
Chapter 358

"you were probably on your way to someplace important before you went into hiding to avoid me. I should not hold you back, you can get going now" despite the sacarsm lacing his word, I was more concerned with being dismissed, I quickly hurried off while waving at him,

I was so glad to have averted the disaster that would have occured if he had caught me. It is safe to say that I can find the people I wanted quicker and get out of here. The first place I went to was Boy's tent since it was closer, but it was empty. I searched around the tent but it seems he was not close by from the response I got from those I asked. I decided I would look for him later on , so I went to my tent,

I had to pause outside the tent and wish that Naki was not inside. We have not spoken since the incident and we kept avoiding each other, this was not the time to be hashing out issues, someone's life was at stake. As sad as I am to admit it, I did not trust her enough recently to tell her what was happening, and if I can not tell her what was going on, it would lead to a new round of issues and all these were what I was trying to avoid. I wished that if I enter the tent, I would see Leo alone in it, update him on what was going on, then go in search of Boy together,

When we finally find Boy, we would put our heads together and figure out a way to put an end to all of Donua's plans. With that thought in mind, I entered into the tent. My prayers must not have gotten to the right source or it vanished into thin air along the way, because it was the things that I did not want that was happening. Naki was alone in the tent and she was sitting calmly with an unreadable expression on her face. I knew that face, it meant she was deliberating on a thought seriously and it was not the right time to be around her especially if you are the person involved or in the thought. There was no way I could leave the tent because she has seen me already, it would mean I was trying to avoid, although that was my intention but there is no need to clue her in,

I simply looked around the tent, not knowing what I was looking for but after a while of being in the awkward silence, I decided I have stayed long enough to let her know that I was not avoiding her and was ready to talk whenever she was ready to, with that I started out towards the entrance of the tent. I had almost left the tent when I remembered that she could be aware of Leo whereabouts, I just had to ask her.