
Chapter 208

"Naki... Naki..." I repeated trying to get used to the way it rolled off in my mouth

Now that I think about it, the name fits her well. It sounds like a deadly weapon's or warriors name and it fits her look and the way she presents herself to the world. But it was very obvious that it was a sore spot for her, I had never met anyone that did not like their name or may not want to be addressed by it. She refused to look back at me since she said it and looked for little trinket on the floor to occupy herself with and probably as a excuse as to why she could not face me too. I walked towards her, I could tell when she noticed it, as her shoulders tensed up immediately, I could also feel her boundaries coming back up,

" Which of the hometown are you from?" I asked her gently

I did not want it to seem like I was prying but I knew that some of the hometown experienced more horrors than others, a few of them like my hometown too. It could be that she was trying to forget all that she had witnessed and the mention of her name reminded her of it. I was shocked that she actually told me her real name, if it brought so much hurt to her, I would not have minded too. Or she could have simply requested that I called her Girl, I think she was getting used to the name already. I got tired of standing over her, so I sat beside her and wrapped my hands on her shoulder. It seemed she actually needed comforting then as she willing leaned in, and placed her head on my shoulder and stared off into the air with a blank gaze,

" I am from Natings." She finally spoke out

I was quite shocked because that was my hometown too, but I never knew her or heard of her before now. I pulled back to have a clear view of her face but I still could not remember seeing or associating with any one that looked like her. I went back to my position and adjusted her so she could lay her head back on my shoulder,

" My father was one of the first group of people that instigated the riot against the masters. There felt like they had it all under control and few days they would recover the land back but how wrong were they!" She said with a sad smile

I knew then that all did not go according to their plans and for us to still be in this situation, they did not achieve their aims. There only two ways this could have gone wrong, either an inner party tattled on them or they were not properly prepared before they began the journey. A lot of life has been lost on this cause, both the old and the young ones