
My vampire boyfriend(BL)

Not everyone gets a second chance in life but he got a second chance to make make it up for the love of his life,Nate was an orphan, he was lucky to be admitted at one of the best school in the country.There he meets a strange young man nicknamed as savage who made him feel inexplainable emotions,he felt longing and love for him,but they had just met so why did he feel that way?,he kept on approaching him but he seemed to hate him more than anything else for some reasons he felt hurt when he pushed him away but that wasn't all he kept on having weird dreams,he saw himself holding a man in his arms,the man was badly injured and kept on vomiting blood,he couldn't clearly see the man in his dream but everytime he woke up there were tears in his eyes and he felt inexplainable heartache and sadness.Who was that man in his dreams?,why did he keep on dreaming about him?. In school he made alot of friends,the School was perfect but the rules were strict,but there was more than what met the eyes.There were alot of dark secrets about the School,there was existence of supernatural beings which were not known to human,they only heard about them in folktales.Nate's find himself strongly attracted to savage,he is very famous and have alot of fangirls,he is smart and also very handsome,he was cold and ruthless, everyone was scared of him but for some reasons Nate wasn't scared of him.He never cared about anyone but he couldn't stop caring for him,he gets worried when he is hurt at the same time he hates him,he gets jealous when he sees him with another person,he is very possessive about Nate but doesn't admit it,only he made him feel that way,he was able to make him feel all those strange emotions.Why did he feel that way?they had just met,why was he longing for him?. Talking about secret there was big secret about Nate's background, strange things began happening around him,he got curious and decided to find out,he didn't know who truly he was,he only knew he grew up in an orphanage and with the help of savage he uncovers his true identity and also learns the truth about their tragic past,he was a being that wasn't supposed to exist,he was a danger to everyone,he was a curse that would hurt those close to him,but he wasn't going to give up no matter how people were against him,Nate promises not to make the same mistake he did in his previous life,he will never hurt his beloved.He had gotten a second chance to mend his wrong doings he won't waste it,but there there were alot of obstacles in their way and they had to overcome them or they will have a tragic end.

phaynique · Urban
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42 Chs

Jealous (chapter 16)

Savage and his friends were on the rooftop of the tallest building in the school."So things have really gotten serious?" asked Paul "what do you think,Caleb was corrupted though I never liked him I didn't wish to see him like that" James replied "Savage what did they decide to do?" asked Daniella "how am I supossed to know" Savage said uninterested "but your father come to school you must know what they decided right? besides you were there when they caught Caleb" she said and Savage clicked his tongue in annoyance,how do they expect me to know just because my father come must he tell me their decision,am I an elder or something he thought,ever since he saw that rogue vampire and also the mystery about Nate his mood was worse he didn't like how things were getting."Leave him alone,haven't you noticed his mood?" James said,he was closer to Savage and he could tell something was bothering him and because of his nature he won't say what's bothering him,they always treated him as superior like he was able to do and know everything they were unable to but the more they treated him that way the more they always upset him.

