
My New Marvel Life

Seth McCauley, a "Marvel" nerd that was an ordinary person who hadn't done anything other than just live his life, never doing anything to make him stand out is given a chance to finally do something amazing. He is reincarnated in the MCU with all of his favorite characters with three wishes to change his fate and finally be someone that the world will remember forever NOTICE: I do not own Marvel or any of it's elements only the MC and my fanfic elements P.S. This is my first time writing a novel so I'd appreciate some feedback to how I can make it better

RJTStories · Seni bela diri
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33 Chs

Chapter 2. Meeting The One Above All

In an office, one that closely resembled Morgan Freeman's meeting with Jim Carrey as god, there was The One Above All. In the entire space there was only a white table and chair. The man himself, was sitting there trying to find ways to relieve his boredom by just watching Earth he decided to follow the life of a certain someone.

This person lived a remarkably ordinary life aside from the travels around the world they were not doing anything that would make them stand out among the masses, essentially if they were to die aside from close friends and family the world wouldn't even notice his absence then while he decided to casually glance again at their later life they did something that actually managed to surprise him. Something entirely out of character for the kind of person they seemed to be, almost as if there was an outside force pushing them towards a certain outcome, a certain destiny.

(AN:: I will be abbreviating The One Above All as TOAA)

Curious TOAA decided to step in to see what the future had in store for this specific person. Yes... This person was Seth, TOAA saw him in the black space, a space for those who aroused his curiosity. He'd meet them, if not out of a way to satiate his curiosity, then at least as a way to alleviate his boredom. So TOAA decided to meet Seth, and, in an attempt to try to scare the pants off his new guest, he made his voice echo through the darkness in a loud boom "OH WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE!? "

Seth jumped back at the sound. Although it was only now that he consciously realized that he didn't have a body, he seemed to only be able to see and hear. He looked towards where the voice sounded and what looked like an amalgamation of every different type of galaxy swirling inside an illusionary body. It was at least 100 meters tall with no visible facial features, it seemed that the voice was transmitted right into his mind, speaking to him telepathically, which is why he received the "jump scare."

Seth looked at what he surmised to be the face of the body and asked in a slightly nervous voice "W-w-who are you?" The body seemed to shrink to Seth's eye level. And expecting shock and awe it said,

"I am The One Above All."

"Who???" Seth said. He only really knew the MCU version of Marvel. Afterall, he barely read any of the comics. Any extra info he gained could be attributed to all the die-hard Marvel fanatics he hung out with.

TOAA frowned.

"How do you not know who I am? I have watched your life, I know that you have read the Marvel Comics?!?! "

"Sorry I didn't pay much attention when I was reading the comics, mostly reading them to pass the time. I only really know the MCU."

"Wait! The One Above All? I remember my friend talking about you. You're the overlord of all of the Marvel Universe, the Big Boss or something"

TOAA responded smugly, " Hmmph, I knew you would recognize my overwhelming majesty"

Seth then asked the question plaguing him since his arrival into the dark space. "So where exactly am I?"

"You are in a separate pocket dimension I created to meet curious individuals"

["Curious individual? How am i a curiosity? I'm entirely unremarkable I haven't done anything worth being noticed by a crazy powerful being like TOAA"]

"Exactly, you haven't done anything remarkable your entire life so that begs the question why would someone who has not even lived their life that much, all the sudden decide to risk theirs to save someone they don't even know? "

"Wait you can hear my thoughts?!?! "

"We are speaking mind to mind I don't really need to read your mind, I am omniscient after all. Although i don't have my omniscience active all the time, as it is boring to know everything, which is why finding something I don't know even while it was active so shocking. But in short, yes, I can hear the thoughts at the forefront of your mind without even trying"

"Oh, okay so you want to know why I saved that random family? Hmmm, If I'm being totally honest I have no idea it's as if someone told me I had to save them, I can't really explain it"

*Chuckles* -Author

"Huh, well regardless I will find out later what happened. For now, since I have taken an interest in you and pulled you from where your soul would have originally gone I shall let you reincarnate into the MCU (well at least a version of it) you love. So what do you thi....." TOAA started while having a mischievous thought.

Seth interrupted him and said "Say no more, i'm in."

TOAA paused, then continued "Very well, as you already know normal humans don't survive very long in the Marvel Universe so I will give you three wishes, one for each of the lives you saved by sacrificing yours."

Seth stopped to ponder what he wanted to wish for he had some ideas to make him insanely OP but since he has to leave his old world behind he might as well do something nice for his old world especially his family so he looked at TOAA and said

"My first wish is that all corruption in my old world is taken care of at the highest levels and that my family will be able to get over my death in a healthy manner, this would hopefully help them to become even more connected through my death and closer as a family."

Seth thought about his wish and felt that his family will have that connection that had dwindled through the years back to what it once was and their world will be a safer place for them.

TOAA looked at Seth deep in thought.

"That is technically more than one wish, but why not? And since I am feeling generous I will grant that wish for free. You still have your three wishes."

Seth didn't think his wish was actually more than one until he looked at it from another perspective, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth so he decided to say his first two wishes he had in mind while thinking of his third.

"For my new first wish, I wish for all the abilities that come with taking NZT in Limitless with none of the side effects while able to retain all my memories from my past with all the MCU knowledge intact"

["With my knowledge of martial arts combined with NZT it will be at least an easier beginning"]

"Again that is technically more than one wish, but i was going to allow you to keep your memories as you don't have that extensive of knowledge of Marvel Comics anyways. Very Well, that is fine. What about your second"

"Second I want the ability of Peter Petrelli's empathic Mimicry from Heroes with the full knowledge of how to use the power."

"Good, with that combination I can see It will be very entertaining to see how you will affect the world. and since it won't cost me anything I will give you the ability to choose your body and it won't change from what you've set it as aside from normal growth."


"Say your last wish I am very eager to see how you will change things in your new world"

"For my last wish I want the ability of Adaptive Physiology"

"HAHAHA... Very good, this is getting even more interesting. But i will only be giving you a very basic form of Adaptive Physiology. Essentially your body will always retain it's best state and if you were to expose your body to stimuli it would only be beneficial to you and your physiology will be improved if needed. Alright last thing is to choose your new body's looks and information for your new life."

After TOAA said that, a character creation screen popped up in front of Seth he chose to have his body look like a combination between Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and Aquaman, and had the face of a young man of Nordic descent with Ice Blue eyes. He didn't forget about his little brother, he made him well above average hehehe.

He decided to have his age as 25 when he reincarnated and his body will eventually reach the peak looks wise as he had it set up as he gets older. Seth also decided to have him go to Empire University with Peter Parker and he wanted to be an orphan with a billion dollars left from his parents he didn't want to have different parents out of respect for his parents of his old world.

Seth then turned to TOAA "There I have finished my character creation."

TOAA looked at him and thought to himself ["This kid... I can't wait to see what he will do"]

"Perfect, I will take care of paperwork so when you arrive it will be as if you were born in the world originally."

"I appreciate that as I didn't even think about that."

TOAA waved his illusionary hand and a portal opened up and said "Good luck, I will be watching your career with great interest." Seth said his thanks and walked through the portal to begin his second life, it'll definitely be exciting.

I have made changes to this chapter from when i first made it. This chapter already had to be re-uploaded to a technical issue with Webnovel, so let me know what you think.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

RJTStoriescreators' thoughts