

nabi_love · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 2

Ruby's room

Divine magic!! are you kidding me? The divine gods blessed me with divine magic, why? I rather be powerless than possess such disgusting powers. How am I to save black magicians if I have divine powers? Why? Why have the gods done this to me?

I grumble angrily, back and Furth in my room. I was interrupted by Sarah who just worked into my room.

"My lady what's wrong?'' Instantly noticing my uneasiness

''nothing'' I forced a smile ''I'm just a little frustrated''

"O my God, my lady what happened " She hurried from the door side to me. Sarah took my arm and lead my to my bed. We both sat down.

"Nothing serious, I just feel choked up in this house" I said while looking down to my feet to avoid her gaze, not wanting her to see my irritation

"Hh'' she sighed '' I understand my lady... well'' she smiled '' my lady, I head of this lovely bakery in town. and they say that Nobles are mainly the costumers around there''

'' Really? why?''

'' They said the offer the best cake in town and anyone who tries it can not resist coming back'' Sarah spoke in deep thought '' I guess, their desert is indeed best for them to have captivated so may noble costumers''

" I see'' I got curios and wanted to try this desert Sarah speaks of '' Can you take me there?"

"I would love to but you need the count permission before leaving the mansion" she reminded and I frowned. Remembering my position in this house

"You're right, I'll try asking the count if I can go"

"Really?'' she gave me this questionable look '' my lady you seem to never want to talk with the count"

"Today, can be an exception, He is my father after all and I really want to leave this house"

The count office

"Why should I give you permission to leave the mansion, if you need anything from that bakery, the maids can get it for you" He was unease about the idea of me leaving the mansion and I knew why. He feared i will cause trouble

"Count if you are worried I'll disgrace the family's name then rest assured I will do no such things...'' i spoke calmly, while trying to sound like the innocent little girl i am supposed to be. ''I only want to leave the mansion for a little while... I have never left the mansion gate before" He fell into deep thought, using his hands to massage the bridge of his nose. I waited patiently.

"Alright but you will take two maids and some guard's with you"

"Alright. Thank you count" Not waiting another seconds, i turned around and worked out of his office

Wow I never expected him to actually let me go, the gods may give me divine powers but I refuse to be defeated I will bring the tower of magic back to great heights.

Reedahs Treat

I was taken to the bakery Sarah spoke of and on getting there, I understood why the place was always filled with nobles. their menu was the best i have ever tasted. Not like i have tasted any other to be sure "Himmm this is so good" I said stuffing cakes into my mouth

"My lady even when eating you still look elegant" Lilly, A maid who was also assigned to escort me, said.

"Yes'' Sarah responded proudly. '' my lady is the most elegant and beautiful noble lady in the whole capital, my lady is smart and talented, my lady was already walking before she was five months old and could already hold a perfect conversation at one year old " As always, Sarah had away of fluttering me

"Wow my lady is so smart" while the two Maids fantasies about me, My attention drifted to a girl. She looks like she was about my age. She sat at the table across from me eating strawberry cake and from the Colour of her eyes, I could tell she was from the Barloty family. she must be the youngest daughter of the Barloty family. The family had a mixture of gold and purple eyes, if she is the daughter of that family then befriending her will be a good option. I stood up from my seat, leaving Sarah and Lily to their conversation. I walked up to her and confidently asked if I could seat with her and to my surprise she said yes.

At first, she appeared very shy and reserved but once she got comfortable, she opened up and we talked. It didn't take me long to connect with her and in the end. she told me, she would be returning back to the north in one week. So we agreed to keep our friendship by sending letters.

Ruby's room

"My lady you finally made your first friend" Sarah spoke as she help me change into much comfortable clothe. Sarah appeared more excited than I had expected her to be.

"My lady looked so mature when talking to young lady Barloty'' Lily added

''My lady is extra ordinary. any noble lady would be honored to speak with my lady" Lily and Sarah, went on and on with the compliments. Being an aquatint with the young lady of the Barloty family, it would help me a lot but I'll also need people with dark magic on my side,

*knock knock*

We were interrupted by a knock on the door and almost immediately, a maid came in saying the count wishes to have tea with me. what does he want? Can't he have tea with his other daughter.

Count office

"Count Larmonal, you sent for me" Standing before his table.

