

nabi_love · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 1

Ruby POV

My name is Ruby, Ruby Larmonal, the illegitimate daughter of count Larmonal. my mother was a maid who had an affair with the count and had me. Unfortunately, she died at childbirth leaving me unprotected in this cruel world. My second life. How does the great gods expect me to be happy in a society where I am not accepted. The illegitimate child from a commoner. Not only will I not be accepted by my family, the social world will not accept me .

If I'm going to make a stand in this world, I'll need to be noticed by a lot of Nobles. But if I live my life as a nobody being looked down on by everyone I'll be risking my freedom from this curse.

As a baby, I can felt mana flowing true my body. I just needed to know what kind of magic I have then master it. There are different types of magic. And out of the many, there are the five most powerful. Holy magic, healing magic, dragon magic, ancient magic, and black magic.

The Holy magic is a very powerful of type of magic and only very few people possess this power. Most people who are born with holy magic always end up working at the temple, The Castelo is a family blessed by the gods, anyone born into that family possesses high amount of holy magic in them. The divine visionary is always born into that family, they are known as the second being closest to the gods. The closest is the saint known as the daughter of the gods.

Healing magic is the weakest among the five type of magic, one that any body with a high amount of mana can possess at there first stag. But the Grey family is a family exceptionally blessed with that magic. they have the power to heal anything, to the extent of changing a person's appearance.

Dragon magic. There are six powerful dragons in history and all has a specific colour. The are few humans who are bless with great abilities by each dragon. The Barloty family who were blessed by the great black dragon with control magic, or the Arno family who were blessed by the great red dragon with elemental magic.

Ancient magic, nobody knows exactly how that magic came into existence nor how humans can possess it. But it is said that the emperor family possess such type of magic, they call it pistol magic.

Then finally, Black magic is a very powerful type of magic which picks people at random.

Since I have mana flowing through my body and I'm not from any of the blessed family's, which means, I'll have some random magic powers. The chances of me having black magic or some random magic power is 50 50. If I have black magic I can become as powerful as I once was, I can return the magic tower to its former glory. But I will have to wait until I'm at lest four to know what kind of magic I possess.


Seating on the bed, My gaze rested on my reflection in the glass window. Golden blond hair and emerald eyes. I was told severely that I looked a lot like my mother facially but I find it had to believe. When ever I see my reflection I see my father, his eyes and the colour of my hair. But I can't be sure. My mother died the day I was born so I had no evidence to debate.

"My Lady, the count is returning today" My maid spoke as she goes through my dresses, looking for a dress suitable for me to wear. I looked away from the window to her.

"Sarah there is no need doing all this… it's not like the count will even acknowledge my presence" I stated the fact, what a waste of energy.

"Nonsense, my lady, my lady you shouldn't give up hope" She smiled at me as she took out a greenish dress, it was simple and plain just my every other dresses but still beautiful. " i'm sure one day the count will notice what a nice, beautiful, and smart lady you are"

" what ever you say " Giving her a small smile. How I'm I supposed to tell her that I don't care if the count acknowledges my existence or not, I'm already four years old so my power is sourpuss to manifest in my body. I'll wait till then, I plan on living this family and going to the academy, I have lived for many years in my past life. Back then, I was only a child when the academy came into existence, I wrote the entrance exam when I was twelve years old and passed, despite being a peasant. Getting into the academy again would be nothing for me now that I'm a noble

After my death in my past life, the temple drove the dark magicians into hiding, the tower of black magic fell, it lost its authority and its prestige. Only a handful of dark magicians still reside in that tower.

I will master my power and make myself stronger than I ever was, I will restore the once great tower of black magic back to normal I will make it even more powerful than it was before. I'll gain followers, people who will join me on my mission.

"My lady… My lady", I get snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my name. Sarah carried a worried gaze "is anything the Matter my lady. You seem lost"

"No, not at all" I gave her a warm smile " I am perfectly fine"

" okay, I wanted to know if you liked this dress?" She displayed the greenish dress she once held in front of me and I faked a smile. She was putting to much effort all for nothing

"Yes, I like this one. Do I have to dress up to have lunch with the count and his family?".

"My lady, don't say that… you are also part of the count's family, you are the youngest miss of the Larmonal family",

"Okay, fine".

"My lady is so mature it's hard to believe you turned four just two weeks ago" I gave a small laugh at her compliment

" you flatter me way too much", I spoke in between my laughter.

"let's get you dressed my lady, it's almost time for lunch we don't want to be late" she requested for me to take of my old clothes so I could change into a new one

"Hem" I nodded at her.

Sarah was still dressing my hair when we got the report that the count has arrived. Few minutes later, we made our way to the dining room, Sarah is the only person in the mansion I can trust and tolerate. Since the count and his family treats me with disgust, so did the workers in the mansion. I have been silent for far too long, But now my mana is manifesting in my body I can finally start putting my plans together.

Dining hall

Lunch started in deep silence, no one said a word to each other until we were half way through "Daddy how was your journey I've missed you so much", My half sister spoke with her high pitch voice, breaking the silence.

"My journey was fine thank you…. Ruby, Mandy I hear you've both turned four congratulations" His eyes met mine, eyes which are exactly the same colour as mine. His golden hair all fell to the back making his face more visible. The count is man with little or no smiles which made him appear fears.

"Thank you daddy" My step sister spoke with a bright smile which made her eyes twinkle. The one thing I know I had in common with her was our eyes but every other thing was her mother's. From the colour of her hair to the way she speaks, to the way she dresses elegantly to how social she was.

"It's an honor that the count remembered something as irrelevant as my birthday" I faked a believable smiled

"Aiko" the Count called to his wife, my step mother as he place his fork on the table. A slim elegant woman with long, wavy Caramel hair just like her daughter's and her eyes were the darkest of brown. "the children are four now, get them a good teacher"

" You are right, I will do just that" She smile at her daughter " the sooner they start their training the better" Count gave a small nod and with that he got up and left the dining hall. This dining was specifically for him and he just walked out like that, I kind of feel sorry for the servant.

"Ruby" My step mother called my attention. Her eyes met mine, the smile she once carried when the count was present has left her face and was now replaced with a disgusted look "A teacher will start coming from Monday to teach you and Mandy proper ethics… Mandy is a noblewoman by birth so I know she will not disgrace this family" Her gaze fell on her daughter who giggled at the compliment. " but you" she looked at me again " who is only half a noble… you better take your classes seriously and not disgrace this family, you know we are already doing you a great favour by letting you live in this house and bearing the family's name you disgusting maid, You…" I cut her off "I should know my place" finishing off her sentence "I know my place and I know I won't disgrace this family… excuse me" I stood up and went back to my room with Sarah by my side.

Ruby's room

Sitting in a chair by the window. My gaze was focused outside but my mind was somewhere else. What that woman said to me, Know Your place. that woman has no idea who I am. I will become the greatest dark magician to ever exist she should just wait and see.