
Chapter 242

I have never been as proud of myself as I felt that moment, it landed directly into his eyes, he squeezed his face in disgust as his hands came in contact with it, he drew his hand away from his face and some of the spittle came with it, I kept expecting him to decorate my full face with it but he smiled in a sinister way and put the hand in his mouth and licked it off with a sick smile on his face like he enjoyed it, the smile and smugness on my face immediately disappeared immediately I saw the action, this was beyond my imagination, if he could taste my blood, he could eat my flesh too, reality hit me then and I started thrashing, wanting to get away from him but he was only smiling. I screamed as loud as my sore throat would let me but I could not hear anyone coming to my aid or rescue. He placed his hands on my neck, then either tightened or released his hold a bit, he was having a lot of fun putting fear in me, but I was very ashamed to admit that I was scared, I had no idea how crazy he was and how far he would go.

He decided to tighten it further, I knew that what he was expecting was my reaction of fear, but I refused to give it to him. I schooled my face to one of indifference, despite the amount of pain I was in, I refused to show it to him. He kept tightening his hands on my neck, my face was already turning an odd shade but apart from that, I gave no other outward reaction. He was not pleased with this, I noticed from his calculating gaze that he was already planning another evil to inflict on me, which would give him the desired reaction that would feed the evil in him. He removed his hand from my neck and roamed it across my face, he placed it on my eyelid, which made me shut my eyes involuntarily, I could feel my throat bobbing as I swallowed whatever was stuck in my throat, I was becoming afraid now, because he had rid me of my sight, I could no longer see what he was about to do or except it, I was practically blind right now,

My breathing was coming out in a faster pace, I kept licking my lips because it was suddenly feeling a bit dry, he later removed his hands from my eyes, then ran it over my nose and my cheeks. He also went about to caress my ears like he was trying to memorize all about me at that point. He finally came to my lips, he ran his thumb across them, then pried them away from each other with the thumb placed on my lower lips. He just ran it down my throat and finally arrived at the neckline of my dress.