
My Stolen Good-for-nothing Husband Is a Secret BigShot

COMPLETED [ Mature content ] Sweet love, no rape, no abuse. ... His world was riddled with threats and she was a troublemaker who poke dangers for fun. Alexa Quinn, the famous daughter of a wealthy family– carefree and daring, finds her world crashing down after a night with her fiance. Never in her wildest dream did she expect that her fiance of two years was only after her father’s company and not her. With her own two hands, she signed away the ownership of her family’s business to a man who in turn sold the company to the Clintons. Desperate to restore her family’s dwindling status and save the thousands of lives that depended on her family, she goes in search of the Clintons. Stepping into the city, she was catapulted to a wedding, only to be told that she was at the Clintons' wedding. She hears that the groom was a good-for-nothing who was unconditionally loved and cherished by his grandfather. So, when the groom was ditched, Alexa immediately schemes her way through and becomes the new bride. This is the beginning of her plans to salvage her family's crisis. In three months, she would be staggering back to her city with the ownership documents to her father’s company, no love, no romance, easy peasy, she thought. Unfortunately for her, the so-called good-for-nothing Aiden has more secrets than a blackhole. All it took was a few hours after the wedding to make Alexa fall head over heels in love with him. As the two swim in their love and romance, Alexa didn't forget her initial plans and her sweet husband was there to make her dream a success. Unbeknownst to the two, their one mistake of taking back Alexa's company will trigger enormous troubles they must deal with in order to keep their lives. “There is pleasure in danger,” Alexa said, but what if the danger this time was more perilous than she and Aiden had ever experienced?

Hassy_101 · perkotaan
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164 Chs

I love you

Renny felt like crying. He glared at his friends. "Betrayers!" he shouted, and everyone laughed.

While everyone was enjoying themselves, Alexa pulled Nora aside and began to interrogate her. It was obvious she and Talford liked each other, but why aren't they official yet?

"What was that? The kiss, the suit, the chemistry… I thought you said you weren't dating and we're just friends? "

Nora shrugged. "That was what I thought until now. Anyway, I want him to take his time. I don't want to rush him or put words in his mouth," she said.

"Moreover, I initiated the kiss on the spur of the moment. And as for his clothes, my period embarrassed me in his car… " thinking about it again, she felt like dying.

She looked his way and saw that he was staring at her. Nora quickly turned and changed the topic, soliciting a laugh from Alexa. "Enough about me. How are my godchildren?"