
My Overpowered Chaotic Hero System

now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your viewing pleasure. " I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasi
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53 Chs

Chapter 7. Miles first system quest

The flame parade had begun and the air around the festival was getting more tense by the minute noticeable to only but a few .

"And now it is time for the achievement ceremony" , The village chief declared.

"This is to honor those who have showed great achievement towards the Liegae village" .

"For ensuring the security of the village even while others where sleeping , and risking his life to protect the gates of the city" .

" Vorga

The village gate keeper".

He came to the center of the stage to receive his reward while receiving applause from the crowd

"For taking care of all the pregnant mothers and nursing Mother".

" Gilda

The village head nurse"

The crowd was filled with applause as she collected her reward.


Meanwhile Louis came over to meet Miles .

"Well well well if it isn't the infamous and pathetic weak bones ", Louis said trying to annoy Miles

" I didn't think you where going to show your disgusting face here , could it be that you actually want me to put you right were you belong in the contest" . Louis stated

"Or could it be are you trying to put on a front for Sheila by coming here , well let me tell you something , she's not for the likes of you , but unlike you am a Squire under Baron barley's banner and in a couple more years I would be a knight , so as a future knight of the kingdom it is only fair she becomes mine and mine alone, she shouldn't even associate with trash like you so you better snap out of your pipe dream loser ". Louis stated and turned to leave.

'After the contest you are going to be so scared of me you are not even going to be able to come out of your house.'Miles taught and let out a little smile.

Meanwhile in another part of the festival Brenn was busy going through the plan with all his gang member they where about 20 in numbers and they all had one thing in mind to teach Miles a lesson.

" I believe you all know what the plan is today , we are to here teach Miles why we are not to be messed with , we are here to beat some sense into Miles who dared to humiliate me , you all know the plan if you don't speak know and let me explain". Brenn stated

"Yeah I have a question , we are almost 20 going after a single person not to mention the weakest in the village don't you think it is a little to much, "Molad one of the members asked.

" You idiot weren't you listening while I was explaining , ten of you will stand guard to make sure no one intervene and he doesn't escape when we are dealing with him , five of you will participate in the contest while serving as back up in case anything happen , while the rest of us will teach him a lesson , now do you understand "? Brenn asked furiously

"Ye.. yes boss" , Molad said stuttering out of fear.

"And now its time for the maiden dance" , the Village chief announced.

cheers could be heard coming from the crowd especially the boys , And the tension finally started to die down a little , But watching the dance Miles couldn't control the anger inside him.

"How dare her dance so innocently even when she is no longer pure and after breaking my heart , to think I once loved you ". Miles thought.

After the dance it was time for the Strength contest , the tension which was dropping little by little had increased and everyone eyes where focused on the participants on the stage , The stage was made with strong woods big enough to contain over 200 people so it easily contained 100 youth, the contest had begun but what shocked everyone was that some contestant were not doing anything but seemed to be guarding a specific area not allowing anybody to pass and anybody to leave.

Miles watched as some of the boys blocked the area he was in , they seemed to be stopping anybody from entering or leaving.

"what the heck are they doing is that a battle formation". Miles couldn't help but think when suddenly he heard a voice.

" I bet you haven't figured it out yet right ", Brenn said and laughed.

"You see this is a little something I like to call payback for what you did to me I bet you are already regretting it now right". Brenn said and instructed some of the boys to follow him and walked to where Miles stood.

" So you were so afraid of me that you brought a bunch of your friend for payback right". Miles was still talking when he received a notification.

[ Hostile intent detected ]

[Emergency quest available]


Defeat all the enemies


Level up × 5

New stat

New skill

' What an emergency quest I have never heard of this before but it sure gives good rewards' Miles thought unknowingly smiling.

" Hey what are you smiling about am going to teach you a lesson get him ", Brenn and his gang charged at Miles.

Miles didn't bother to check their Might because he knew they where all weak.

They charged at Miles but they were just to slow for Miles incredible speed.

Woosh ,Woosh ,Woosh

"What are you guys doing can't you even hit him "? Brenn asked furiously.

Bam , Thud , "arrghh".

Different sounds could be heard as Miles made quick work of them but he mad sure to only use a tiny portion of his strength if not he could kill them.

"What the heck are you guys kidding me ." Brenn exclaimed out of shock.

"What are you all waiting for all of you attack him at once their is no way he can take us out together " . Brenn ordered .

All his gang Member charged at Miles but they were easily defeated, the villagers couldn't believe their eyes.

" Are you seeing what I am seeing that boy just beat more than 20 boys like it was nothing" , one of the villagers exclaimed in shock.

" I wonder what his parents are feeding him for him to be that strong ".

Even Brenn couldn't believe his eyes.

" No stay away from me you monster." Brenn shouted the anger in his eyes had already changed to fear.

But the one who was shocked the most was Sheila.

'It can't be I must be imagining it there is no way it is possible Miles is the weakest in the village how come he beat them up like it was nothing' , Sheila stated out of shock

She had a nagging feeling in her heart but she didn't want to believe it because she will be devastated if it was true.