As they discussed the serious events that had been occurring Savage frowned and looked down,all of the looked at him confused "something wrong?" asked Daniel who had been quite since they got there,Savage shook his head and kept on looking down with a serious expression,Daniel become curious and stood up heading to where he was but Savage looked at him with cold eyes as if saying 'don't you dare' Daniel looked at him with hurt eyes but he didn't care, Daniel went back and sat down,all the others looked at him with pity they well knew he had feelings for Savage but he didn't seem to care he only treated him like a friend,they knew he would never have feelings for him but didn't dare say it loud to avoid hurting him,it was better if they didn't meddle in their business.Jason placed his hand on Nate's shoulder "let's go have some snacks we don't have any more classes" said Jason "I'm good I'll just go to my room" Nate replied,they were done with their classes and heading to the boy's hostels,"did something happen you were absent minded today" he said with worry "I have noticed you don't use your meal cards anymore don't you have money?" "No,I just prefer the school meals" Nate replied,Jason took his hand and held it he looked at him with sincerity in his eyes"Nate I'm your friend you don't have to lie to me" he said "I know you have financial problems but as your friend you shouldn't hide your sufferings from me,we promised to always be there for each other did you forget? or am I not worthy being your friend? it's okay if you don't want to share your burden but you don't have to lie to me,I will never force you to share your burden but remember I'll always be here when you need me because that's what friends are for" he was hurt by his lie,though they were friends Nate didn't like sharing his burden with them,he didn't want them to be worried but he had forgotten the true meaning of friendship,in friendship you don't only share your good times with them but also your hard times,you have the right to keep secrets from them but don't lie to cover the truth,"I'm sorry I didn't mean to lie,I just didn't want you to worry but I'll take care of myself no need to worry" he said with tears in his eyes,he was his ever first friend he deserve to be treated well,Jason smiled and wipped his tears using his hands "it's okay we can use my meals card once you recharge yours you will treat me as well" he said and both laughed and hugged each other Nate felt lucky to have him as his friend,"I'll go to my room first we will meet up later for diner" Nate said and left,all this was witnessed by a certain someone and he wasn't happy about it,he jumped from the rooftop and landed safely and headed to the boys dormitories.

Nate got in his room and decided to take a shower but before he could get in to the bathroom he heard a knock on his door he opened the door and Savage got in,Savage straight up sat on his bed instead of sitting on the chair cold air surrounding him shocking Nate,"do you have any problem?" Savage asked with a serious expression,Nate looked at him confused,Savage cleared his throat "do you have any problem?" he asked again "what do you mean?" asked Nate confused how can someone walk in your room and ask you if you have any problem?he wondered."Do you have money?" Savage decided to be straightforward and Nate looked at him in shock Savage took his meal card and handed it to Nate "you should have told me if you had financial problem so that I'll be able to help you" he said,he had heard their whole conversation and truth to be told he didn't like it at all,when he saw Jason hug him he felt like someone was squeezing his chest and when he saw them laugh happily talking about their promises he couldn't stand it,Nate felt his heart beat increase and a flush appeared on his face,he was embarrassed that people already knew how poor he was,I wish my family didn't abandone me then people won't pity me,he thought his expression turned sad and Savage guessed what he was thinking he stood close to him "no need to feel sorry,I'm doing this out of my own selfishness take the card I barely use it your friend doesn't have much cash on him, use mine no need to pay back" he said,Nate looked at him suprised "how did you know I'm short on cash and why are you giving me your meal card?" he asked,Savage smiled and took a few steps close to him,he could clearly hear how his heart was beating wildly "don't worry trust me I know what I'm doing" he said leaving Nate speechless "don't even think about refusing me,Nate you can use my meal card we are already close no need to feel shy" he convienced and he agreed he didn't know why but he preferred using his card and not his friend's,he always felt more comfortable when he was with him he knew Jason was generous but he didn't want to take advantage of him and become his burden."And next time if you have a problem come to me don't go to others" he said with a serious expression and he nooded,Nate thought he did this out of good will what he didn't know was that Savage while listening to their conversation he didn't like how close they were,he didn't mind him having friends but he knew Jason's intentions well and how could he sit idly and watch as he helped Nate that will only bring them closer and he won't allow it,though he won't admit it he always felt jealous when he saw him with other people especially Jason.

"Thank you,once I get cash I'll refund and what will you be using to pay for your meals" Nate asked"no need to take your time,don't worry about me I can take care of myself" he didn't need food to live he coudl stays qeeks without food or water.Nate nodded his head,a sweet smile appeared on his face and Savage was mesmerized those deep dimples on his both cheeks made him look cute that he had to use alot of will power to stop himself from hugging him,he thought of somethinv and looked at him curiously "after dinner meet me at the art class there is something I want to tell you" he said,Nate looked at him curiously "why not tell me now?" he asked "don't be impatient meet me once you're done,no one ahould know about it" he said and left.