
the new chappter

I was in deep sleep. I need you to sleep. I need to reset my brain cells. That was very obvious. That was stuff going on like that. Sleep gives me the way to be okay.

I needed that thing. I need to sleep harder. I also need to eat great food. I've got that food. I've got food too. And set my brain cells about what I want to seek.

It's good at the point that you realize what you want.

And at that point I know exactly what I want.

Emily said to herself all that stuff.

It was very appropriate for a girl to know what she wanted and what she needed.

It's good that the girl knows about it.

Those things are very clear.

The girl now needs to start a new day and through that new day she starts good new things.

It was the ideas in her mind that made her very much able to say that.

That mother was good, of course.

That's when anything can happen.

That and the period that followed was a recuperation in Emily's life.