

When Mark is left in a dungeon to act as a sacrifice,he was suddenly teleported out of the dungeon.He gains a new system with an overpowered stat. Can he become powerful or will he be killed before he can achieve anything

Apocalyptic_Writer · Seni bela diri
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5 Chs

Tests ch 4

After searching he found what he was looking for.A pile of cores,skill books,clothess and bones with little bits of flesh still on them.

The only downside was all of them were F rank goblin cores and f rank books.

In total he got 43 goblin cores and 9 skill books,he can't take the clothes because all of them were neither mangled or shredded.

He put them along with the slender goblins core and ran to the exit portal.

He wasn't used to his new speed yet so he tripped atleast two times before he finally reached the portal.

He stepped out as the portal started to grow smaller until it completely disappeared.

"Wow! kid you actually did."

"Yeah it wasn't difficult but the boss was a problem"he replied.

"Yeah that expected,You saved me the time of going down to the R.A.A to report this actually"

"That's good...do you still want the $1,000?.Cause I can give it to you in the form if cores."asked Max

"No that's okay....."

"Alright see you Ed"Max said before hurriedly rushing off.

"See yo...he's gone"

Calling another taxi John set of to the train station.

In the taxi he opened his status screen,as he staired at his stats he remembered he never used his dsp and now it was at a hundred.

"What should I put it into...hmmm....Maybe hp,speed and resistance"

He wouldn't put it into stamina for know and intelligence was just a waste of dsp.As intelligence only allowed on to increase their mana by twenty for sp or dps gained.Plus it will go if he continues to gain levels.

He would focus on stamina in the future and focus on speed,hp,strength and resistance.

"Put 36 dps into hp,36 into speed and 28 in to resitance"

[Dps has been allocated.Speed is now 94,Resistance is now 96 and Hp is now at 1,240]

This is a improvement considering that he's still f rank.As once you reach a total of 50 in each stats you could be considered a pack human.

Compared to B,A and S ranks these numbers were little.

Since he was a level away from E rank he was to be at peak e rank.

Were he was was going is the train station to take the mana train to Rankers Association Of America Headquarterstm to get his ranking card renewed.

After another fifteen minutes he finally reached his destination.

Going down the escalator that lead under ground he got into the line.

Thre were many people there,some dressed in armor,in business suits and some I regular clothes.

Max didn't really stand out as he wasn't the only one it torn clothes.There wer many other people there;only the people in armor had parts ripped of.There was even a group of people that was carrying a naked woman who was crying hysterically.She had some claw claw and bite marks along her arms and legs.They 5 person team didn't even consider covering the girls body.The more sad part about her situation is that she couldn't even get a quick pass through the gate,she had to wait in line for her turn.

Today's society was more f×cked up than before.If the this person was a high ranking person they would be let in immediately.

After 15 minutes it was his turn.

"Good evening sir.Where are you heading today."A security guard asked with a fake smile.

"Good evening. I'm heading to the R.A.A HQ."max answered.

"Ok.do you have any weapons in your inventory,and if so please identify what kind and what rank it is."the guard asked.

"I have a D rank direwolf sword."Max answered

"Okay sir,You will have to pay the entrance fee of $25 and the train ticket fee of $25,so $50"the guard said.

Taking out $50 from his inventory, he handed it to the man.

After counting it the gates allowed Max to pass.

John headed inside walked to where the train to his destination would come.

After a 5 minute wait and ride on the train he finally reached the R.A.A HQ.

It was a really big skyscraper,consisting of 55 floors and also some floors that are located underground.It is one of the 6th tallest buildings in the whole city.

John headed inside and walked up to one of the opened reception desk.

"How may I help you today sir" the lady sitting at the desk asked in a polite tone.

"I would like to sell some beast cores and corpes and also get my ranking card renewed."John placed his ranking card on the desk.

"Okay sir I would like you to follow me to the trading room where I will be appraising the cores and corpses"the receptionist got up and gestered for Max to follow her.

They headed to a large door were the receptionist took out a card from her pocket and placed it on a scanner, a click could be heard as the door opened revealing a long corridor lined up with many doors along the walls.

The walked a little down the corridor where she opened a door and gestured for Max to come in.

"Okay sir you can place the corpes over their and the cores over here"She said pointing to a large metallic looking box that almost coverd half the room and a metal tray beside the box.

John went up to the box and brought out the 70 F rank goblin corpses and the goblin boss,he then walked up to the tray and took out the 138 f rank goblin cores and the 5 d rank cores.

The receptionist was kinda taken aback.She never expected an f rank awakened would have so many cores and corpses.

"Okay sir I will appraise it now."she said.

Max took a step back as the receptionist used her appraisal skill on the corpes and cores.

After 15 seconds she turned around to face Max.

"I can offer $35,000 for the goblin corpses,$5,000 for the slender goblin corpse,$28,000 for the goblin cores,$1,500 for the slender goblin core and $ 2,000 for the dire wolf cores.

So the total amount you would get is $71,000."She said with a smile.

"That's fine with me."Max said in an exited tone.

H3 had never made so much money before in one day.As he was lucky if he even made $20,000 in a month.

The receptionist lead him back to her desk where she proceeded to out the money into his account.

She then lead him up to the elevator where she directed him to where he could get his ranking license renewed.

It was a simple process really,all you had to do is state your age,level,rank and do a simple stat test.

Max had to give the people who would be doing the test is old card and sign some papers and take the test.On one of the papers he had to write which category of ranker he is.Which were Warriors,mage,combat mage,assasin, tank and berserker.Which rank you classify as is based on which stat or stars you invest in.After much deliberation Max chose to classify as a combat mage as that was what his current skill allowed him to classify as.

Combat mages are among the classes that are used as the one of the main damage dealers in a group of rankers,but in his case he planned on doing solo missions until he wants to join a guild.

There were three test,the first was to test his level and rank,the second is a test of stats and the third is to see his use of affinities.