
Chapter 323

" I guess I started to show my admiration for him after a while, I would give him some portion of my food out of the ration given to me, I would take the fall for whatever mistake he makes and put him under my wings basically because it made me happy whenever I see him thrive"

From the looks of it, they were close and I am sure that at one point, it must have been mutual. It would have hurt to see someone he loves so dearly behaving as such. He must have been so disappointed and I am very sure that some part of him blames himself and holds himself responsible for the action of his child,

"After sometime I noticed he began to withdraw from me, he would no longer smile and when given chores to do, he would pick a fight. It was as if he wanted to get beaten daily. I observed him for sometime, gave him space to work out what he was going through but when I did not notice any change after a while, I stepped in"

It must have been obvious when an always happy child suddenly became withdrawn and started to hate on the world. Tufa looked like he was having trouble putting his words together, and I did not want to embarrass him by being there, so to give him space to compose himself, I went to check on Boy. He looked and felt normal, for that I was grateful, it was up to him to come out of his coma. I knew that I should have made him some herbal drink, to aid his recovery, but with all that was happening it skipped my mind. It was also obvious that there was no need for that as it would not take long again before he would wake up.

I only hope that Leo and Naki are not starting another ruckus and would sit still wherever they were. I was also hoping that Leo would not come in search of me, I knew Tufa would not continue his story if someone else comes to join us, especially when that person is considered a stranger. I was quite surprised that he had not asked me about him, I am very sure that by now he should be aware that there was a strange person that fought with Naki. I was definitely not complaining, as it was secondary to the issue that was before us right now,

Tufa cleared his throat to get my attention, when I turned back he was looking better, his eyes were no longer glassy and he had a slight smile on his face. I stood up from where I was kneeling beside Boy and went to sit close to Tufa.

"Thank you" he told me,

Although I knew why he was thanking me, there was no need to draw attention to it so I waved him off. It was not needed, I was happy I could help.