
My Service System

Just read if you want~ And before anything, if you read some fanfic from the past with a title of Service System, I am the author of that one. I just used this alt account to rewrite it.

Siriusly_Fun · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Can't Refuse

"Once again, thanks, Meru"

"No problem, Shiro but remember your promise."

Shiro smiled wryly, it has been a week since he asked meru to teach him. She agreed but Shiro has to promise one thing, he will play with her every day after training.

He agreed to it as it's a small price to pay. And she is helping him a lot. Shiro also had some jobs again during the week but luckily, the jobs were quite easy. It was mostly, Dino hiring him again to help in his cafe.

Dino's reason for it is probably because he wanted to slack around. Hence Shiro filled his work in the kitchen.


"Right, it's nearing lunch. How about I make us some food, do you have some ingredients in your apartment?" Shiro asked Meru as he wiped his sweat with a towel.

"No, all I got back home was some cup noodles and soda."

Shiro shook his head, 'As expected of Meru haha'

The two of them were currently in a secluded place near Meru's apartment. Since if they train in a place where people usually pass by, it could lead to problems.

"I think we should buy some things then. Anyway, I already said I'm not going back home for lunch."

"Okay" Meru grinned, "But, you're, Shiro. It's just been a week but I could see you're improving fast. You could even counter-attack for some time during our spars."

Shiro smiled wryly, in fact, he was surprised too. He does know about the capabilities of the heavenly martial body but he didn't think it would be such a cheat-like body.

Some of its capabilities were shown as he swiftly adapted to the harsh blows Meru throws at him. Furthermore, when he decided to watch some martial arts tutorials online, he actually learned it after trying it himself. That's how much of a cheat his body is now.

"Anyway, come on Meru. Let's buy some things and I'll cook our lunch."

"Ohh! I love your cooking. Let's go buy ingredients quickly." Meru grabbed Shiro's hand and drag him away.


The two went to the local market and bought all the ingredients Shiro needed. After that, they went towards Meru's apartment.

Entering the apartment, Shiro was stunned. In the end, he sighed, 'Of course, it'll be like this again.'

When they reached inside, cans of soda were scattered along with some used cup noodles. The place was just messy just like when he first went here.

"Hehe~" Meru chuckled, not minding the mess.

Shiro smiled wryly and just walked towards the kitchen. Getting there, he heaved a sigh of relief. The kitchen was spared from the mess since Meru rarely goes in there.

"Yosh! Time to cook!"

"Alright, I'll go play some games. Tell me when you're done, Shiro." Meru waved goodbye at him and walked away.


"Whew! Today's training is done, I'll continue tomorrow."

Shiro was now walking back home after a whole day of training. It's already around 5 pm and the sun has started to set on the horizon. The sky was tinted with a bit of orange.

"Eh?" Shiro abruptly stopped in his tracks and stared in front of him. There, the holographic screen of the system appeared.


[Ding! Host, someone hired you for your service from our app]

[Customer Info;

Name: Millhiore Firianno Biscotti

Quest description: The Biscotti Republic has been at war with their neighboring nation of Galette Lion Territory and has been on constant loss. Princess Millhiore decided to summon a hero to help the nation. And due to her strong will, the host has been chosen to act as the hero.

Requests: The current host

Duration: Unknown

Note: There will be no skills for this quest as Princess Millhiore has not used the app to request for the host but through her strong will and hero summoning.

The host can't refuse this quest due to some factors.


"Hero summoning? And no skills huh, there's also a war." Shiro smiled bitterly, "And no refusal huh...Sigh."

"Looks like I'll be in a hard time for this one...System, use my remaining chance for the gacha."

[Affirmative!... Congratulations, the host got War God Aura!]

[War God Aura: When activated, it gives the user an awe-inspiring aura and greatly raises charisma especially on a battlefield. Allied soldiers would obey the user's orders and enemies would be struck by negative debuffs such as fear against the user. The effect varies from person to person depending on the strength of their will.

Unique Effect: Fighting Spirit - greatly increases the user's physical state for a duration of 10 minutes but after the duration ends, the user will be struck with fatigue for a few hours.]

"...At least there's something useful in a war. But a war...huh *Gulp*" Shiro was evidently nervous after reading that his next job would involve a war. And he's gonna be at the center of it as he will be summoned as a hero.

"Hey, system! When does the quest start?"

[It would be tomorrow, host. Please note that there would be a time difference in this world and the other world where the quest would happen.]

"At least that lifted some worries." With that, he could give some excuse to his family so they won't worry about his sudden disappearance. But he's still nervous, after all, it's a war he's going.

He wasn't even sure if he could survive it and get back home. Shiro couldn't help but curse in his mind as he can't refuse so he was forced to go against his will.

In the end, he couldn't do anything and just walked home sullenly.

When he arrived home,, he was greeted by his mother.

"I'm home, mom," Shiro said

"Welcome home!"


A/N: Aiya! I've been away for some time, sorry hehe. Anyway, the story would probably, maybe, progress and steadily in this arc.