
My System's Useless in the Shinobi World

Thy, the Primordial Daoist Ancestor, Embodiment of all Daos, has produced a new daibolical art tracing to the anals of chaos. For all Daoist who seek Enlightenment and a great adventure. As we follow the journey of a unfortunate soul that is plunged into countless problems as he dies. When normal souls enjoy rest, he enjoys....errr... misfortune. .............. Beta."Gahhh another shitty Naruto fanfic. I'm tired of this shit. Author:" You dare insult this Ancestor, junior?" Beta:" Shut up, just another old man that has exceeded his expiry date" Author" (flies into rage) Your courting death Beta:" What? Prove me wrong, isn't just a bitch who got into Naruto world and secretly amass power so he could fuck Kaguya?" Author:"....."??? Beta:" You see." Author:" Just try it, trust this senior it's actually good" Beta:" Shut up... fraudulent cunning shit" Author:* Looses his patience and erases Beta *" Hakai.....it's like some people have forgotten who I am!!!" .............. Chad: ( who saw the erasure of his friend) " Oh! Honourable Ancestor. this humble soul is already enlightened In the midst of your presence. Please guide this soul in this forbidden scripture." Author:" Oooh an interesting Junior" (waves his sleave) Take my blessings young one

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48 Chs


Hyuga Hiashi stood on an electric pole with his hands behind him, gazing solemnly at the grim battlefield and the shocking line that divided Konoha into two halves!

After seeing that terrifying Blood Giant, Hiashi couldn't help but sigh at the magnificence of the Uchiha clan, however after seeing this line, he sucked in a mouthful of cold air!

This are the situations that he didn't want to encounter ever in his Ninja life! The Byakugan though strong, could not compete with massive enemies! For example, fighting a creature like Manda, Gamabunta or Katsuya is a pipe dream for the Hyuga!

For one, their Chakra network was more complex due to their large bodies, so even if the Gentle Fist did immobilize the chakra veins, it will only be at the point of contact!

Meaning that, it will not be possible to completely immobilize their chakra due to the size difference!

If this happens, their would many ways to end the perpetrator! In general, the Hyuga were at a huge disadvantage against large opponents! Counting the blood giant is not even necessary, a normal Susanno would be enough of a massive counter to their techniques!

That large scale Jutsu that divided Konoha was even more so! What Gentle Fist could stop that? Even if an Eight Trigrams 1024 palms were made, it won't change much…

Therefore, even if people do tend to compare the Hyuga with the Uchiha, the main family generally know that the Uchiha were stronger! The rivalry with the younger generation is just for the sake of igniting competition, with no deeper meaning….

As for the war, Hiashi had complicated feelings and a dread that went through his spine! If Uchiha could be eliminated, what more the Hyuga who were weaker? He's afraid that by the time he sleeps, he won't know how he died! Therefore….

Looking to his side, Shibi Aburame, Nara Shikaku, Choza Akimichi, Tsume Inuzuka, Yamanaka Inoichi!

"Indeed, the Hokage must die!" Choza Akimichi said with not much tact, tossing a potato chip into his mouth casually. He was never one to be beat around the bush…

"Hmm.." Nara Shikaku nodded as he stroked his beard, "The fact that the Hokage could casually arrange 20 thousand ninja's in a moments notice, his clans influence has grown deep!" Shikaku spoke enigmatically, but the other Clan Heads easily understood!

The Hokage had been stealing power to strenghthen his clan and the other elders clans! It could have been normal if the stealing of power was not up to this massive scale! Its normal to want to embezzle funds afterall…

However, they knew that this 20 thousand Ninja's were just canon-fodder with few being truly strong! It means that their real arsenal were still there! They just overwhelmed the Uchiha with sheer number!

Realizing this, the expression of the other leaders turned grim!

If they had a choice, they could have unabashedly joint forces with the Uchiha to wipe out these 4 turmors of a clan! However they knew that this was not possible! If they really engaged in a civil war right now, the other Great Ninja Villages would storm Konoha and destroy it within a few weeks!

So they had to watch this grim situation play out, knowing that soon, the attention of the four clans will be directed towards them, and by then, they won't have peace of mind anymore!!

They might be wiped out as well! "It seems that Hiruzen takes Konoha as his playground! A fight is unavoidable!" A powerful voice achoed as a new person emerged silently among the group!

Akimichi Torifu!!

He was also a former comrade of the Second Hokage and had personally watched as those kids, Danzo, Hiruzen, and Kagami had grown!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he was their second teacher!

As a comrade of the Second Hokage, Torifu was a Kage Level Ninja at his peak! However due to old age his strength has waned over time, however it is still in the ranks of Kage Level!

His words carry more weight than the other Partriachs present!

"True, Hiruzen and Danzo has crossed the line! Even though the Uchiha are extreme, they are meant to be used as the sharpest weopons against the other villages!" Inuzuka Tsume chimed in!

"Besides, the Uchiha are very loyal to Konoha, its just foolish paranoia that made them overly cautious…." With a mask covering his face, Shibi Aburame spoke slowly.

