
Chapter 322

" do you recognize him"

Was it possible for one to recognize someone they have never met before? His face is cemented in my memory now due to the fact that it reeks of evil and there was no way I would want to come in contact with him again, so if I had seen his face earlier, I would have recognized it.

" Tufa there is no way I have met him before, so how then can know him not to talk more of recognizing his face"

He nodded his head with a pensive look on his face, the expression on his face made me tense up too, I knew that I would not be happy with whatever I would hear from him.

"I met him back at the base but then he was younger and definitely not as malicious. I admired his strength and also how happy he was even while faced with the hardship. He would accomplish every task he was given with a smile on his face and sometimes when he is done, he would help others, this often put him in trouble but he refusesd to relent"

I could picture all he was saying in my mind, I could imagine the happy little boy filled with life and passion, who often looked at the world on a positive note, despite the evils he saw daily. It was always rare for one not to succumb to the evil that surrounds them daily. At first we may seem decide to ignore it and rather turn a blind eyes to it, in other words me may be impassive regarding it. But over time the fence we built to protect ourselves from it begins to wear off and eventually crumble and at the end we are at an impasse, having no choice but to let it take over every aspect of our lives.

The life we live over here, is definitely not an easy one. A life where we are exposed to the evils of the world from an early age, a life when we get to discover ourselves that we are different without anyone telling us and we also come to the awareness that it was bad to be different, a life where skin color determines our position in the world even before we were given birth to. Is it wrong of me to say that I do not want my generation to meet such a world and take a stand to put an end to it?,

Sometimes I do think that some of my people have accepted the their fate and have acquiesced to living their lives like this forever as long as they get fed once in my life, if it were not so, am u not supposed to have people jumping to their feets with the only thought in their minds is freedom!. They breathe the thought of freedom and inhale the thought back, it should be the only reason that pushes us to continue living daily .