
Chapter 232

It is so surprising that I have not known him for long but I have his best interest at heart, I feel so indebted to him in such a short while. He does not know me, I am practically a stranger to him and his people but he still stood up for me and against the teachings about women that has probably been drilled into his head right from when he was child. It shows that there were still good people existing despite all the bad, even amongst the bad and terrible, we still have the good, the only problem being that they are overshadowed and covered up by the actions of the bad. I stayed quiet beside him, just to let him know that I may not be able to do anything about his current and present situation, but I will stand beside him for how long he wants to. Since we were still stranger, I felt my touch would be unwelcomed or uncomfortable to him, even if he does not say it out loud to me, so I had to restrain myself from touching him and encroaching further on his personal space, I stayed focused on the stars

" I have always been an anomaly to them, never accepted despite all I do to prove myself to them. There was always a separate present" he finally said. His voice carried a lot of emotions. My head whipped up, immediately I heard him speak and I turned my body to face him.

"I was not born and brought up by them. I am One of the exception, my mom ran away with me after birth and refused to hand me over to them but what good did it do!" He ended it angrily. I could feel the pain, anger and resentment brewing in his voice

"My mom was one of the master's daughter, she was taken away forcefully by them and eventually she got pregnant with me. She swore to herself that she would never allow them raise me, so whilst she was heavily pregnant she successfully ran away from them and went back to her people. That was her biggest mistake" he turned his body to face me then, his expression was so open, he must have been harbouring so much hurt in him for a while now

I slowly put out my hand in the space between the both of us and faced it palms up. The decision was left to him now, if he refused to hold my hand, I would also not be hurt because I was offering it up as a comfort to him. He looked at my hand that was placed between us and looked back up at me, I shrugged my shoulder at him, I was not going to tell him what to do, it was his choice if he wanted to or not. I started to feel uncomfortable after a while of leaving my hands out in the open and slowly retracted it.