there was more than what met the eyes.There were alot of dark secrets about the School,there was existence of supernatural beings which were not known to human,they only heard about them in folktales.Nate's find himself strongly attracted to savage,he is very famous and have alot of fangirls,he is smart and also very handsome,he was cold and ruthless, everyone was scared of him but for some reasons Nate wasn't scared of him.He never cared about anyone but he couldn't stop caring for him,he gets worried when he is hurt at the same time he hates him,he gets jealous when he sees him with another person,he is very possessive about Nate but doesn't admit it,only he made him feel that way,he was able to make him feel all those strange emotions.Why did he feel that way?they had just met,why was he longing for him?. Talking about secret there was big secret about Nate's background, strange things began happening around him,he got curious and decided to find out,he didn't know who truly he was,he only knew he grew up in an orphanage and with the help of savage he uncovers his true identity and also learns the truth about their tragic past,he was a being that wasn't supposed to exist,he was a danger to everyone,he was a curse that would hurt those close to him,but he wasn't going to give up no matter how people were against him,Nate promises not to make the same mistake he did in his previous life,he will never hurt his beloved.He had gotten a second chance to mend his wrong doings he won't waste it,but there there were alot of obstacles in their way and they had to overcome them or they will have a tragic end.

phaynique · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Ambush (chapter 17)

Nate and his friends sat at their usual table having their meal,there were alot of students and it was noisy,Nate was busy eating his own food that he didn't realise that Jason kept on stealing glances at him.He had promised to use his meal card for both of them but Nate changed his mind,he ordered the school meal despite the school meal not being as good as the one his friends ate and no matter how Jason tried to persuade him he refused to use his meal card.He didn't understand why he had changed his mind,his refusal hurt him but there was nothing he could do,to him buying his crush and best friend a meal was the best thing he could do,after they had parted ways he was in a good mood but things didn't go as he wished ,Nate appreciated his kindness but decided to not be a bother he was going to find a way out he can't always rely on his friend.Savage and his friends walked in the cafeteria the whole cafeteria become quite and everyones eyes were on them but they were used to it and didn't care,Savage looked at Nate and frowned unhappily he didn't use the meal card I gave him,he thought .Nate and his friends could feel the cold gaze staring at them and shivered,Nate looked at Savage and gulped nervously,he could tell he was unhappy because he didnt use his meal card,Savage had told him to use his meal card but he didn't want to if his friends saw him with his meal card he didn't know what to tell them and he especially didn't want to hurt his friends feelings so it was better not to use both.

Savage and his friends sat on their usual table,something is wrong thought James ever since they walked in the cafeteria Savage's mood had soured,his eyes were cold with unhappy expression on his face his friends could feel the pressure coming from him."Savage what's wrong" asked Paul "nothing" he said coldly and all of them looked at each other confused it was hard to understand him one moment he is in a good mood and after sometime his mood changes.They ordered their food but Savage didn't feel like eating his cold eyes staring at Nate,"Nate what did you do?" asked Kate "nothing" he replied "nothing?,then why do Savage keep staring at our table I can feel his cold gaze without even looking at him" Kate asked "Nate did something happen?" asked Jason worriedly the way Savage was staring at Nate like he had done something wrong."It's nothing" Nate said he knew why Savage was staring at him but he couldn't tell them,he too didn't feel like eating anymore.

Jason looked at him and placed his hand on his shoulder "no matter what if he dares to do anything to you just tell us" he said and suddenly the air in the cafeteria become cold there was a dominant pressure coming from the far corner of the cafeteria and everyone could feel it,no one dared to look at the people who sat in that corner everyone was nervous and scared even the people who sat with Savage looked at him with scared ,the murderous aura surrounding him was terrfying no one dared to make a sound.Nate turned and looked at Savage he was shocked to see how terrifying and intimidating he looked, his cold eyes darkened making him shiver.Savage stood up and left without looking back,everyone sighed in relief "man,Savage is really scary" said a student "yeah who offended him?" asked another "who knows,I just feel sorry for the person who offended him,he will be torn to pieces" said another student."James what's wrong with him?" asked Daniella,"I don't know maybe it's his mood swings" he replied,none could understand why he behaved that way it was rare to see him so angry but the way he left they couldn't help but get worried because they knew what will happen when he is angry "let's go after him he might hurt someone" Daniel said James shook his head "if you love your life don't you dare go after him,leave him alone he will calm down" he said,he had experienced his anger and it wasn't fun he couldn't forget how he choked him.

