

When Mark is left in a dungeon to act as a sacrifice,he was suddenly teleported out of the dungeon.He gains a new system with an overpowered stat. Can he become powerful or will he be killed before he can achieve anything

Apocalyptic_Writer · Seni bela diri
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5 Chs

Betrayed ch1

March 27,2029....

A young boy could be seen dragging his body on the ground with one hand.His other hand was missing or to be more specific it was bitten of.

"F×cking backstabbers....I..did everything....you asked of me.....so why?"He asked as he kept on dragging his body across the ground making a trail of blood as he dragged his body.

His body was littered with bite marks and stab marks

Rawing could be heard in the background and it was coming closer each second.

He turned over on his back finally giving up on surviving.

He already lost more than half the blood in his body,even if he managed to escape back to the portal their was no way he would survive unless a D rank healer used their skills.

"Why....what have I..... done to deserve this....I just wish I..I didn't behave like a f×cking simp and listened to that b×tch and her friends...I am just f×cking....unlucky"the young man said in a hoarse voice.

The roaring finally came close and he could finally see the bastards chasing after him.

Wolves,they were more like demon wolves as their fur was red and a horn was located an their foreheads.

Seeing there prey just lying on the wolves couldn't help but think something was wrong.

They started circling around The young man as they neared teeth at him.

The young boy just closed his eyes and just accepted his fate,as he currently had no will to fight back or just like he said it no power to fight back.

He was just prolonging the inevitable.






He laid there with his eyes clothes,he was wondering why the wolves hadn't started tearing off his flesh yet.

"If you guy's are going to kill me atleast so it quickly."He said opening his eyes.

What greeted him was not the dimly lit cave he was just in but it was the white roof of his run down apartment.

"What the f...."before he could finish he finall,y

passed out from losing too much blood.





About 20 minutes ago

"I can't keep them back much longer!!!"A young girl wearing a full set of armor and a huge shield said.

"I'm all out of mana...I can't cast any spells"A young man dressed in a robe said.

"I told you guys we could handle a D rank dungeon but you guy's never listen."Another boy said while defending himself from the barrage of attacks from the wolf.

"We have to get the f×ck out of here....You weak f×ck come and help us!!"the boy was referring to a skinny boy who's face was covered with a mask.

"Jake just leave him alone....you already know that Max can't f×cking fight so just focus on the wolves!"The man in robes shouted.

"We have to leave..we can't survive much longer."the other young woman shouted as a ball af flames came flying from her hand.

They started running back to the entrance of the cave with the wolves following close behind.


The group turned around to see Max being bitten by 2 wolves.

"Help..please....Help."Max cried out

The group stood their and looked at the pleading Max.

Instead of helping Max they continued running, leaving him to die.

"No...what are you guys doing...Please...Maria...Maria!!!"Max shouted in desperation.

The girl dressed in robes stopped and turned to look at him for a second but continued running.

"What about the cores and the sword,he has all of them on him."Jake said still running

"Just forget about





Now that you know what happened back to the young man or Max.

Max was one of the 15% of humans wha were considered the unrankable.

The ones who don't recieve dispensable stat points (dsp),stat points (sp) added to any stat and don't have mana,which means no use of skills which require mana.

So no matter what they did the unrankable will never have mana and can never gain dsp and sp.




Max opened his eyes and was greeted with the same white roof of his apartment.

"What's going on..is this the afterlife...am I dead."he stuttered using his hand to cover his face the blue light shining in his face

He soon looked at his arm in surprise.The once bitten of arm was now returned.

He looked around the room, he wanted to find anyone or anything that could explain how he hot his arm back.

"I guess the afterlife heals all your wounds too."Max said still believing he's dead.

He then brought his eyes to the familiar screen infront of him.

[Due to an incident you have not gained your rightful dsp and sp so the system has unlocked all the locked things that is in your stat.

You have gained 88 dsp due to being level 22

You have gained 44 so to each stat due to being level 22

You have unlocked your mana and the ability to use your skills.]

Max had a look of astonishment on his face.

After 5 years of back breaking work,his family dying,being treated as a slave...he finally got what he wanted.

"So I'm not dead?"Max muttered.

[Your vitals are currently stable.You are not dead]

"Really I'm not...but then how did I end up here,how are my wounds healed?"Max asked as he had so many questions.

The system did not answer his question so Max decided not to press on further.

He called for his status screen, as he wanted to see the changes.

Name:Max Spade


Hp:440 44











Stat Points:88

Skills:fireball(00)-fire spear(00)-

water shield(00)-water control(00)-dark aura(00)-hallucination(00)

He was happy to finally see some changes in his stats.After 5 years he was used to seeing his low stats,but what surprised him the most was the zero beside mana.

"Don't tell me I still dont have mana...it said I got it but what are the zeroes for?"muttered.

He divided to put it asiaside for know because even if he dosen't have mana atleast he can now grow physically stronger.

It is said that after reaching level 15 you could be considered as a athlete.So he finally use his strength to make something of himself.

He got up and went to his small bathroom.

He stood infront of the broken mirror and stared at his body.

He took of the mask covering his face.

"I guess even if I level up I can't fix my face."he said.

Max was badly scarred when monsters broke free from their dungeon.It healed to an extent but it didn't get rid of the scar.From his left eye all the way to the right side of his chin was scared.The scar made made some of his teeth visible.The only good thing is that the monster did not puncture his left eye so he could still see from it.

He stared at his face for about 15 seconds before taking of his turn up clothes and going in the bath.

The clothes he had on was the only pair of dungeon clothes he had.It was the cheapest he could find as he didn't have much money to buy good ones.

"Wait a minute...open inventory."he said.

[25 F rank goblin cores,10 E rank lizard cores,

5 D rank direwolf cores,D rank wolf sword]

Max couldn't help but laugh,while accidentally getting soap in his eyes.

"Those bitches forgot I had the things on me."he snickered.

Max role in the group was to prepare lunch for each of them,collect the cores and dropped equipment from monsters and be overall there slave doing anything they wanted.

He could've stop doing what they wanted but he had no choice if he wanted to eat and keep a roof over his head,because as soon as people found out he was a unrankable they turnt there backs on him.

There group was the only one who offered him a job as their errand boy or what weak are normally called a porter but know he knows that they just wanted a slave

He was afraid to admit it but he used to have a crush on the girl mage of the group but that completely changed 5 hours ago when she left him to die in that cave.

He was even more stupid to think he even liked him;a unrankable,weak,scarred guy like him.

He put the thought out of his mind for now he would soon get back at them.

He got out of the shower and put on a fresh set of clothes.A sweat pants,Tshirt, hoodie and sneakers.

He headed out the door and called a to take him somewhere.

Check out My other book, MY LUCK IS NOW BETTER.

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