"Yes I did seat" he said gesturing for me to take a sat across from him

" would you like cup of tea" The maid walked to my side and carefully purred me a cup off tea then stepped back when done

"Thank you, count Lormonal... with all due respect, I know you didn't send for me just to have tea with you, so may I ask what you really want"

" hahaha, you are truly as smart as the maid says.... I was told that you met with the young lady of the Barloty family today"

" yes, we met at the bakery today, if you are worried I have embarrassed the family then you can rest assured... I have done no such thing, the lady and I just had a little discussion that's all "

" hmmm I see"

"The lady asked if it will be possible for us to keep in touch by sending letters to each other"

" A friendship between the second young lady of the Larmonal family and the youngest lady of the Barloty family, can secure a good relationship between both families and even help us in aspect of trade and other business related matters. But how can I ensure such great responsibility to you" Responsibility? What is he talking about? This relationship is for my own benefit not the family. I will surly not take something of great importance to me for granted

"My lord you. Don't you worry about that. I give you my word, I will help the Larmonal family be on good terms with the Barloty" I say taking a sip out of my tea. Then again, if i do well with this. then it will be a chance to be acknowledged by the count.

"Alright'' He hesitated '' I will leave this matter to you and i trust that you do not disappoint me" I responded with a sight nod '' You may be only 4 years old but you appear smart and mature... it should be a matter of concerned but..'' our gaze met and i forced an awkward smile. '' I will say it is a good thing'' i have heard over and over again from the workers of this mansion that i speak and act to mature for my age. This is a matter beyond my control as i am a soul of a 100 years old trapped in the body of a child.

"If that is all may I take my leave sir"

"Hmm" with a nod and with that I walk out of his office.

Ruby's room

Being an aquatint of the Barloty family is good, In my past life I never had of the Barloty family hating black magic users, after the fight between the temple and the magic tower, the Barloty family tried helping the magic tower but it was no use,

If I recall correctly, from all the books I've read about them. the Barloty family always made sure to protect their allies and destroy their enemies. If I can get their head on board with my plans then we can build the magic tower again, having the magic tower built in the North will not only empower the tower but also the North.

Instead of building the tower in the capital like before. We would build it in the north if the tower is in the north the temple will not be able to attack us, no one not even the emperor family can come in to the north with out the Ducks permission. Wow Ravin you've outdone yourself, but what if those gods decide to curse me because I brought back the magic tower, what if them giving me divine magic is a way of telling me not to bring back the tower.

"My lady" Sarah called as she walked into my room "My lady it's time for bed you have to go to bed early so you can wake up early, tomorrow is your first lesson with lady Xerver"

"Alright, Thank you for today. Good night Sarah"

"Good night my lady"

I stayed awake almost the whole night thinking. And when I finally fell asleep, I opened my eyes to find myself no longer in my room but in the most beautiful place in existence. A place I knew to well. The first dimension otherwise know as heaven

The first dimension

"Wh... why I'm i here? am i finally dead?" I questioned angrily. standing before the gods

"No you are not dead" Asika responded

"You wanted to speak to us didn't you? " Ashika, said looking at me

"That's right'' i took a step forward. thank goodness in have been brought before them. '' why was i given divine magic. For someone who hate all of you as much as me''

"You should be happy we gave you divine magic the purest of all" Heisez spoke with a little to no smile

"Or were you expecting dark magic" Zather added and the rest of the gods bust into laughter. They were making mockery of me.

"Look, I'm not here to entertain any of you, I don't like you guys and I know you all don't like me as well, so let's get to the chase, WHY. WAS I. GIVEN. DIVINE MAGIC'' The atmosphere fell into silence. The all exchanged glance before looking back at me.

"we thought it will be easy to have a good life if you had the purest of all magic in the kingdom" Zerther added

''Well, i appreciate the concern, but i would have done better with my own. so if you would be so kind as to take it away I would appreciate that more"

"Your request can't be done"

'' what?'' i frowned.

" What is done is done and can not be changed " Zather and Zerther added

'' You are gods. why can't it be changed'' their words were unbelievable. it doesn't make sense that they can't change my powers

'' The universe is governed by rules little one. their are things that are beyond control even for us gods. once it is done, it is done and can not be change. it is up to you humans to decide what to make out if it'' Ashika explained further

"Is that all you would like to know " Heisez asked

"No... I would like to know if there is any consequences for helping the dark magicians "

"The would be non. the only condition we gave you is for you to be happy, but if you do anything against the rules of the second dimension then you will face consequences" I sensed more seriousness in Zather tone that there already was.

"Is there anything else?" Heisez asked again. I have further questions but i would rather keep them to myself as i would not be given a clear answer any ways

"No that is all" and almost immediately, I jumped to a sitting position, waking up from my frustrating dream and once again in my bed room