Nate watched as Savage left and his heart couldn't stop beating wildly,he didn't expect that kind of reaction from him,he had thought not using his meal card wasn't a big deal but he ended up offending him,those cold eyes and his intimidating aura scared him but more than being scared seeing him like that made him anxious,he quickly stood up and followed him leaving his friends confused.Nate quickly run heading to the hostel looking for Savage,it was dark and he couldn't see clearly "what are you looking for?" asked someone,Nate was starled he quickly turned and saw Savage standing in the dark "are you angry?" he asked catching his breath "what do you think?" Savage asked coldly "I know you're angry because I didn't use your meal card" "who cares whether you want to use it or not it's your choice" he said with indifferent attitude,hearing how indifferent he spoke Nate felt a pang in his heart he become anxious and took a few step closer to him "just listen to me,it's not like I didn't want to use your card it's just that I didn't want to hurt my friend's feeling" he explained "what about me?,don't you care about my feelings?" he asked,Nate looked at him suprised "it's not like that" "whatever do want you want" he said and turned to leave,Nate panicked and quickly held his hand to stop him "I'm sorry " he said tears forming in his eyes,he too couldn't explain why he was reacting that way seeing Savage leave made him feel unexplainable sadness and anxious he felt like he was losing him he never liked seeing him turn his back on him to leave.Savage turned and looked at him,seeing those tears in his eyes he panicked and without saying anything he hugged him tightly "it's okay don't cry" he said.

He knew he was overreacting but he couldn't stop himself,when he had seen Nate eating the school meal he felt unhappy but he completely lost it when Jason placed his hand around his shoulder he felt like his chest was being hammered,he had thought that Nate would prefer to eat that unpleasant food rather than use his meal card,he felt negative emotions spreading all over his body,maybe he is no longer interested in me,maybe he doesn't want my help that's why,he pretended not to remember his confession or maybe that confession was for someone else he had thought of all the worse scenarios.Nate was completely wrapped in his arms,his heart beating wildly a flush appeared on his face and he slightly pushed Savage,"you aren't angry anymore?" he asked Savage smiled "I'm not, let's meet at the art class once you're done eating with your friends" he said,Nate nodded his head and turned to leave,a beautiful smile appeared on his face he recalled how both were hugging each other and a flush appeared on his face,they were hugging so tight like it a natural thing like they were used to it,he liked the feeling of being in his arms it brought him peace and calmness,he decided to go back to the cafeteria if his friends asked where he was he will just say he was in the washrooms.Savage stood in the dark deep forest,he had hugged Nate because he panicked but he could still feel his warmth in his chest,he couldn't explain what he felt but he liked the feeling of hugging him he was in good mood but suddenly he heard noises and quickly turned.He was suprised to see more than ten people approaching him holding guns,he frowned "he is one of them attack" said a man and they begun shooting,Savage dodged with a lighting speed he attacked seven of them but he got shot three times,the bullets they were using weren't the normal ones because he felt weak and dizzy he was unable to use his abilities "kill him" ordered a man but Savage he too wasn't a normal vampire within five minutes he had killed more than ten people only two were left "why hasn't he lost consciousness?" asked one of the two men ,Savage walked slowly towards them the men had run out of bullets they took a few step back their faces full of horror "run" said one of the men and both run,Savage was feeling weak and dizzy he fell on the ground and lost consciousness.