
Chapter 241

I was not able to see properly, I was slowly choking to death, but after a while, he threw my head back forcefully, my luck was that there was no stone or a piece of wood behind me, I would have bled or passed out from the force. I was coughing badly and rolled my upper body to the side, since they were still holding my hands and pinned my legs down. I coughed out the blood that was lodged in my throat, mixed with spittle. My lips and teeth were stained as a result of the blood that I had been gurgling, with my head hanging over the straw, the blood mixture slowly came out, my throat was hurting badly, I could not afford to swallow. I was sure that if I touched it then, I would wince from the pain. I was tired of hanging my head over, so I wiped the left over with the back of my palm and fell back on the straw. One would say I was making a big mistake by doing that, it meant I was offering my body up to them but I had no strength to continue fighting, I was overpowered already and I could not figure out where he was till now.

He kept saying that I did not need to run away or put myself in any trouble because he would guide and protect me, but where was he now when I needed him? I knew that there was no way he would sit down and let this happen to me, he must have been incapacitated somewhere else, my soul went out to him wherever he was. Although the thought of his empty promises brought a smile to my lips, my attacker did not find it funny and thought I was insulting him and being disrespectful,  he made some gestures with his hands but I was far too gone to be able to interpret them. I felt as if I was drunk, I was becoming light headed and my gaze were going in and out of focus. He gripped my hair tightly and used it to raise my body to meet him, his actions made me scream out in pain because my hands that were held behind me was twisted in a weird angle, it felt as if any minute from now, I was going to break my hand or probably detach them from my socket.

He only laughed when he saw the pain and anguish on my face, being in such a close distance made me recognize his face, he was the one that was all over me when I first came to, he kept sniffing at me and behaving weirdly, until I was saved by the other guy. I should have known that he was nothing but an animal, his earlier behavior had confirmed that to me already. I looked at him with as much hate as I could muster, and spat the mixture of blood and spit directly in his face