
My Service System

Just read if you want~ And before anything, if you read some fanfic from the past with a title of Service System, I am the author of that one. I just used this alt account to rewrite it.

Siriusly_Fun · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Perfect Body for Martial Arts

(A/N: I'm kinda rushing the story now so we can go to the juicy parts haha~)

Time quickly passed by as Shiro did his job and it's been a few days. He has already finished his job at Stile and also completed 4 jobs in total which means he has a chance at the gacha.

Currently, inside his room, Shiro lay on his bed and stared at the holographic board in front of him. The system interface showed;

[Host can roll the gacha 1x, does the host want to?]

"Roll for it, system" Shiro muttered

[Affirmative! Rolling the gacha...]

[Congratulations, the host got Heavenly Martial Body! Please state if the host wants to redeem his prize.]

"Heavenly Martial Body? Can you explain what it is, system?"

[Heavenly martial body - a body perfect for martial arts as it has great adaptability and physical growth rate. It also gives someone the perfect talent for learning martial arts.]

"...Huh?" Shiro's mouth was agape after reading the description of the thing he got from the gacha.

(A/N: I got the heavenly martial body from a novel, Ending Maker)

"System, redeem it!"

[Affirmative! The heavenly martial body will now be fused to the host.]

Soon after, a golden glow coated Shiro's body. He felt his whole body is warm and relaxing. It's like being in a mother's embrace. This process took a few minutes before the golden glow died down.

"...I don't feel anything changed. With this body, should I learn martial arts?" Shiro contemplated this idea. It's not like he needed martial arts currently as he was contented with his current life.

But then again, he remembered back a few days when Meru and he were hanging out in a park.


(Flashback Jutsu~)

Sitting on a bench in the park were Shiro and Meru after they played at an arcade. The two were just relaxing when suddenly 3 guys approached them.

"Hey! Get off that bench, that's our seat." One of the guys said.

"That's right!"

"Hooo get off!"

Meru glanced at the three and replied, "No, this is our seat."

"Tch, you bastard...!" One of the guys threw

a punch and just when Shiro was about to block it.

Meru stood up suddenly and grabbed the fist coming her way with one hand. She then threw the guy who tried to punch her. Then kicked the two guys easily throwing them in the air.

Shiro who saw that was dumbfounded and couldn't believe the sight. His mouth was wide open, you could fit an egg in it. He only got out of his daze when Meru called out to him.

"Hey, Shiro, let's go."

(Flashback Jutsu end~)


"I think this world isn't as simple on the surface. I previously thought this was just a slice-of-life type of world but I was wrong. I can't believe someone as small as Meru kicks those guys strong enough to launch them mid-air with only one foot at that." Just remembering that time, Shiro smiled wryly.

Though it did provide him with a conclusion. "I will learn martial arts but the problem is how? Maybe I could ask Meru to teach me hand-to-hand combat? It did seem like she knew some. But will she teach me...?"

Shiro thought about it for a bit and e came to an answer..., maybe. As he had only known her for a few days, Shiro wasn't so sure about her personality but he do know she loves games. She loves games so much that she plays 20 hours a day.

Quite unbelievable but it is a fact. Sometimes, he even wonders how she could maintain an active persona with that lifestyle. Anyway, what his point was, Meru is mainly focused on her games and he wasn't sure if she would agree to his request.

In the end, Shiro sighed, "I'll ask her anyway, maybe she'll agree? If bot then whatever, it's not like I'll be involved in those types of dangerous situations."

With that said, Shiro got off his bed and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and saw it was 9 am in the morning. Hr decided to go out since he doesn't have any

quests for now.


A few minutes of walk from his house, Shiro arrived at the arcade and entered it. He noticed there were few people today. His gaze scanned the place and finally saw his target.

He quickly walk over towards her and saw Meru was focused on a game. Shiro stayed silent and waited for her to finish.

"Yosh! A new high score hehe~" Meru grinned happily then noticed Shiro, "Oh Shiro!"

"Good morning..." Shiro greeted, he

wanted to ask her but he didnt know how to start.

"Shiro, lets play a game!" Meru did t wait for his reply and dragged him to

wards the fighting game and forced him to play.

'Sigh...' Shiro just sighed mentally and played together with Meru. For the following hours, he was dragged by Meru to play various games. They only stopped when it was time for lunch.


In front of the arcade, Shiro faced Meru.

"I had a good time, thanks..." Shiro said then stopped, he hesitated for a bit before finally speaking up. "Meru...you know hand-to-hand combat right?"

"Hm? Yeah...why?" She tilted her head cutely,

"Haaa...Actually, I just wanted to ask if you can teach me martial arts. Its just after seeing you the other day, I thought I need to learn to fight too..."


"...Sigh as I thought...wait, you agree?!" Shiro let out a surprised face.

"Yeah, its okay. You're my friend, right?" Meru grinned widely

Shiro smiled in return, "Yeah, friends haha~ Then, I'll go first otherwise my mother would get angry." he waves his hand and started walking.

"See you later, Shiro!"

"Ou! I'll go back here this afternoon." he replied without turning back..