
My Neighbor’s Dirty Secret

Who knew a package could change someone’s life? Inside the box, contained her neighbor’s dirty secret. A secret that would change her life forever. Warning: Mature and threesomes.

valeriex · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs

Strange Flashy Man

In Rhea's view, her sex crazed neighbors have leveled up from 'decent' to 'angels'. The sex crazed twins were god's loved ones. Now she felt as if she should worship them so that their sparkling brightness could stop blinding her. Also, so that her heart could stop hurting like crazy. She wanted to please their souls that kept haunting her being.

Now, Rhea was a lot of strange and crazy but she hadn't reached extreme crazy until this exact point in her life. Rhea was going so out of her mind that she built a small shrine and knitted tiny dolls that looked like Aziel and Zeven! She kneeled in front of the shrine. Tiny Aziel and Zeven were in both of her hands. If anyone saw her right now, they would think she was trying to put some voodoo doll curse on the twins.

Rhea positioned the dolls toward her. She was trying to re enact the events that occurred which prompted that strange feeling inside of her.

"Hey you, sign my book," she mimicked Zeven's voice as she waved his doll like he would be talking.

Then she mimicked Aziel's voice and waved his doll around. "Sign ALL of my books."

"Please go into the very back of the line," Rhea role played as herself.

"...Oh what? Thank you fans for letting us go first. But wait Zeven, I must challenge you to a stupid challenge to see who can have her signatures first!"

"Fine. Suit yourself Aziel."

"Haha! I won Zeven. And Ms. Wolfe, now that you've signed my books, I'm going to kiss your hand without permission."

Rhea acted as herself again while Aziel's doll went to her hand. "Excuse me!..."

At this point in time when Aziel kissed her hand and then Zeven followed suit after, that was the first sign of her heart problems surfacing. Before Rhea could continue with her roleplaying, the door slowly creaked open. She looked back and found the familiar tiger mask peaking from behind the door.

"...R-Rhea, what are you doing with that shrine in your room?" Damien's voice echoed inside her dark room. "Ah! And why are you also holding those creepy looking dolls in your hands..."

She quickly shoved the dolls inside the shrine box. Rhea cleared her throat and violently shook her head to hide the dolls who were in fact her damn neighbors, "M-My doctor recommended I start a new hobby whenever I feel anxious...so I started praying more and making dolls, that's all!..."

"Er okay!" he innocently went along with her explanation. "But Rhea I'm bored, can't we go and play with the twins?"

The twins had seduced her nephew into thinking they were cool adults. More like, lewd angels that Rhea didn't particularly want him associating with.

Rhea sighed and shook her head almost too violently. "Damien, I understand you like them but we can't just bother others as I'm sure they have their own lives and things to do."

More like, Rhea didn't want to be blinded again and shrivel away to dark dust. There was already enough unwanted excitement to last a lifetime. No need to see them again and experience more anxiety.

Damien seemed dejected but he never whined or complained if things never went his way. "Aw bummer, okay Rhea. I'll go and do more homework. Also, I can prepare dinner today too."

Rhea walked over to Damien and smiled. "Hmm? You...Prepare dinner?"

He eagerly nodded. "Yes! Mom is rarely home and sometimes is drained when she has to cook for me even when she's home so I've been secretly practicing to make her proud of me."

Rhea's heart warmed for he was always thinking about others and had this trait where he liked to care for everyone. And even now as she was huddled inside her room full of anxiety, little Damien was trying his best to take care of Rhea. She pat him on the head because he was too precious and good for this world.

"Oh Damien, I'm sure she's going to be very proud and I'd love to taste your cooking!"

"Hehe. Okay and I actually wanted to tell you something which is why I barged in..."


"...Outside...There's actually some strange flashy man pacing outside the condo. I hear him pacing back and forth and whispering to himself."

A strange flashy man pacing outside the condo? She frowned. Rhea told Damien to remain far from the door as she went to peek through the eyehole. And sure enough just like Damien had described, there was a flashy man outside of the condo. He was pacing back and forth in the hallway.

The flashy man had a long dark coat with large brown faux fur at the edges from the shoulder all the way down to the lower corners of the coat. He wore this dark v neck that exposed majority of his abs. Dark shades blocked most of his features so she couldn't really tell much about him other than his flashiness and various earrings visible from his nose, lip, and ears.

She slowly creaked the door open and almost hissed at him, disliking that he was spooking her poor nephew.

"Sir...Could you refrain from pacing in the hallway, whispering loud, and disturbing other's peace?"

"Wah! Scary!" he shouted, watching as her gloomy dark figure appeared from out of nowhere.

Rhea's eyes glowered at him from behind the door. "Grr, I'd appreciate it and have a good day..."

Before she could shut the door on the flashy man, his hand held onto the door. She narrowed her eyes at his hand. Clearly, everything about him screamed stranger danger! She tried hard to close it and almost like deja vu, she was reminded of how she experienced this particular scene with the twins.

The flashy man was persistent and wouldn't let her shut the door at all!

The world is so depressing but cheer up everyone!

valeriexcreators' thoughts