
My Runes Can Be Upgraded

Condition 1: Collect 1 Yellow Turban Soldier’s Rune (Completed) Condition 2: Defeat 100 Runic Monsters Solo (Completed) Condition 3: Kill Wild Boars in One Strike 5000 times (Completed) Condition 4: Consume 10 Runic Pills (Completed) Your Rune Can Now Be Upgraded.

Angry Laugh · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
1252 Chs

The Strongest Demigod, The Final Chapter of Everything 3

Penerjemah: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

[You have consumed 100,000 mystical realm power. Your skill [collector's library] has been increased by 10 times!]

[The quality of all your sources has been raised to divine-tier!]

[Your level has increased to level 200!]

[You have scattered 9999 gold-quality sources into the ten sources. You have successfully condensed ten Divine Flames!]

[You have ignited the divine fire and achieved eternity!]

On the other side, the golden finger notifications kept refreshing in front of Wu Wei.

Wu Wei's strength continued to increase during this process.

On the other side, Dong Hu's battle was coming to an end.

Even though Dong Hu's strength had been strengthened by the World Realm, he was only a Demigod after all. With the Seven Murders Saber in his hand, he could kill Gods, but he could only kill Gods.

That was his limit. Any higher, and Dong Hu would not be able to withstand it.

And now, his opponent was a Highgod.