
Exam time

The week for exam came,I was so prepare for the paper we were suppose to have,which was data processing. The paper was already over when all of a sudden a fight started in my class between two girls Providence and Deborah,I really don't know the reason but through the rumors I heard was that Providence started it for no possible reason well I haven't found out the main cause yet,it started with quarrel,different kind of insults,out of nowhere a slap landed on Deborah face which was really hot,Providence got angry because Deborah called her a slut. I didn't really care about their fight so I left the scene for the physics lab,when I was on my way to the class I sighted them in principal office so rushed to meet Bunmi,asking for the full gist suddenly I remembered that she was not there from the start so I asked Ella,she started narrating how it started.

This was how it happened ooo, Providence left her seat to go join Somto and Chidera in their conversation some minutes later she was called our English teacher who needed something from her but when she got back Deborah was already on chair sitting comfortably, she asked Deborah to get up from her chair but Deborah insisted that she goes some else that this wasn't her seat and she didn't see anyone on the that it was empty when she came here,Providence became so annoyed,she asked her again "Deborah can u please get up?" M sorry but I can not replied Deborah,Providence asked again but this time around she ignored her. Providence couldn't stand her anymore so she pushed her to the ground which made Deborah to get angry and that was how it started. l laughed for a while then got myself,Rachael why are you laughing asked Bunmi,can't you see that it was because of that boy named Somto they fought all in the name of being so close to him, Thank God people were able to separate them if not they would have kill themselves I replied,yeah you have a point there but that fight wasn't necessary because the boy they fought over was less concern,he acted as if he didn't care, he just stood at a corner and stared at them Ella added. Like If I know say na wetin him go do, I hissed and walked away. We had all our papers that week and collected our report card the next week.