
Chapter 324

" when I asked him what was wrong, he would always say nothing was wrong. I kept persisting but he was tight-lipped and refused to let me in. The only aspect he was quite vocal on, was why we should be subjected to the masters, why were there more superior than us. His eyes were filled with so much rage then, it startled me as it was a stark contrast to the boy I knew"

I understood what he was saying and also how the boy was feeling then. Each and everyone of my people must have asked theirselves such question at one point in their life but the only difference was that some took it more serious than others did. They allowed it to burn and grow like flame in them, till it spiralled out of control and took over every aspect of them. It was also possible that they were not able to channel their hate and anger correctly, they only let it fester in them till it consumed. Maman always told me that we can never subject fire to our will, as it has a mind of it's own. It may seem submissive at the latter but it later does what it wants to.

That was the reason we were not given access to what could cause a fire to start. We were also prevented from having one in our tents or outside it, but the masters quarters were always alight with it in every nook and cranny. It may seem innocent at first glance but it only does that to lure you in and when it has you in a trance, it consumes you. She used the fire illustration to teach me what hatred and anger does to a person. Something keeps telling me that I am Missing a vital clue from the story that would piece everything together, there are two ways that would have made him turn out to be like this; the first would be his experience while the second would be what people were feeding him with.

It was easy to strike out the first reason, this was because he had already passed through and experience the evil from the moment he was taken and brought to the base and despite it all, he was still happy and looked at the world with a positive light, while would he change all of a sudden, that was so sudden and I do not think it applies to his case. The second option actually reminds me of someone that had gone through a similar situation. It was Boy and the person he considered a brother. They were both close and live peacefully and in harmony, until Buntu came to sow a seed of discord amongst them, which caused the other person to be filled with jealousy towards his Boy, and the jealousy festered and then grew into hatred and anger, and also the desire to remove all obstacle that was in his course even when it is his friend.