"Jealousy, Greed and Hatred..." Inoichi slowly said....

A brief moment of silence ensued as the various partriachs digested the information in front of them.

The Elders and the Hokage were Jealous of the power of the Uchiha, they were greedy for more power and the Uchiha also wanted more power....

Hatred....is another matter that even they did not fully understand!

As for the Blood Giant and the Shocking Dividing line in Konoha? They tacitly decided to shut up!

Its better not to talk about such a worrying topic! The various leaders felt regret as they saw Konoha in flames!

This Blood Giant could have been used to level the Hidden Cloud Village! That shocking line could have been deployed in Onoki's turf instead! But just look….

"Too much power is not good so far as it blinds its user…" After a long while, Yamanaka Inoichi said slowly.

This sentence resonated with them greatly! For they understood what it meant the most!

"No matter what, Hiruzen must step down from the position of Hokage after this! Nothing must bring him back, no matter the dire situation we are in!" Torifu said after a brief moment of respite! They must never allow Hiruzen to get back the position of Hokage!

"No, all Hirizen's lackeys must be uprooted from power!" Hiashi said to Torifu with determination! Hearing this, Torifu paused but nodded at the end after caeful thought!

Hiashi told Torifu because only he could suppress Hiruzen effectively, by then, they will personally act and remove every other obstacle! As for Danzo? They'll let him be for now…



Uchiha Ryoko scanned Konoha with his Mangyekou before shaking his head slighty!

It was not him or an Uchiha who divided Konoha….

It was a Hyuga….

In fact, Ryoko himself was very shocked when he saw that Hyuga run at such a terrible speed!

He also couldn't wrap his head around why and how he was able to destroy everything in his way during his run!

He himself, felt a chill! If his Mangyekou was not active during the Legendary Run, he wouldn't have even seen a thing!

The reason he even knew that the perpetrator was a Hyuga was because during the run, he saw the Typical White eye stare at him for a split second before vanishing!

In that split second, they happen to lock eyes at the same time!

Even now, Ryoko had a hard time believing that a Hyuga Member could muster up such a terrifying attack!

Sure enough, the Ninja World is not simple! I must be cautious! From this day forth, Ryoko never dared to underestimate the Hyuga clan ever again!

He recognized that that Hyuga had the Swift Release and a mysterious method to induce or control shockwaves!

Swift Release could never bring about such a massive shockwave, in fact it never even brings wind when used! Since its working principle directly eliminates Wind!

The current him, is not confident of pulling off such a high damage move, so he was not going to confront that person! Besides, with such a terrible speed, if he wanted to run away, no one could stop him!! Maybe only the Raikage could keep up!

Temporarily removing thoughts about the Legendary Hyuga, Ryoko turned his attention to his current target!

Uchiha Itsuki!

Uchiha Itsuki was a standard Jonin with the Two Tomoe Sharingan, aged 23. At such an age, his potential was almost exhausted in the eyes of the Uchiha clan, therefore he did not have much presence in the Uchiha Clan!

However his elder brother Uchiha Ichirou was an Elite Jonin with the 3 Tomoe Sharingan!

Due to his younger brothers talent which was inferior to his own, Uchiha Ichirou often spoilt his younger brother and took care of him at all times. Some elders even expressed their regret about the potential of Uchiha Itsuki that was not comparable to his brother!

This was the view of the Uchiha Higher ups, not the view of he, Uchiha Ryoko!

After Ryoko gazed at this boy, he knew he had a massive potential hidden in his body! Unlike others, he had potential in his mental strength not the body! However even with his massive mental strength or rather spiritual energy, his body was not strong enough to unleash it, besides there was a strange substance blocking his potential!

Therefore, Ryoko decided to take him as an ally! He knew that he could not accomplish everything on his own! Therefore it is more prudent to cultivate more talents and flee from Konoha, amass more power and take his massive revenge!

That other girl could be another potential ally if she survived, but he needed a competent handy man, not a woman to be by his side right now! Therefore, Ryoko chose Itsuki as his right hand man!

Uchiha Itsuki knelt and cried bitterly with his elder brothers corps in his arms! He had already awakened the Three Tomoe Sharingan a while ago, but he didn't notice this.

In war, its only natural, that a loved one would die, Ichirou took on a killing move to protect him from other enemies. Sadly, his brother died and Itsuki didn't have the will to live anymore so he didn't run away from the attacking Ninja's!

However in no time at all, all the attacking Ninja's were sliced into countless pieces in his front! A blood red hue, sliced through the air gracefully like blossoming flowers of death!

Gazing to the distance, Uchiha Itsuko saw another Uchiha clan member walk towards him, a Katana in hand that glowed red in the night sky! The red glow was the mixture of the enemies blood and another ominous thing he has never seen before!

Itsuki felt a chill, and was too scared to speak even when the unknown Uchiha stood in front of him! Cold Sweat trickled down his back and he swallowed nervously!

Shaking his head, Ryoko said. "Not enough!"


{Send me PS please.....I need support and motivation!! Drop a chapter comment if you have any idea to share with me!}