Aroon wasn't bragging or telling lies here. After all he was the sole human with that dirty system's brother and the ability to level up.
"You aren't even strong enough to face monsters we can easily crush," Liza didn't mean to crush his confidence but she had to be impartial here, "how can you stand against him then?"
"You need our help," Zefro said but Aroon nodded while taking his words into a different direction.
"I need your help to train me," Aroon said , agreeing.
"We… can help you in fighting him instead," Liza was surprised by Aroon's demand.
"Training is a good thing but it'll take long time, years if being optimistic," Zefro's tone told Aroon he wouldn't get what he aimed for easily, "we can't waste this long time especially when our enemy starts to move."
Aroon could understand their situation and urgency. After all, for such mighty people, feeling threatened was something they weren't able to handle properly.